Search results

  1. ckb

    How to have a combat script/macro abort if a battle isn't finished fast enough?

    Ae you using KoL combat macros? If so, you can add aborts to the start of your macro, something like: "abort hppercentbelow 20; abort pastround 11; "
  2. ckb

    Dwarf Digit Code

    'pref lastdwarf' seems to have a lot of tracked dwarf stuff. Maybe 'lastDwarfDigitRunes' is what you are looking for?
  3. ckb

    .JAR file issue

    You might find this thread useful.
  4. ckb

    Is there a way to auto stop when picking up a brand new item?

    You might start y checking out You can then write an .ash script that runs after every adventures and set it as your Post-Adventure script (In the Mafia menu, choose General - > Preferences, then 'Automation') The script can be simple like...
  5. ckb

    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    Why do you need a git version? Also, you can check out Inventory WTF.
  6. ckb

    Bug - Not A Bug preferences>general>external programs question
  7. ckb

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    r26928: fix: NPE on unknown autumnaton location (ASH) by @midgleyc in #1268
  8. ckb

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    I had a problem where class java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLAdventure.getAdventureName()" because "adventure" is null This happened when calling get_autumnaton_locations() I think this is because my list of locations includes a new location [An...
  9. ckb

    Bug - Fixed Encounter Listing Double Counting

    Ahhh - great. Thanks Veracity.
  10. ckb

    Bug - Fixed Encounter Listing Double Counting

    I am tracking down an issues that appeared in a script of mine I have been using for years and I think it may be related to this change. it looks like some 'Encounters' that used to be recorded are no longer recorded. This is what it looks like before this change: [2424] The Tunnel of L.O.V.E...
  11. ckb

    Bug lynyrd snare fight is not in A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters?

    From case ItemPool.LYNYRD_SNARE: itemName = "lynyrd snare"; consumed = true; nextAdventure = "A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters"; Preferences.increment("_lynyrdSnareUses"); break; which seems to force the Location of lynyrd fights...
  12. ckb

    Bug - Fixed reloading page advances "_gingerbreadCityTurns"

    Confirmed this today, this occurs when refreshing the choice page for the first choice at Midnight too: [5140] Gingerbread Civic Center Encounter: gingerbread mad dog Preference _gingerbreadCityTurns changed from 13 to 14 [5140] Gingerbread Upscale Retail District Encounter: Upscale Midnight...
  13. ckb

    Bug - Fixed reloading page advances "_gingerbreadCityTurns"

    In Gingerbread City, reloading the page in the relay browser (at least for noncombats) incorrectly advances the "_gingerbreadCityTurns" counter. [4475] Gingerbread Train Station Preference lastEncounter changed from gingerbread mad dog to Noon at the Train Station Encounter: Noon at the Train...
  14. ckb

    New Content October IOTM - Autumn-aton

    Better to just track it correctly in inventory, eh?
  15. ckb

    New Content Fall 2022 Challenge Path - Fall of the Dinosaurs

    Additional spading tells me that ghostasaurus elemental resistance is min(0.90,mon.raw_attack*0.0055); Edit, apparently there is a 'dinodifficulty' that is monster raw attack/180 = 0.00555555...
  16. ckb

    Feature Track Fantasy Realm Fat Loot Token

    You can check number of bandits killed by parsing "_frMonstersKilled"
  17. ckb

    New Content Fall 2022 Challenge Path - Fall of the Dinosaurs

    This could just be a boolean if you have collected all research. Indicated by: <center><table><tr><td align=center valign=center><img src="/images/itemimages/dripharness.gif" width=30 height=30 title="dripharness" alt="dripharness"></td><td valign=center>Your harness beeps angrily at you. It...
  18. ckb

    New Content Fall 2022 Challenge Path - Fall of the Dinosaurs

    If you fight a dinosaur and use 'Back-Up to your Last Enemy' the monster gets new dino modifiers, but Mafia does not recognize this. If you reload the page, Mafia will re-process the modifiers correctly. However, there are some weird things that happen with backed-up monsters. A backed up...
  19. ckb

    New Content Tiny Stillsuit

  20. ckb

    New Content Fall 2022 Challenge Path - Fall of the Dinosaurs

    If you fight a dinosaur and use 'Back-Up to your Last Enemy' the monster gets new dino modifiers, but Mafia does not recognize this.