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  1. L

    Skill/CS planner

    Note: I am aware of the new Raffle Prizes. Since it is very likely to be a larger sequence, I am holding off on any updates until I get a clearer understanding of what is in store. My personal copy of the map file is being updated and the pastebin will be finished as soon as we get a picture of...
  2. L

    New Content - Implemented Snake Oiler - Relay Browser custom buttons - 'Steal' appears and is grayed out

    As a Snake Oiler, a moxie class, I don't have access to picking pockets, but the relay browser's custom buttons seem to assume I have access to Pick Pocket, as it presents to me the skill of 'Steal' (which, as I don't actually have that skill, is grayed out). I'm assuming that Mafia is...
  3. L

    Bug - Fixed 'acquire' wads in aftercore Cow Puncher tries to craft a wad

    Sadly, I'm a Snake Oiler now. Next time I'm a Cow Puncher I'll be able to test this.
  4. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Yay! Happy to have inadvertently helped with invisible bugs!
  5. L

    OCD Inventory control

    Yeah, it's weird! I wish I knew more about coding so I could help.
  6. L

    Bug - Fixed 'acquire' wads in aftercore Cow Puncher tries to craft a wad

    Sounds logical. Also good for those of us who might not bother to open the guild (Although I usually do).
  7. L

    Bug - Fixed 'acquire' wads in aftercore Cow Puncher tries to craft a wad

    I'm a Cow Puncher, and I'm in aftercore. And when I try to 'acquire' a hot wad, it tries to craft it from nuggets, which of course is impossible for me as a Cow Puncher because I have no access to the guild or the malus of forethought. And it just aborts, and doesn't even try to go to the...
  8. L

    OCD Inventory control

    For some reason, this script will not allow me to craft stench nuggets into a stench wad. Same with sleaze nuggets. "craft into a..." is not a possibility.
  9. L

    Bug - Fixed VIP hot dogs are no longer standard-legal but the maximizer doesn't know this

    Oops, looked like I missed a previous bug report. Thanks for the fix!
  10. L

    Skill/CS planner

    Added the three new Avatar of West of Loathing class tattoo placeholders. Note that the link is Also copying the known bugs to keep them in public view, in case the developer comes back: (Sent a forum mail and a kmail. No hope for a response given the last login...
  11. L

    Bug - Fixed VIP hot dogs are no longer standard-legal but the maximizer doesn't know this

    while under standard restrictions, maximizer suggests hot dogs from hot dog cart Since the VIP Hot Dogs are out of Standard, in theory the maximizer shouldn't be telling me to eat a hot dog? But KoL doesn't list the dogs from the Stand in the standard list. Is this a bug report for KoL, or Mafia?
  12. L

    New Content - Implemented West of Loathing - 2016 Spring Challenge!

    Please update the organ sizes to 10 each. It's messing with my head. (Much appreciated on the work that's already been done)
  13. L

    Skill/CS planner

    Known bug listing: I have every single Bookshelf skill. It only recognizes the Librams I have. The Look Ma, No Pants! trophy is still showing up as unavailable even when people have them. Updated 2/12/2016. Anyone have anything else to add to this?
  14. L

    volcano_mining.ash - Automate mining of the Velvet/Gold Mine at That 70s Volcano

    For some reason, this threw this error on me: Script execution aborted (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sourceforge/kolmafia/webui/MineDecorator): (volcano_mining.ash, line 427) (Restarting fixed this error)
  15. L

    Skill/CS planner

    Hm. Once you have it, it shouldn't be outlined as unobtainable. Because you have it. I also have it and I see the behaviour you're describing. I just tested and changed the planner.txt to make the trophy accessible, and it still isn't detecting that I have it. ETA: Now I have tested with...
  16. L

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    Unknown location: Gotpork Gardens Cemetery (zone: Center Park (Low Crime)) Unknown location: Gotpork Conservatory of Flowers (zone: Center Park (Low Crime)) Please report this missing location here: Please report this missing location...
  17. L

    Skill/CS planner

    Added the Restless Cow Skull familiar.
  18. L

    Bug - Not A Bug Clownosity Maximizer

    Since I fucked up and faceplanted on reporting this "bug", I'll leave it up to someone better suited to request a feature.
  19. L

    Bug - Not A Bug Clownosity Maximizer

    I don't have you on ignore. I must have missed those questions. My bad.
  20. L

    Bug - Not A Bug Clownosity Maximizer This is what has happened the past few times I try to maximize my clownosity over the past month. As you can see from the screenshot, my actual clownosity is 4/4 (so Mafia is calculating it right). but the Maximizer says my "best score" is 1, and my "current score" is 1.