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  1. P

    New Content - Implemented Deck of Every Card

    Eh, that's kind of a bit too wide, no? I mean, there's not a single item in the drop-down that's wider than "Deck of every card: ". As it is now, the card-count is almost entirely out of frame on the default panel on Windows, and I know it'll be a lot further out on my Linux machine (which I...
  2. P

    Bug - Fixed Potential tool drop for gremlin not shown in the relay browser

    I'm going on vacation soon, so I likely won't be ascending until mid-September, either. I'll check back on this thread when I get to the zone next, if nobody's beaten me to it.
  3. P

    Bug - Fixed Potential tool drop for gremlin not shown in the relay browser

    Hmm, but don't we get the monster ID from the rain-fax drop-down? Or does that use some other means of requesting a monster.
  4. P

    Bug - Fixed Potential tool drop for gremlin not shown in the relay browser

    That might hit a snag with how the decorate function is called in if ( monsterName.endsWith( "gremlin" ) ) { IslandDecorator.decorateGremlinFight( monsterName, buffer ); }
  5. P

    Bug - Fixed Potential tool drop for gremlin not shown in the relay browser

    Oh yes, if I waited for it to either show or not show a tool, I got the appropriate decorations.
  6. P

    Bug - Fixed Potential tool drop for gremlin not shown in the relay browser

    I see that the gremlin zones now have "X gremlin" and "X gremlin (tool)" listed as possible monsters, and only the latter has the specific tool listed as a drop. However, as mafia can't immediately determine which it is, it goes with the first. This means that the potential tool it can drop is...
  7. P

    New Content - Implemented August 2015 Item of the Month: airplane charter: That 70's Volcano

    The multiuse recipe for "smooth velvet bra" (3 unsmoothed velvet) seems to be missing from concoctions.txt.
  8. P

    New Content - Implemented Deck of Every Card

    I actually had that to begin with, but found that it pushed the card draw count out of view with the default settings on my Linux machine, so I went with something shorter. I don't mind either way, though. If it keeps bothering me, I can just change it to what I want with a small personal...
  9. P

    New Content - Implemented Deck of Every Card

    The daily deed is pretty much nothing more than an interface to the "play" command. If you draw outside the deed, _deckCardsDrawn will change and any daily deeds panels that may be open will update the cards drawn count and reset the selection. If no such panels are active, I guess ... nothing...
  10. P

    New Content - Implemented August 2015 Item of the Month: airplane charter: That 70's Volcano

    I wouldn't say that's important, but being able to put it in a CCS and having mafia log it correctly is. For that it needs a line in classskills.txt
  11. P

    New Content - Implemented August 2015 Item of the Month: airplane charter: That 70's Volcano

    There's a new (presumably) non-permable combat skill from having Burning Tongue active. "Spit Fireballs", skill #7253, 0 MP once/combat.
  12. P

    New Content - Implemented Deck of Every Card

    I like the play/cheat command, but I'm having a hard time remembering some of the names, so I wrote a Daily Deed for the deck. The code is more or less based on the drop-down for the clan shower, the cards are grouped by type, and their tool-tip summarizes what they actually do. Oh, BTW, the...
  13. P

    Bug - Fixed Slime Tube Slimes not disambiguated

    I'm getting no in-fight monster data for the slime tube slimes, and my CCS that handles the different levels in different ways uses the default section (which fortunately just aborts). Looks like they're being disambiguated in with this line: image.startsWith( "slime" ) ...
  14. P

    Bug - Fixed starter weapon not removed when you get Epic Weapon

    Looks fixed: > inv saucepan chintzy saucepan earring chocolate saucepan (71) saucepan (180) Saucepanic (12) Encounter: Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here Encounter: Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here You acquire an item: 5-Alarm Saucepan > inv saucepan 5-Alarm Saucepan chintzy saucepan...
  15. P

    Bug - Fixed starter weapon not removed when you get Epic Weapon

    I just did that part of the quest with r16075, and the starter weapon was not removed from mafia's inventory: > inv disco ball chintzy disco ball pendant (12) chocolate disco ball (81) disco ball (135) unusual disco ball (37) Encounter: Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here You acquire an item...
  16. P

    Feature Log whatever schrodinger's thermos or quantum taco turned into when consumed

    But you're not actually told what it turns into, are you? I thought the thermos/taco only showed you the consumption message, image, and gains. Of course, mafia *could* maybe detect that you were about to consume one of those, load up your consumption list, use the thermos/taco, then compare...
  17. P

    Feature - Implemented Make fixed list of modifier maximizer strings configurable

    Closing the maximizer panel would be a way ... and it just occurred to me that it is possible to put that panel onto the main interface as a tab ... that would make reloading it quite difficult, yes.
  18. P

    Bug - Not A Bug SVN: Connection refused by server

    Not a mafia bug, SourceForge is down. Only 4 out of 79 scripts are not hosted on SourceForge, and mafia itself also has its code repository there.
  19. P

    Bug - Fixed Wiki link for blackberry polite points to the wrong page

    Looks like checks if an item has an effect with the same name, by using EffectDatabase.contains(), but that one (when called with a string, as it is here) calls the version of EffectDatabase.getEffectId() that is not looking for an exact match. Since the effect of the...
  20. P

    Bug - Fixed Can't log in with r16064

    That did the trick for me (on both Linux and Windows).