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  1. F

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Well, it would seem that the minions and developers agree that I'm in the wrong here and that what I get is a feature and not a bug and that it should be solved within the autoBasement.ash. Anyone mind helping me here? =S Is it possible to retrieve information about an outfit before changing to...
  2. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Disembdied Hand breaking outfits I want to equip.

    How would it be annoying? Running a second pass of the outfit-equipping, after the familiar equipment have been changed and the Mainhand skipped or left empty, would probably solve the problem as the weapon would then be in my inventory again instead of stuck on the Hand. If I only have one of...
  3. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Disembdied Hand breaking outfits I want to equip.

    The bug happen even while the Disembodied Hand is my active familiar. It is simply the act of taking the item from the Hand and putting it my Mainhand that is failing. But, truth be told, I have not tested it within KoL but only via Mafia. Will do that and get back to you. EDIT: Seems you are...
  4. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Disembdied Hand breaking outfits I want to equip.

    Sorry to seem Bumpy or insistent and ungrateful, but anyone know if this problem is being resolved? Anyone mind elaborating as to why this is happening and / or why it is tricky or easy to fix it?
  5. F

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Yeh that is where the script, or maybe Mafia, break things for me. It cannot switch between outfits where the MainHand of the new outfit is used by the Disembodied Hand of the old outfit.
  6. F

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Ehhm.. Ooops.. Have to try this tomorrow then. Opening the Basement tend to take a few turns more than the 19 I have left today.. I did the same mistake last run, so one would think I have learned my lesson but Oh noes.. Btw, do you have the Disembodied Hand? Been checking the Bug thread I made...
  7. F

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Items and effects initialization complete! Server returned a blank page from basement.php. Complain to Jick, not us. Server 2 and 3 give the same result. Re-running the script do not solve it. Logging out and logging in don't solve it either. Completly restarting Mafia...
  8. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Just curious but is there a reason for all the "-sugar shield" in the maximizer? Doing a run as Seal Cluber atm and the maximizer command when going for the Pirate Fledges in the f'c'le is: mainstat +outfit swash -equip sugar shield +melee +shield -ml -tie I would think the shield is a pretty...
  9. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    One thing that I dont like about Sourceforge is that my habit of always thinking about the stuff I need to add when I have already posted is fecked up =( I just made the post about the Knob Cake making the script stop. Not sure it have anything to do with anything, but it seems I do need the...
  10. F

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Hmm, yeh I guess you are right. I'm still confuddled by why someone would like to plink basement bosses, but I have never been an optimal player so there is probably a reason. You see, the "know what I want" part is where I tend to fail ;)
  11. F

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Yeh I remember that last time I set it to Moxie, because I was a DB at the time. It only fooled me once this time. Using Zarqon's ZLib variable manager I changed it to Muscle. Now, Mafia is fecking things up and breaking the script anyway whenever my Disembodied hand have a piece of gear that...
  12. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Disembdied Hand breaking outfits I want to equip.

    Using the autoBasement.ash, the first it do is to create various outfits using the maximizer. One lil' problem with it is that one of the outfits have the Uncle Hobo's highest bough equipped in the Disembodied Hand and a chefstaff in the Main Hand. Another outfit it have created it want to put...
  13. F

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    The script is trying to maximize and set the Damage outfit. As a SC though, it is setting the super-sweet Boom box as Main Weapon. Been checking the script but, well, I'm a rookie when it comes to coding and I dont want ti fiddle too much with it in case I break something. Adding a melee part...
  14. F

    Feature - Implemented Add Summon Lunch to Mafia's Breakfast options

    This is where I would like it to be, as it already have other similar summons and actions there. Come to think of it, it don't have the Rainbow Gravitation there.. But nvm that =) Atm, according to Mafia, I have 4 sack lunch in my inventory and using the Web browser to show my Inventory it is...
  15. F

    Feature - Implemented Add Summon Lunch to Mafia's Breakfast options

    Ahh darn, I skimmed the first pages but it is kinda early in the morning so must have missed it. Sorry.
  16. F

    Feature - Implemented Add Summon Lunch to Mafia's Breakfast options

    Well, pretty much what the Title says. Can we get the 2011 Crimbo skill Lunch Break as part of Mafia's Breakfast options?
  17. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Doing a Seal Clubber run with v0.18.1 It tried to do some leveling in the Gallery but it aborted saying it could not access the gallery. The opening of the gallery is not scripted? Got the gallery key manually and it worked out just fine. Also found a loop. Level 10 Starting BCC: We have not...
  18. F

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    > call scripts\Ascend.ash [the ode to booze] does not match anything in the status effect database. Bad effect value: "the ode to booze" (EatDrink.ash, line 1339) Downloaded the version Theraze posted and the one at the front page. the Modified version work, but it is EatDrink.ash that my...
  19. F

    Bug - Fixed "Click here to continue in the relay browser." messing up the CLI

    Was doing a quick tour via the new knob zones and trying to get my hands on the guard uniform when suddenly Mafia froze for 2-3sec and woosh, a bit of my CLI output had turned red and gave me the hand icon saying the text was clickable. When clicking it, it open a new Web browser window in a...
  20. F

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    The part with King's chamber is that a few of the locations in the Cobb's knob zone have changed name, and Mafia have changed the names as well, meaning every script that menion these locations will need to have the zone names changed. I'm using BCC ascension script atm and just quickly editing...