Search results

  1. R

    Bug - Fixed Outskirts combat rate incorrect

    You're correct about the NC rate, and at least that explains why the numbers were a bit weird, but the percents are not accurate. For example, Fluxxdog's wiki link shows that the ISoRE is not twice as likely as other combats, due to the adventure queue. Additionally, a 50% rate is not correct...
  2. R

    Bug - Fixed Outskirts combat rate incorrect

    The numbers given in appearance_rates() do not appear to be correct. For example: > ash appearance_rates($location[outskirts of the knob]) Returned: aggregate float [monster] Knob Goblin Assistant Chef => 10.0 Knob Goblin Barbecue Team => 10.0 none => 60.0 Sleeping Knob Goblin Guard => 10.0...
  3. R

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    I'm having an issue -- my Tome of Clip Art is not showing up on my snapshot.
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    Character Info Toolbox

    Something has been annoying me recently. I set up a custom layout for ChIT, but every few days the layout reverts back to the default and I have to edit my vars file again. Do you know about this Bale?
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    CLI multiuse command?

    "Use 3 peppermint sprout" creates 3 peppermint twists, not a peppermint crook, though. I did not know about the "create" command though.
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    New Content - Implemented KoLmafia doesn't fully support KoL's built-in tabbed chat

    "Receive A Fax" does not work with new tabbed chat I tried switching to tabbed chat today to see if it worked. It seems to work perfectly except that the Fax GUI does not seem to detect the incoming messages from FaxBot since they are displayed differently.
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    CLI multiuse command?

    I can't figure out how to multiuse an item from the CLI.
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    New Content - Implemented forbidden sausage

    Still no data in the DB for the Forbidden Sausage
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    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    Updated to new version 2.0.1!
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    Map literals in ASH (potential feature)

    Yeah, internal types and functions should have been reserved keywords.
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    Bug - Fixed console command 'mcd' does not seem to work with detuned radio in r11371

    I just updated, mcd does not seem to do anything for a degrassi knoll sign.
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    Is it possible to override only one choice adventure?

    I guess the title sums it up. Basically I want to override choice.php but only for a particular choice adventure. Is this possible?
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    Map literals in ASH (potential feature)

    I'd like to also request this. At the very least it would nice to initialize arrays.
  14. R

    Feature - Implemented list of all possible outfits

    That works great. Is there a list of these internal text files?
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    Feature - Implemented list of all possible outfits

    where is outfits.txt?
  16. R

    Feature - Implemented list of all possible outfits

    Is it possible to have a function or built-in list which contains all possible outfit names? Right now I am manually keeping a list in my script but it is not very helpful.
  17. R

    Character Info Toolbox

    Just to be clear, can I re-extract the zip file instead of downloading the three individual files? Or do I need to do both?
  18. R

    Bug - Fixed Mafia thinks enchanted bean has not been planted after plains update

    Unfortunately I already bypassed it by purchasing another enchanted bean. I suspect it won't affect people after this ascension, but I suppose we'll find out in a few days now that people are gonna ascend again.
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    Bug - Fixed Mafia thinks enchanted bean has not been planted after plains update

    I am trying to auto-adventure after the fires died, but mafia thinks I didn't plant the enchanted bean to adventure in the airship.
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    auto_mushroom: the perfect mushroom-growing script

    Ah, I see what the problem is. You can't click "script layout" under the one-click planting. That saves over the script. You need to download a fresh copy and click "load layout" in the script generator. The generator tab actually only displays some pictures. You can actually put any layout...