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  1. dangerpin

    Little Bug: Rainbow Gravitation

    Are you using daily build 6209 or later? I believe that this was fixed in 6209 Revision: 6209 Author: veracity0 Date: 12:16:26 PM, Friday, July 18, 2008 Message: Rainbow Gravitation can be cast 3 times a day and consumes wads when cast
  2. dangerpin

    Can't get to the ash function reference manual

    From the cli in mafia type "ashref" and enter.
  3. dangerpin


    One way to make sure the outfit is exactly the way you want it is to save your whole outfit in inventory, maybe with a name like battleready, then just put... cli_execute("outfit battleready"); ..into into your breakfast script if it is an ash script. My memory the hippy farm meat is that if...
  4. dangerpin

    Help: visit_url() for saying things in chat

    I seem to remember that scripting open chat is verboten, to avoid the possibility of using mafia to spam chat in any way. Even buffbots use private messages for chat replies. This may be outdated thinking, Hola has recently changed his stance on a number of things that were once off-limits...
  5. dangerpin


    Use the command "ashref" from the Command Line Interface. If you type "ashref spleen" it will show all the matching ash functions.
  6. dangerpin


    Ashref shows int my_spleen_use( ) int spleen_limit( )
  7. dangerpin

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Either hippy or fratboy depending on what outfit you were in when finishing it.
  8. dangerpin

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    I venture a guess that your optimal.txt wasn't writing properly. I have had times when I have had to run the script multiple times per session and over the course of several sessions to finish the quest and it should be saving the status of each attempt in the optimal.txt, in your case. If you...
  9. dangerpin

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    It looks like quite an amazing journey, hopefully we can get a sample of some of the music you are working on.
  10. dangerpin

    Main display/tab error.

    Yes, Camber, but he said he already went into the Prelogin/General/Preferences/Tabs configuration section and made sure that "adventure" was there and on top in the "startup in tabs" column. Normally that is all that is needed to fix your tab layout.
  11. dangerpin

    Checking if level 12 quest is completed

    This is how Zarqon does it in his Wossname.ash script. if (contains_text(visit_url("questlog.php?which=2"),"in the Great War.")) abort("You have already completed the Level 12 quest. You victor you."); Seems like a pretty smart way to do it.
  12. dangerpin

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Well, I would start by looking in your wossname.ash and looking for a line that looks a bit like this... string warplan = "optimal.txt It may not say optimal, it instead say, fastest or slowest or another variant. Then you need to look for the referenced txt file. If it is optimal, for...
  13. dangerpin

    macguffin.ash (a script in progress)

    There are some strange spacing issues with the last version of this script wherein some lines that I expect to be comments share a line with the end of a previous line of code, but the error points towards somewhere in here... boolean can_wear(item wearthis) { return (can_equip(wearthis) &&...
  14. dangerpin

    How do I call a .ccs from the CLI?

    To tell Mafia to use your consult script I believe is.. "set battleaction consult"
  15. dangerpin

    auto BHH and friends

    Others as in tebee, two posts before you in this very thread, with a possible workaround? Or the one with another possible workaround directly before your post? There was a server side (read Asymmetric Enterprises) change of the zones in the haunted wine cellar. Mafia had to make some changes...
  16. dangerpin

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    I'm not sure if this is being caused by some of the new server-side changes or something stupid I did, but when it runs out of turns in the middle of the hatchling chambers I get an infinite loop that locks up Mafia. It looks like this... Edited for less infinitey-ness. [2161] Hatching...
  17. dangerpin

    Help, Mafia quit on me.

    If you are going to use the daily builds then you might want to get in the habit of downloading the latest build in the event of sudden problems, at least for troubleshooting. I believe this was fixed in 6109 and forward. 6125, today's daily looks like it is chock full of update goodness, give...
  18. dangerpin

    Not! Solved: cursor skipping around in mall search

    Re: cursor skipping around in mall search 6116 I did not experience this issue. Running XP Pro SP2 Sun Java
  19. dangerpin

    Issues (Bugs?) using KOLmafia

    I think I can address the first one. It was decided that the generosity of the buffbots were getting abused as higher level characters that were no longer in Ronin were constantly requesting the "free buffs" daily instead of using the larger buff requests that they could easily afford. It was...
  20. dangerpin

    Help with have_equipped and equipped_item

    Fixed, well sort of fixed, thanks for the input. Edit* added clear counters Edit** added Epic Weapon 7/6/08