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    Feature - Implemented Belilafs Comedy Club default goal

    Add observational glasses as default goal In The Laugh Floor of Pandamonium, if you're doing the steel organ quest, you'll want to adventure until you get the observational glasses. I think this should be added as a default goal.
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    Best Between Battle Script Ever -- formerly AutoMCD

    I think this should be added to the choiceadv management for KOLHS: case $location[The Hallowed Halls]: case $location[Shop Class]: case $location[Chemistry Class]: case $location[Art Class]: if (have_effect($effect[Jamming with the Jocks]) > 0) friendlyset(700,"1","Sit with the Jocks"); else if...
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    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    You're right. Good point.
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    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    I'd like the second this request, if it's possible. However, I'm not sure Mafia is able to tell what's a ghost and what isn't, so that might take a feature request. For now, I've been manually shooting/trapping the special ghosts.
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    Witchess fight script

    I just wrote a little script to help me get my daily witchess fights in-run (for aftercore, I use the profit-maximizing one from Bale). Maybe others will also find it useful. Once you have the script in your scripts folder, you can say "witchessfight food", "witchessfight knight", or...
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    Feature - Implemented Update HP/MP Usage GUI when preferences change

    If you use the CLI or a script to update hpAutoRecovery and such, this doesn't change what's displayed in the GUI. It would be nice if that automatically showed the new values.
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    Feature - Implemented Update a few default goals

    There are some goals I'd want, but they'd require programming (like this feature) instead of just an update to adventures.txt. One mundane goal to add would be a beehive for the Black Forest.
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    Detective Solver

    The money from just visting the place and trying to solve the crimes goes to your inventory directly, and that'll always be just $12. The bonus money for solving the crimes quickly is instead added to your pension, which you'll get when you visit the place in aftercore.
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    Bug - Not A Bug Item Manager just won't show up

    I tried downloading it using my phone's data plan. That worked. So I do now have a working build, at least, and can update all my scripts. I'm still as confused as ever, though. I've downloaded all sorts of things of various sizes, including many much larger than the 12 MB Mafia. For example...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Item Manager just won't show up

    I tried Internet Explorer, and Edge for good measure. In both cases, the download was interrupted and the final file had the wrong MD5. I then tried using wget on a Linux system on the LAN. Same issue. Then I tried using Firefox on my Android smartphone, over WIFI. Again same issue. So it...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Item Manager just won't show up

    I'm using Firefox, without any downloading-relevant add-ons. I'd previously one of the daily build downloaders, but that had the same problem with the terminated download. I tried wget -c just now and got this: --2016-07-02 19:10:47--...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Item Manager just won't show up

    Here's what I got from that command: 60615460 a081 b99b 6300 6d6f 742f 6972 656c 6461 60615500 732f 6873 2f32 7475 6c69 542f 6b6f 6e65 60615520 7a69 7265 632e 616c 7373 4b50 0201 0314 60615540 000a 0800 0008 6f11 48e1 259d 4c93 0504 60615560 0000 18f9 0000 0013 0000 0000 0000 0000 60615600 0000...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Item Manager just won't show up

    Okay, here's the debug log. First (with the svn folder in place), I opened Mafia with an item manager tab, then I opened the script manager, then I opened the relay browser, causing an error on line 3580 of Bale's ChIT relay script, when it tries to call svn_at_head("mafiachit"). Each of those...
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    Bug - Not A Bug Item Manager just won't show up

    Today, I noticed that a script wasn't being update, then realized I still had my svn folder renamed (I guess at some point since my last post in this thread, the problem had reoccurred and I'd gone back to the workaround). I hadn't noticed earlier since I'd spent the past months just doing...
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    New Content - Implemented Missing plurals

    Oh, you're right. I thought I'd checked them all to see if they'd already been implemented since that session, but I must have missed those. Sorry about that.
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    New Content - Implemented Missing plurals

    You're right. That is much more readable. I'll keep that in mind if I do more such posts in the future.
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    New Content - Implemented Missing plurals

    Trawling through recent sessions, I found these: This is already in items.txt, but with a trailing space items.txt has it as bottles instead of cups The items.txt entry has an 's' at the end
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    New Content - Implemented Source Terminal

    Portscan is limited to 3 uses per day and Duplicate is limited to 1 (successful) use per day. Should those also get underscore preferences?
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    Bug - Fixed Trapper quest status getting incorrectly set

    I'd noticed that my Guide would sometimes start telling me to do talk to the Trapper to finish his quest, even though I'm long past it. I've tracked down the problem. My Mr. Cheeng's spectacles will sometimes give me liquid ice. The ResultProcessor sees this and sets the Trapper quest status to...
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    Introducing KoLmafia Daily Downloader

    Lately, I've been having trouble with my Mafia downloads. They'll just stop partway through. This means that I have to use my browser to download them, since that has the ability to resume failed partial downloads. I realize that adding that sort of functionality may be too much to ask, but if...