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  1. ckb

    WTF Relay script collection

    I can do that. I have not updated this in a while. Are there any other familiars with special abilities that need more detail?
  2. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Add [turn] to Rain Man log

    Similar to Using Rain Man in Heavy Rains leads to a fight, but does not add a [turn] to the session log. It would be nice to add the turn number to the log.
  3. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Allow monster EA: none

    Trying to understand, it looks like line 179 for parsing EA: includes: if (element == Element.NONE) { continue; } So that EA: none will be ignored. Maybe removing this will allow for including physical attacks.
  4. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Allow monster EA: none

    I tried adding "EA: none" to monsters.txt and it did not work, so something is parsing this in some other way. I looked through briefly but could not figure it out (mostly because I don't know what I'm doing). To find elemental monsters with physical attacks, I wrote a small...
  5. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Allow monster EA: none

    Some additional background: I have found that sometimes I was taking a lot more damage than I expected in fights. As it turns out, my damage calc and Mafia's expected_damage() were always taking elemental_resistance() into account for player damage for an elemental monster. Because the monster...
  6. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Persistent command history / control history size

    There is some advantage to having this as a Global pref, in that if you are testing a command or debugging something, it is nice to be able to log out of Mafia, switch characters, and test some more. A Global pref preserves this.
  7. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Allow monster EA: none

    Some monsters that are elementally aligned also do physical damage for some attacks. We currently allow for monsters to have multiple attack_elements. These are listed in monster.txt as EA: element, parsed in @Veracity added some parsing for This Monster Data Feature...
  8. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Another thing I noticed is that I get Familiar weight mismatches, with Mafia reporting: Familiar weight: KoL = 98 KoLmafia = 97 When this happens, I sometimes see the inebriety_limit change in the sidepane in the GUI, so maybe Mafia is doing some recalculation of things then as well?
  9. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I believe this is happening during my SetState(), which is this: record ckbstate { location loc; //location familiar fam; //familiar int[slot] qip; //equipment string[int] mod; //mood boolean ode; //Ode to Booze string ste; //source terminal educate string hos...
  10. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    After my last run, I tried to replicate this issue. While I did not have Mafia abort with the "You are too drunk to continue" error, I did see the sidepane lash from 15/15 to 15/14 then back to 15/15 as the script ran. I had debug on, and trimmed the log and the debug to when it happened...
  11. ckb

    Bug incorrect free rest count

    charsheet.php contains: <a onClick='javascript:poop("desc_skill.php?whichskill=197&self=true","skill", 350, 300)'>Long Winter's Nap</a> (<b>HP</b>) standard.php contains: <span class="i">Long Winter's Nap, </span>
  12. ckb

    Bug incorrect free rest count

    Mafia was burning 5 adventures resting when I expected to use only free rests (In a SMOL run): > ash my_path() Returned: A Shrunken Adventurer am I > ash total_free_rests( ) Returned: 11 > modtrace free rests...
  13. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I had this happen again today, and verified that a modtrace will fix the problem. > ash my_inebriety() Returned: 20 > ash inebriety_limit() Returned: 14 > modtrace liver type source...
  14. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Looking back over the rest of the log, I fight a photocopied monster [Knob Goblin Embezzler] with professor staring at [608], and run through a LECTURE ON RELATIVITY loop until fighting the final KGE on turn [621]. My afterAdventureScript runs, which includes: string aat =...
  15. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    My afteradventure script contains: if (my_inebriety()>inebriety_limit()) { print("drunk check","olive"); } I was looking at the sidepane in the GUI, though my recollection was that I would get the error whenever that was incorrect. Mafia definitely knew I had the correct skills - I did a...
  16. ckb

    Bug _speakeasyFreeFights not incremented

    If you run a free fight at the Barroom Brawl via non standard means (like visiting during Teleportitis), property "_speakeasyFreeFights" is not incremented. This happened in my last run. [316] The Enormous Greater-Than Sign Preference lastEncounter changed from Typographical Clutter to...
  17. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    OK, this happened again. I got the 'You are too drunk to continue.' after I use a photocopied Embezzler then went through a relativity loop, then fought a sausage goblin. I do not have a debug log, but here is the session info. Strangely, it was tricky to get Mafia to recognize my current...
  18. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I encountered this again, but after days of running my aftercore script with no problems. It seems to happen if I have drunk to capacity, then something happens in the script that causes an abort, then I restart and I get the "too drunk" error. A 'refresh all' fixes this. Sorry I do not have...
  19. ckb

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    This is not quite completely fixed in r27647. I logged in, then was away for a few hours. My login timed out, and when I tried to do something in Mafia, it auto-logged in again. I tried to run some adventures but was given the 'You are too drunk to continue' error, with inebriety 20/14. I am...
  20. ckb

    Exactly how do counters work/where is information stored?

    Hope this helps: > counters Unexpired counters: Digitize Monster (82) > ash get_property("relayCounters") Returned: 1140:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif > ash get_counters("digitize",0,950); Returned: Digitize Monster > ash get_counter("Digitize Monster") Returned: 82