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  1. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Vote Monster counter can be set 11 turns later than required.

    So I've seen this pop up occasionally as TourGuide uses the following logic to inform you when a Voting Wanderer is due total_turns_played() % 11 == 1 && get_property_int("lastVoteMonsterTurn") < total_turns_played() If you start the day with total_turns_played() % 11 == 1, the relayCounters...
  2. Malibu Stacey

    New Content September IOTM - Jurassic Parka

    Gausie's PR was merged so Launch Spikolodon Spikes is now tracked in the appropriate property as of r26722 for anyone else interested. Thanks for the quick fix @gausie (y)
  3. Malibu Stacey

    New Content September IOTM - Jurassic Parka

    Made sure to turn off TourGuide before I ran it to reduce the unnecessary spam. That's from the first use of the day (I just wrapped my adv1($location[Sloppy Seconds Diner], -1, ""); call with a debug on & debug off). Let me know if you need anything more.
  4. Malibu Stacey

    New Content September IOTM - Jurassic Parka

    _spikolodonSpikeUses isn't being incremented when the skill is used. Preference nextAdventure changed from The Ice Hole to Sloppy Seconds Diner [884509] Sloppy Seconds Diner Preference lastEncounter changed from angry ghost to Chocolate Bombed Wafer Blasted Custard Dipped Sundae Encounter...
  5. Malibu Stacey

    Bug pref horseryAvailable is always true if you own it even if it's restricted by path

    Yep that's effectively what I did to autoscend after the user who noticed this in their Standard run reported it. I should clarify I don't necessarily see this as being a problem, this thread was more intended as a "this has changed behaviour, you may want to be aware of it in case it wasn't...
  6. Malibu Stacey

    Bug pref horseryAvailable is always true if you own it even if it's restricted by path

    Right side of the tracks in current challenge path looks like this This account owns the Horsery but as you can see, it's not showing up in the Right Side of the Tracks since Fall of the Dinosaurs is currently Standard restricted. However: This is changed behaviour as of r26684
  7. Malibu Stacey

    Bug encountersUntilNEPChoice is not being calculated accurately.

    This is KoL spaghetti. All non-combats behave similarly. Otherwise you could just cheese delay in zones with NC's which have choices that do nothing but leave the NC.
  8. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Tiny Stillsuit

    Took choice 1476/1: Drink the Distillate (1 Drunkeness) choice.php?pwd&whichchoice=1476&option=1 -------------------- 2720 Buzzed on Distillate chinsweat.gif d64eab33f648e1a77da23ae516353fb2 neutral none Effect Buzzed on Distillate Experience (Muscle): +7, Experience...
  9. Malibu Stacey

    Feature ASH location_accessible function.

    Excellent work Veracity! For now I've manually added a copy of canadv.ash to the autoscend repo and reverted the change to use location_accessible() but when you make can_adventure() available I'll switch it over to that so we can give as much feedback as possible. Your efforts are very much...
  10. Malibu Stacey

    Feature ASH location_accessible function.

    KoLAdventure.isCurrentlyAccessible() ends with return true; } As none of AdventurePool.HIDDEN_APARTMENT, AdventurePool.HIDDEN_HOSPITAL, AdventurePool.HIDDEN_OFFICE or AdventurePool.HIDDEN_BOWLING_ALLEY are checked inside that function, thus location_accessible($location[The Hidden Office...
  11. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Casting Sweat out some booze via use_skill isn't decrementing the sweat property

    This was already fixed and no that's not what mafia is assuming. It equips the pants to cast the skill
  12. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Not A Bug r26560 - Scripts menu missing user scripts

    pre-26569 I had to use the scriptMRU for that menu to do literally anything. It was listing scripts with their directories & when clicked they would run. Now, it does not. That's undesirable behaviour. Desirable behaviour would be, the script executing. This has nothing to do with the cascading...
  13. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed maximizer recommending I cast skills I can't actually cast

    I am a Disco Bandit. r26571
  14. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Not A Bug r26560 - Scripts menu missing user scripts

    Tried this out on r26571, this is what it looks like this is on Windows 10 with with Adoptium 17.0.3+7 JRE. The top arrow disappears when you hover over it but that chunk of dividers is still there. Also with scriptMRULength set to greater than 0, any script in a subdirectory of the scripts...
  15. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Not A Bug r26560 - Scripts menu missing user scripts

    Problem #1 - Scripts I'm not running are showing up in the list. That's from bean's Cargo pants relay script. I never manually ran that, I clicked on the cargo pants daily reminder that KoL gives and yet it's in my MRU. Relay overrides should be excluded unless manually run. Also my...
  16. Malibu Stacey

    Bug - Fixed Casting Sweat out some booze via use_skill isn't decrementing the sweat property

    Actually this isn't the bug. 41 is the correct amount of sweat (I checked the pants description as it's listed there now). Why it had 141 when it should've been 91 before I used the skill I don't know but I'll look through my session log to see if there's anything obvious. OK found the actual...
  17. Malibu Stacey

    New Content Journeyman path

    This is a KoL bug not a mafia one. It seems to happen regularly as it was a problem with turtle taming and LKS keys when LKS was the current challenge path. Bug report it in KoL.
  18. Malibu Stacey

    Bug maximizer doesn't take Skill MP Cost Modifiers into account.

    If you have less than the "normal" amount of MP required to cast a skill that the maximizer is recommending, it will restore MP then cast the skill. Today I have the Arcane in the Brain effect and I have the Pocket Square of Loathing equipped for a total of -6 MP. Tried getting the maximizer to...
  19. Malibu Stacey

    Bug Cat Burglar heists tracking properties no longer update correctly

    I suspect this was broken by KoL itself a long time ago as the heist page now looks like this As you can see I have 10 banked heists right now. This is what my properties look like Apparently I mentioned the %fn thing to Aenimus in Discord on the 7th of May last year so if that's the cause...
  20. Malibu Stacey

    Feature Tracking for Cloning Kits/handling for Cloned monster

    Currently, there's no property to track which monster you have cloned in the cloned monster item, no tracking for how many cloned monsters you have fought (there's a limit of 5 per day) and when the cloned monster item is used, I have to refresh main.php manually to get the fight page to appear...