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    Recent problems with batfellow.ash

    As suspected, that version of the script had the same issues. However, setting abortOnChoiceWhenNotInChoice to false allowed the script to run to completion. My conclusion is that the script has always been bugged, and that bug only became noticeable with that KoLmafia change. However, I don't...
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    Bug Maximizer unaware of unique item pull restriction

    I used the maximizer in ronin with the pullable/buyable option, and it suggested pull two of the same weapon to dual-wield. However, only one of each item can be pulled each day, so that second pull would be impossible. After pulling and equipping one of that weapon and updating the maximizer...
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    Bug Crimbo Cafe '21 still considered available

    The bread pie and clear Russian from last Crimbo are still showing up as possibilities in the food/booze tabs, even though that NPC store is no longer available.
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    Bug - Fixed Wrong fresh coat of paint modifiers on liberating king

    The modifiers on the fresh coat of paint change on liberating the king. At least, they just did for me. KoLmafia is unaware of this and continues to think it has the old stats, until the item description is loaded.
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    Feature ASH location_accessible function.

    I'm getting some unexpected behavior right now. I'm wearing the Frat War Ensemble, at level 12, trying to start the war. However, if I adventure in "Wartime Hippy Camp (Frat Disguise)", whether through the adventure tab or the gcli, it'll change my outfit to the War Hippy Fatigues before...
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    Feature Zone-native-only choiceadv as goal

    This is a long shot, but I'd find it very helpful. There are times when I want to adventure in a zone until I get a choice adventure indicating some sort of quest progress. However, thanks to the Hallowiener Dog and June Cleaver, I'm getting a bunch of free choice adventures no matter which zone...
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    Recent problems with batfellow.ash

    Comparing that to the version I have, the differences seem to just be some print() and wait() statements, whether apostrophes are escaped or not, and whether the main() works even if not currently reading a comic. It'll take some time for me to able to test it, but I suspect that version would...
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    Recent problems with batfellow.ash

    I use cheesecookie's batfellow.ash to turn my weekly special edition Batfellow comics into meat, when I'm in aftercore. However, the past two times, I encountered problems with it. I'd get frequent "Whoops! You're not actually in a choice adventure" errors that aborted the script. I'd rerun the...
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    Bug Council quest recognition problem in You, Robot

    There are some problems with how KoLmafia recognizes quest status in You, Robot. For the level 5 quest, the questscouncil.txt entry is missing the <p> tag, but I think this doesn't manifest as a problem because the quest status is also being updated by the map item. Still, here's the quest...
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    Bug - Fixed You, Robot CPU upgrades not detected until new one purchased

    I started a KoLmafia session on day of my You, Robot run. Initially, it was unable to detect my CPU upgrades: it wouldn't let me use potions and thought I was missing the +2 all resistances. Looking at the upgrades available for purchase via the relay browser didn't change this. However, when I...
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    Bug - Fixed NPC store purchase with unequipable designer sweatpants

    I'm currently running You, Robot. I own designer sweatpants, but my Propulsion System is something other than Robo-Legs, which means I don't have access to the pants slot. Whenever I buy an item from an NPC store, I get a message "Putting on designer sweatpants..." followed by a red "You can't...
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    Combat Locket - What monsters do you lack?

    I've spent some time trying to fill up my locket, using a combination of fighting the monsters in the native zones, faxes, genie wishes, and Rain Man. Right, my output from locket.js is: Doing source '*' and limit 100 Hover over the monsters to see locations : 100 skeletons, 25 skeletons...
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    New Content June 2022 IotM: June Cleaver

    trampled ticket stub is multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was not savings bond is multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was not
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    Bug - Fixed Hagnk meat above 2^31 not detected

    I sold my dense meat stacks and ascended. Initially, it detected the meat correctly. If I buy something, however, it goes back to thinking it's 0. Doing a "refresh storage" or visiting Hangk's in the relay browser again makes it detect it correctly.
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    Bug - Fixed 11-leaf clover count falsely decremented when already Lucky!

    11-leaf clovers aren't consumed when used while already Lucky!, but KoLmafia thinks they are: > inv 11-leaf clover 11-leaf clover (3) > use 11-leaf clover Using 1 11-leaf clover... You acquire an intrinsic: Lucky! Finished using 1 11-leaf clover. > use 11-leaf clover Using 1 11-leaf...
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    Bug - Fixed Hagnk meat above 2^31 not detected

    I was in a non-HC ascension and had a lot of meat in Hagnk's, but the purchases tab listed "Meat in storage: 0", so I was unable to use it to buy items (buying via the relay browser worked). I suspect it's because I had over 2 billion (specifically, over 2^31) meat. After I finished the run, I...
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    Mafia Help!

    There's a problem with that script: every instance of > should be < instead. (You can also replace the three "if" lines with a single line that has "while" instead.) Also, I think Mafia's built-in breakfast already handles the overflowing gift basket.
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    Bug Inaccurate free rest tracking in G-Lover

    There seems to be a discrepancy between how many free rests Mafia thinks I have in G-Lover and how many I actually do. I used some free rests via the CLI but noticed it was staying at 4/5. I then used the relay browser to rest only until the (1) showed up. Checking my session log, I see a total...
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    Bug - Fixed Mafia tracking errors when funkslinging

    I've been noticing that, from March 11 onward, when funkslinging spooky putty, the spookyPuttyCopiesMade and spookyPuttyMonster weren't getting updated.
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    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    My Internet connection in general is fine. It's just with that server in particular that I have problems. The route is 7 hops and takes 130ms. When I use my smartphone over WIFI, I get the same connection timeout, so it's probably not my PC's settings. All of that with both http and https. When...