Search results

  1. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed getWorkshed() (and get_workshed()) fail explosively when you have no workshed

    I came here for the explosion and now I'm disappointed.
  2. Crowther

    Feature - Implemented property or function to detect when in a casual ascension

    I think your 1-day casual idea might be right, because why would the property start with an underscore?
  3. Crowther

    Using Modifier Maximizer for elemental damage

    For me the easiest way to find a modifier like this is "modtrace stench" in the gCLI.
  4. Crowther

    Safer BHH

    My first relay script and very tiny. A couple of clannies were complaining that the button for giving up a Bounty Hunter Hunter quest looks too much line the one that start a quest. Just put this little script in your relay directory and it will change the rejection box contents to a lowercase x.
  5. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed Guzzlr Platinum Drinks not tracked properly

    I've seen "(unknown item -1) (-1)" in the gCLI, but I can't find it in my session logs.
  6. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed QuantumTerrariumRequest recursive infinite loop

    I'm having this problem with 20728. Worked fine until the Melodramadery showed up.
  7. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed "svn update" does not move files in local copy

    Just a side note: You can request "phil.ash" instead of just "phil" if you want to force KoLmafia to use the ash version.
  8. Crowther

    Buff request & volcano mission

    For the second part you want autoVolcano.ash.
  9. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented IOTM - May 2021 - Shortest-Order Cook

    Results for Shorter-Order Cook after 10 trials using 120 turns...
  10. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented IOTM - May 2021 - Shortest-Order Cook

    I don't have turns for the arena, but here is the info for the item, the familiar, a potion and the potion's effect. Familiar weight gain messages. It gives weight to the previous familiar, even if that familiar wasn't used in combat. Gruddeus shouts "Order up! Hipster mothers sunny side up...
  11. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer gives a meat cost for cargo effect

    It looks like when there are multiple sources for the same effect, the maximizer will give the cargo effect a meat costs from the previous source. I'd also like to nominate this post for most trivial bug of the year.
  12. Crowther

    Feature - Implemented Terminal color output

    This would have been great a decade ago when I was playing KoL from a remote location over a shared geosynchronous satellite connection by ssh to my home computer where KoLmafia was running. I'm glad I'm not doing that any more.
  13. Crowther

    Bug - Not A Bug Store Manager Low Price?

    KoL bug, not a mafia bug. That low priced item is on a banned account.
  14. Crowther

    Bug - Fixed Fleetwood mac 'n' cheese takes adventures

    The recipe is a bit unique. "A few items (as in one, currently), requires Pastamastery to cook, but does not use a dry noodle as an ingredient." Since it doesn't use a fancy ingredient, like dry noodles, it doesn't cost...
  15. Crowther

    New Content IOTM - March 2021 - Power Seed

    I know I missed a few. It looks almost like each AAA battery counts as one and they add up.
  16. Crowther

    New Content IOTM - March 2021 - Power Seed

    Things I've found so far. I left the crafting recipes in the attachment too.
  17. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented You, Robot - Spring Challenge Path

    You can play You, Robot without standard restrictions by finishing ronin.
  18. Crowther

    New Content - Implemented You, Robot - Spring Challenge Path

    Now I feel silly. The error message clearly tells me I was asking for the wrong item.