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  1. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Quantum Familiar Support

    Number of free rests is incorrectly counting the +3 from Unconscious Collective if it's been your Quantum Familiar at some point in the day. > ash total_free_rests(); Returned: 12 > ash my_familiar().to_string(); Returned: Cotton Candy Carnie > ash have_familiar($familiar[Unconscious...
  2. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Not A Bug Ordering a muffin at the breakfast counter doesn't always set the muffinOnOrder property

    Weird. Seems to work today in a new run [9] Train to Downtown Preference lastEncounter changed from Guzzlr Client Selection to On a Downtown Train Encounter: On a Downtown Train Took choice 1308/7: Visit the Breakfast Counter choice.php?whichchoice=1308&option=7&pwd Encounter: On a Downtown...
  3. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Not A Bug Ordering a muffin at the breakfast counter doesn't always set the muffinOnOrder property

    muffinOnOrder appears to only have 2 states now, "earthenware muffin tin" which is what it's set to on ascension (correctly) or "none" which is what it's set to after you collect your empty tin. Ordering a bran muffin doesn't set it accordingly. Yesterday [528] Train to Downtown Preference...
  4. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Quantum Familiar Support

    Thanks @gausie I'll double check it if I get any more out of standard drops. Certainly TourGuide is recommending pulling a Crackpot Mystic Jar so it looks like it's being parsed correctly. [edit] just checked the spleen consumption tab and it's showing a Stench Jelly I somehow acquired...
  5. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Quantum Familiar Support

    Out of Standard consumables aren't showing up as consumable in the item manager. Mostly affects Spleen items. I suspect the "in style" check is applying regular Standard restrictions when this path has exceptions to the usual rules. E.g. I had the Unconcious Collective drop 2 of it's spleen...
  6. Malibu Stacey

    Feature Make Daily Dungeon entries in Visited Locations work like all other zones

    There's possibly some historic precedent as to why this works the way it does but in 2021, it looks untidy and wastes space on the visited locations table. Could we please have it just show "The Daily Dungeon (?)" where the ? is the number of consecutive adventures spent there same as all the...
  7. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Heart-shaped candy whetstone and Swedish massage fish should be flagged as simple candy

    They are both marked as Simple Candy on the KoLWiki (since February 2018 in both cases) it's just not immediately obvious as the only place it's indicated is the Categories section right at the bottom of the page. Mostly just posting this here to save anyone else the effort of attempting to...
  8. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Green Rockets aren't available in the General Store on Dependence Day

    > ash npc_price($item[green rocket]) Returned: 600 > ash is_npc_item($item[green rocket]) Returned: true wiki says the last time they showed up on Dependence Day was 4th July 2020 ->
  9. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Script Menu

    Personally, as someone who often prunes the stuff inhabiting their scripts directory to alleviate the menu going off the bottom of the screen I'm all for it.
  10. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Script Menu

    This might be JVM caused. Katarn was having issues with scrolling the menu with his scroll wheel on some version of the Oracle JDK. He installed AdoptOpenJDK 11 & it fixed. I've also had scaling issues with the mafia dialogs in Oracle JDK on Windows 10 (as in, when I launched it some days it...
  11. Malibu Stacey

    New Content - Implemented IOTM - May 2021 - Shortest-Order Cook

    Short White is showing up in the maximizer as giving +10 familiar weight to all familiars which doesn't appear to be the case on the in-game description I think it may have been mistaken for the effect Shortly Stacked from the Short stack of pancakes (which does give +10 familiar weight and...
  12. Malibu Stacey

    Bug [minor] convering dust bunnies into dirt or granite at Dr Gordon doesn't decrement dust bunnies amounts

    As title. Was making the stuff needed on a multi so I can get it the earthenware muffin tin and noticed the amount of dust bunnies listed in inventory and recent wasn't changed when converting them. Very minor issue. I doubt this will affect anyone doing anything just reporting it for completeness.
  13. Malibu Stacey

    Feature - Implemented Maximizer recommends Sweet Synthesis casts even when spleen is unchecked

    LoL thanks. I'll give it a double check after rollover when my organs have been reset. [edit 3 days later] Forgot to say it's all good (y)
  14. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Moxie magnet doesn't work on Left-Hand Man but maximizer recommends it.

    Thanks. I'd mark this as fixed as it showing up like the screenshot is intermittent so reproducing it isn't guaranteed.
  15. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Moxie magnet doesn't work on Left-Hand Man but maximizer recommends it.

    maximizer will recommend it sometimes even though I have the complicated device equipped on him.
  16. Malibu Stacey

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    Changing "Spectral Pickle Factory" to "The Spectral Pickle Factory" would get rid of this message. (canadv.ash, line 555)
  17. Malibu Stacey

    New Content - Implemented St. Sneaky Yuletide Pete's Day

    You acquire an item: marshmallow bomb -------------------- 10747 marshmallow bomb 415111150 shot_f.gif drink t 0 marshmallow bomb 2 1 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded # Item marshmallow bomb -------------------- Drops from the Yuletide Bonfire when you have a...
  18. Malibu Stacey

    New Content - Implemented St. Sneaky Yuletide Pete's Day

    Combine 1 marshmallow + 1 ten-leaf clover -------------------- 10746 green marshmallow 762874061 greenmallow.gif none, paste t 0 # Item green marshmallow -------------------- You acquire an item: green marshmallow Crafting used 1 each of ten-leaf clover and marshmallow I'll...
  19. Malibu Stacey

    New Content IOTM - March 2021 - Power Seed

    Same goes for using them from the maximizer (at least for battery (car) anyway).