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  1. R

    Character Info Toolbox

    I'm having an issue with the effects brick: it's not showing the red up arrow to re-up my effects. I can still click on where the arrow should be, and it works.
  2. R

    Bug - Fixed api.php?what=status parse error: JSONObject["locked"] is not a Boolean

    I am getting this message in my CLI: api.php?what=status parse error: JSONObject["locked"] is not a Boolean. Then it spits out the JSON object from api.php: {"familiar_wellfed":0, "turnsthisrun":116, "stickers": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "mcd":0, "moxie":66, "mysticality":48, "equipment": {...
  3. R

    Character Info Toolbox

    No, but I found the problem -- you have to set mana to auto-recover. That's actually kind of annoying, that you can't restore MP in the relay browser unless auto restore is on.
  4. R

    Character Info Toolbox

    I'm a sauceror :(
  5. R

    Character Info Toolbox

    I'm having trouble again with restoring MP. I can click on my current HP to restore it, but my current MP is not clickable.
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    Bale's Relay Overrides

    Excellent as always, Bale!
  7. R

    'toledo's tiny tweaks' script collection

    Sorry to be a thread necromancer, but MediumDrinks has a bug that makes it miss some of the drinks. You need to replace line 14 with if (consumption.index_of(">" + drink + "<") > -1) { Otherwise, for example, it thinks you've drunk a Mohobo if a Flaming Mohobo is in your consumption history.
  8. R

    Character Info Toolbox

    I am having this problem too. Image caching is off, using Chrome. My familiar images and the up-arrow in the effects pane show a broken link. Downgrading to r12629 fixes the problem entirely. EDIT: No it doesn't, this keeps happening to me now.
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    auto_mushroom: the perfect mushroom-growing script

    I have tried to replicate this but can't. Either way, I'm glad that it got solved!
  10. R

    Modified mushroom script to produce 3rd +4th gen crop

    Not sure why this thread got necro'd but auto_mushroom produces more mushrooms and can be started any day instead of on the correct muscle day.
  11. R

    Universal Recovery Script

    I'm having an issue: It keeps going on like this until I click "stop now".
  12. R

    Bug - Won't Fix questL13Final property does not change after defeating the Naughty Sorceress

    Fine, I changed the text... I guess I don't really understand the subtleties of wording my bug reports. Regardless of the adjectives used to describe this incorrect behavior, this should be easy to fix, triggering whenever you defeat the NS under a normal sign or receive any thwaitgold statuette.
  13. R

    Bug - Not A Bug questL09Lol property does not reset to "unstarted" upon ascension

    Ok I will try that, it is still a pref for me since obsolete preferences are not deleted.
  14. R

    Bug - Not A Bug questL09Lol property does not reset to "unstarted" upon ascension

    I just ran a BIG! run and didn't do the baron sidequest. After ascending (I started a BM run), get_property("questL09Lol") still returns "step1" instead of "unstarted".
  15. R

    Bug - Won't Fix questL13Final property does not change after defeating the Naughty Sorceress

    Right now there is an issue. After beating the NS (on the Big! challenge path if it matters), the questL13Final property still was listed as "step5" until I went back and visited my quest log. is there any way to track when the NS has been defeated (but the king has not been liberated)? Or is...
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    How to tell if character has broken the prism?

    I just beat the sorceress and questL13Final is still at "step5".
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    How to tell if character has broken the prism?

    Related question: is there a way to detect if the NS has been defeated, but the prism hasn't been broken?
  18. R

    How to tell if character has broken the prism?

    kingLiberated is what I needed, thanks!
  19. R

    How to tell if character has broken the prism?

    I'm trying to be able to tell if a character is in aftercore or not. I am not getting anywhere. Is there a function or property for this?