Currently, I am trying to figure out how to not have mafia abort when e.g. my garbage shirt breaks. From searching this forum a bit, it appears that what happens when breakable equipment breaks is determined by the setting "breakableHandling". For some items it is handled by looking at the...
I want to maximize primarily for item-drop, and when maximizing with the option to include pullable / buyable equipment in the check I get a few suggestions for improvements.
Now, I want to have an idea of how much meat I'll have to pay to include the suggested improvements in the outfit, so I...
After fighting an eldritch tentacle generated from eldritch attunement in e.g. the hidden bowling alley, the "again" button next to the combat bar leads back to the hidden city instead of to another adventure in the hidden bowling alley. Is there any chance you could make it adventure again in...
Is there any way to have a chatbot execute a function, say every 5 minutes or so, while also having it monitoring chat and possibly execute other functions based on what's happening there?
Could you add spoilers for which monsters the different votes lead to? It doesn't look like it is completely spaded yet, judging by the wiki (, but it would be useful for not having to look up that page in order to decide what monster I...
I have this small script, which is supposed to run my god lobster fights for me:
boolean god_lobster_fights(int fights_to_run) {
familiar fam = my_familiar();
int i = 0;
if (use_familiar($familiar[god lobster])) {
while (to_int(get_property("_godLobsterFights")) < 3 &&...
I tried entering the Secret Government Laboratory in order to get the personal ventilation unit for further adventuring there. Upon clicking on its image in the relay browser, I got the loading symbol in the browser, but nothing happened. Logging out of mafia, and trying to enter using vanilla...
The last couple of days, whenever I try to open a downloaded daily build from the download bar in my browser. I get a security warning:
It basically says something like "kolmafia.jar is a program file, and can contain viruses and stuff. Are you sure you want to open it?"
Needless to say I do...
If I want to have a bot who checks who comes and goes into the clan and announce it in chat, I guess there is no way to do this but to parse the clan activity log every few minutes?
Could there be an auto-abort of the sort "there is nothing more to do in this area" once you encounter the Party's Over noncombat (choiceadv 1323, I believe). I had set mafia up to adventure in the Neverending Party for the rest of my adventures, and once it hit that adventure, it continued...
As far as I can tell, there is still no fold function in ash. I'd appreciate it if one got implemented, but if there is not much interest for it, I'll just use a cli_execute, or something like what Bale posted early in this thread.
If I understand you correctly, I need to change
"On The Trail alias:"", style:"font-weight:bold""
to something like
"On The Trail alias:"", style:"background-color:#D7D7FF;color:#007C29;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold""?
A thing I'd love to see in the script (it may already be there, if it is I'd be really grateful if someone enlightens me on how to include it in my layout) - highlighting certain effects in the effects block, similar to how e.g. upcoming digitizations are highlighted. More specifically I often...