Search results

  1. P

    Feature - Implemented Auto-equip mafia pinky ring when appropriate

    Oh, it seems it was not the drinking from the CLI that was the issue, but that the mime army shotglass was active for that one booze. As far as I can tell, the bonus is still applied despite being 0 effective drunkenness, so ring needs to be equipped.
  2. P

    Feature - Implemented Auto-equip mafia pinky ring when appropriate

    Worked for drinking through the item manager, but not when drinking through the CLI. In CLI: > drink sacramento wine Drinking 1 Sacramento wine... You gain 5 Adventures You gain 12 Fortitude You gain 28 Magicalness You gain 47 Roguishness You acquire an effect: Sacré Mental (50) Finished...
  3. P

    New Content - Implemented Feb 2018 IotM - Fortune Teller (Clan VIP room)

    This is still an issue, and it's causing buff balancing to be way off. Changing duration from 0 to 5 in in src/data/classskills.txt seems to fix this.
  4. P

    Bug - Fixed Eagle's milk gives 3-4 adventures

    src/data/fullness.txt currently lists it as 4 adventures.
  5. P

    Bug - Fixed _raindohCopiesMade no longer being updated.

    Possibly related, putty uses were not updated, and neither was the time spinner minutes for adventures way back in time.
  6. P

    Bug - Fixed Mafia doesn't remember I ice housed something

    That appeared to do the trick. At least, the ice house banish is still listed today. Presumably it'll also work after ascension, but I don't know when I'll get around to that.
  7. P

    Bug - Fixed Mafia doesn't remember I ice housed something

    For a long time, the monster in the ice house remained in banishedMonsters across rollover and ascension. Recently I've noticed this was cleared every rollover, so I have to go look at the ice house for mafia to pick it up again.
  8. P

    Feature - Implemented Track Mafia thumb ring gained adventures

    There's still a tab/space issue in defaults.txt. Between _mafiaThumbRingAdvs and 0 is a space.
  9. P

    Feature - Implemented Track Mafia thumb ring gained adventures

    The defaults.txt file has spaces instead of tabs for _mafiaMiddleFingerRingUsed and _mafiaThumbRingAdvs, so they're not parsed right.
  10. P

    Feature - Rejected Spacegate Buff Daily Deed

    While it would be convenient to have it built in, I found it sufficient to make a custom deed like this: $CUSTOM|Combo|Vaccine|_spacegateVaccine|$ITEM|+3 all res|false|spacegate vaccine 1|$ITEM|+50% all stat|false|spacegate vaccine 2|$ITEM|+30 ML|false|spacegate vaccine 3
  11. P

    Bug Nemesis assassin timer not working for b?arnaise zombie

    I've noticed that the nemesis assassin window timers didn't get set when encountering the b?arnaise zombie. It looks like the code tries to match on "béarnaise zombie", but é isn't in the UFT-8 encoded HTML: <td valign=center>You're fighting <span id='monname'>a b?arnaise zombie</span>
  12. P

    Bug - Not A Bug 1st use of "Again" button in A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters sending me to Forest Villag

    This is something that happens because of native KoL. Fighting the tentacle in the village seems to set the last location to there, but it doesn't necessarily trigger right away. One way of forcing it to happen is to visit the post-quest overgrown shrine and exit it turn-free. I've gotten...
  13. P

    Bug Relay CLI commands URL decoded twice

    In line 2829, commands submitted from e.g. cli.html are URL decoded. However, the command is already URL decoded in line 763. The most visible result is that expressions involving + can't be used in the relay browser CLI.
  14. P

    New Content - Implemented LI-11 Motor Pool voucher

    Heads up, AsdonMartinCommand was not committed, so the build is currently failing.
  15. P

    Java version requirements.

    After this change, I'm getting a compile error on Linux. Specifically, "unmappable character for enoding UTF-8" in lib/apple/dts/samplecode/osxadapter/ (the copyright symbol in the comment). It appears that this file is in the SVN encoded as ISO-8859. Saving it as UTF-8 fixes this.
  16. P

    New Content - Implemented Changed button text in Lights Out in the Library

    The button text in Lights Out in the Library has changed from "Go to the Childrens' Section" to "Go to the Children's Section", so mafia doesn't pick that choice when automating the Lights Out quest.
  17. P

    Bug - Fixed equip_all_familiars() does not respect "autoSatisfyWithCloset"

    I generally use my closet to store things I want mafia to ignore, so I have autoSatisfyWithCloset set to false. But today I noticed that equip_all_familiars() will take familiar equipment from the closet despite this.
  18. P

    New Content - Implemented Rethinking Candy

    Hmm, don't the prices only update when you log in? Then wouldn't this search everything if it's been more than an hour since you logged in? Allowing day-old prices seems like it wouldn't make all that much difference in displayed prices and reduce the number of searches for most people.
  19. P

    Bug - Fixed Unable to tell how many obsolete free pull items I have in storage, while in run

    Indeed. Anyway, the script I was trying to fix now does what I expected it to, so thanks.
  20. P

    Bug - Fixed Unable to tell how many obsolete free pull items I have in storage, while in run

    Ah, thought there was some reason behind that behaviour, since it's specifically noted here:,_Tricks_and_Workarounds#Free_Pulls