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  1. snooty

    Slime vial recipes

    Oops! No one could possibly thank you enough for sharing all your hard work, Veracity, but I've stumbled onto this little error while trying to run the vials-trophy.ash script. I've got 91 of each vial, am I missing something? Function 'craft( string, int, item, item )' undefined...
  2. snooty

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    'Apparently there's some kind of fatal error on line 86 in the version I have. Once I deleted this line... item_turnin(0 $item("Lockenstock")); it seemed to function normally, yay! Thanks guys :)
  3. snooty

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    > zlib ocw_warplan = fastest No setting named 'ocw_warplan' exists. > call scripts\wossname\Wossname.ash Expected ), found $ (Wossname.ash, line 86) There was nothing even remotely similar to "warplan" in my vars_myname.txt file, I added it, same response, added the plan name to...
  4. snooty

    Gong - Bird Form - Cli scripts...

    Actually, your "clunky" cli script works perfectly. I tested a loop of 10 yesterday with no problems. The issue must have been with an old build. Thanks for posting this :)
  5. snooty

    Modified mushroom script to produce 3rd +4th gen crop

    Correct, except it's a 4x4 plot, so... 1234 5678 9 - 12 13 - 16
  6. snooty

    Gong - Bird Form - Cli scripts...

    At the time, I don't recall. Currently, r6320. I'll try cutting it up to a single instance script. Maybe the failure came in trying to loop it all together in an entire day's worth of advs? ETA: If I run a single instance of the script it does indeed work properly.
  7. snooty

    Gong - Bird Form - Cli scripts...

    For some reason, this doesn't work for me. Mafia will use one gong, adventure, collect the feather, but then fails to use a gong. It will continue trying to adventure in the selected location without birdform while attempting to use the skill. I'm wondering if this works successfully for you...
  8. snooty

    Modified mushroom script to produce 3rd +4th gen crop

    Gloomies plucked, something new planted...looks like it worked properly for me, thanks again!
  9. snooty

    Modified mushroom script to produce 3rd +4th gen crop

    I also encountered the same situation, thanks for the fix, Sandiman! Also, I've posted a link to this thread in our clan forum, hope you don't mind :)
  10. snooty

    Modified mushroom script to produce 3rd +4th gen crop

    I recently tested the OP's script on a multi, the initial 11 days (from the first muscle day) were successful, and today I harvested my 8 gloomies. When mus days roll around again, I'll also test Sandiman's script and indicated adjustments. Thanks much for your efforts, both of you!