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  1. ckb

    Bug Bowling ball mismatch

    KoLmafia-28441 I am not totally sure what is happening, but something is wrong with tracking of bowling balls. It looks like mafia is trying to correct itself incorrectly and getting inventory confused. Posting log bits here. Wish I had more but I can only do this once per run. blue text is...
  2. ckb

    Automating the Leprecondo

    I am pretty sure you need to visit the 'inv_use.php' before the choice.php My script does this and seems to work: buffer page = visit_url("inv_use.php?whichitem="+to_int($item[Leprecondo])); string url = "choice.php?whichchoice=1556&option=1&pwd="; url += "&r0="+1; url +=...
  3. ckb

    Bug - Fixed Generate Irony

    If you re in Zoot you don't have any of your permed skills until you break the prism, so maybe not.
  4. ckb

    Feature shop.php support

    One more point of information about coinmasters. Most of them are simple and take a single type of token that is an $item[]. Some have multiple tokens that are different $item[]s. Some have tokens that are not $item[]s and are reported as $item[none] but are hidden counters in Kol that Mafia...
  5. ckb

    Feature Familiar attributes

    As I understand it: 1) Yes, these are KoL tags inherent to each familiar 1a) We know most of them, and the new Path (Z is for Zootomist) has made them much easier to spade 1b) In Zoot path, each tag corresponds to certain attributes, see the Zoot spading sheet 1c) Yes, Familiars have varying...
  6. ckb

    Feature shop.php support

    Items have a .seller entry As far as I can tell, only 3 items have multiple coinmaster sellers: Boris's key / Jarlsberg's key / Sneaky Pete's key, which can be bought at both the [Vending Machine] and [Cosmic Ray's Bazaar] Currently, $item[Boris's key].seller == $coinmaster[Cosmic Ray's Bazaar]...
  7. ckb

    Feature shop.php support

    Adding this here for completeness: > ash sell_cost($coinmaster[none],$item[seal tooth]) () Script execution aborted (java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.sourceforge.kolmafia.CoinmasterData.getShopRows()" because "data" is null): () Returned: void This needs a error case when...
  8. ckb

    r28367 - What's Changed Add sell_cost function to get costs for an item as a map of item -> quantity by @gausie in #2753 Full Changelog: r28366...r2

    > ash sell_cost($coinmaster[none],$item[seal tooth]) () Script execution aborted (java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.sourceforge.kolmafia.CoinmasterData.getShopRows()" because "data" is null): () Returned: void This needs a error case when coinmaster == none
  9. ckb

    Bug - Fixed Mafia thinks Numberology summons to last adventured zone

    Fixed with PR #2590, #2611
  10. ckb

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    There are a few other bug reports that may be related to various generated fights tracking in the wrong location:
  11. ckb

    Feature - Implemented Add a "Pending change in required Java version" nag message.

    Having gone through a few Java updates I have found the typical behavior is that we put in some warning, it gets ignored, then when the update finally happens, a bunch of users will flock to the forums or the discord and report that suddenly Mafia stopped working. I don't know what is possible...
  12. ckb

    New Content - Implemented Track Eldritch Tentacles

    r28301 add this - thanks you!
  13. ckb

    New Content - Implemented Track Eldritch Tentacles

    Actually, it looks like this is kind of tracked with 'eldritchTentaclesFought', but that is resetOnAscension This is (I think) for tracking the Tentacle Tickler Trophy And there is a boolean '_eldritchTentacleFought' which is to check if we have fought the tentacle from the Science Tent...
  14. ckb

    New Content - Implemented Track Eldritch Tentacles

    January 15, 2025 - Only the first 11 Eldritch Tentacles you fight in a day will be free fights, going forward. We should track the number of Eldritch Tentacles fought each day.
  15. ckb

    Bug - Fixed trackedMonsters resets on login

    Thanks for the PR!
  16. ckb

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    I don't think we need crAlways pref. If you have the server room key in inventory you have access. I assume if you use the 3d printed server room key you have access for the day, so maybe that need to be tracked. You can get more RAM with the datastick from the Top Right Drawer... not that you...
  17. ckb

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    @Veracity I wrote a simple override for the Cyberzones that kills all the styling, add to fight.ash relay script: buffer KillCyber(buffer page) { //remove black / fixedsys / image changes matcher mkc = create_matcher("<body>.+?</script>",page); if (mkc.find()) {...
  18. ckb

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    Other things that need to be tracked: check if the trashcan has been visited Number of turns spent today in Cyberzone 1, 2, and 3 RAM available in combat
  19. ckb

    Bug - Fixed trackedMonsters resets on login

    If I use a tracker (such as Transcendent Olfaction) this sets property "trackedMonsters", but this is cleared if I log out and log back in. This is defined as 'Reset.ASCENSION_RESET' in, but I have not been able to find what is causing it to reset on login. Also, both...