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  1. VladYvhuce

    New Content Grey You Challenge Path

    I'm crazy enough to test anything. But I'm not stupid (and possibly not rich) enough to buy or trade for one such thing. So, someone would have to send me one. At which point, they'd be better off just testing it themself.
  2. VladYvhuce

    Bug Grey You path (HC) Leaftlet Quest (with stats) made mafia freak out

    I thought "new content" would be more for general info on the new path. But I'm not as seasoned a user as others...
  3. VladYvhuce

    Bug Single-use skills "stick" in skill casting tab after use, have to backspace to cast other skills.

    For quite some time, I've been having an issue with casting single-use spells from Mafia's Skills tab. Tonight, I finally got around to running a debug log during the process, and taking screenshots showing what is going on. When cast, the spell disappears from the "data field", and instead of...
  4. VladYvhuce

    Excavator - gausie's spading script

    Added this snippet to the end of my copy of the beachcomber script. Works just fine.
  5. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed Sometimes unable to buy limited items from Underground Fireworks Shop

    I'm a member of Ferengi Commerce Authority and can verify that we have a fireworks shop.
  6. VladYvhuce

    Proposal: Remove "decorated" tabs

    Convenience, mostly. Simplest way to recall what all I have without bouncing between mall and terrarium is to just favorite them all and click on familiar icon on the character pane in the relay browser (I forget if this is a default kol, mafia, or Chit function). Also, the rare occasion where...
  7. VladYvhuce

    Proposal: Remove "decorated" tabs

    It gets more comical if you've got tons of familiars like I do. I clicked on it out of curiosity, now that I'm out of Bad Moon and have them all back. They align ok on themes similar to the Atom themes, but it doesn't really add any functionality to the display. Just makes them easier to see. 🤨
  8. VladYvhuce

    Character Info Toolbox

    I have no idea how to make sense of this formula stuff, but presumably someone does. If the site doesn't open to the section, it's "New Formula/Calculator" section.
  9. VladYvhuce

    New Content 2022 Standard

    Ok. Then I should put that as a bug report, then? Sometimes it's hard (or impossible) for those of us who're more along the lines of "layman users" (like myself) of Mafia to know when something that looks like it fits in one topic, but the issue is (on the technical level) a different subject...
  10. VladYvhuce

    New Content 2022 Standard

    I noticed this at the start of my Bad Moon Run (13 days ago). Mafia lists the industrial fire extinguisher as a free pull, but it isn't one (or, at least, it isn't one in Bad Moon).
  11. VladYvhuce

    New Content Feb 2022 IotM: Combat lover's locket

    It's not yet in Mr Store, so spading will be limited to people with subscriptions, unless they put it in the mall.
  12. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed NPE when launching r26211

    Ok. Yeah. Tested on r2613 and no debug log was created. And yes, I'm running Java 17 from Adoptium on Windows 10.
  13. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed NPE when launching r26211

    Update: I downloaded r26210 and r26211 from Github and r26211 is where mafia starts creating the debug log on opening the .jar file. It did not happen in r26210 for me.
  14. VladYvhuce

    Bug - Fixed NPE when launching r26211

    i'm getting this also, using r26212. r2609 is also my previous version. Debug log included.
  15. VladYvhuce

    Bug Exit command has unexpected behaviour

    I have no idea what a cron job is, but I'm assuming "kill -HUP" is a command for it.
  16. VladYvhuce

    Bug Changes in restore pane?

    I've just been in the habit of using restore items on the Skills tab. And since I'm in Bad Moon, I don't have any skills or many restorers. I do know that the last time I used that tab, it would suggest a limit to most things. The limit was would put you at (or one item below) a full restore...
  17. VladYvhuce

    Proposal: Remove "decorated" tabs

    I think at some point, I mentioned that if you click on the familiar, and had more than a few, it just showed a non-scrolling list of your first few alphabetically. This was met with "that's how it's supposed to work" back then. I haven't bothered to click on it since.
  18. VladYvhuce

    New Content 2022 Standard

    Now, it just needs to allow mafia to pull free-pulls. Mafia shows this: KOL contradicts the red text with this: Testing steps: 1: Put 2 rolls of toilet paper (a free pull item) in the mall. 2: Remove them from the mall (this puts them back into storage). 3: Attempt to remove one or both with...
  19. VladYvhuce

    Bug Exit command has unexpected behaviour

    I'm just in a habit of shutting mafia down right before or at rollover and logging back in at some point after "nightly maintenance" is done.