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  1. R

    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    Unfortunately, using <span> is not an option. KoL internally uses <span> tags to decrement item quantities when you use them in the inventory. If you use span tags anywhere else, that no longer works. That's why there's so much "abuse" of <b> and <small> tags. It's a clutzy hack, but one that is...
  2. R

    The Unpermery override

    Jick said that unperming was available for the next month because so many skills changed.
  3. R

    The Unpermery override

    In case anyone doesn't know, you can unperm skills for the next 29 days in the account menu. I've added an unpermery override to my Modular Choice Override script. I have way too many skills to remember what they all do. It's not the prettiest but it should be helpful. Head over there to download.
  4. R

    Debugging / Looking at Values

    They don't call it "printf debugging" for nothing.
  5. R

    auto_mushroom: the perfect mushroom-growing script

    Found the bug. It was because string_to_int("") == 0, so it always thought the last day was day 0 on a new ascension. This would mess up if it was day 1.
  6. R

    auto_mushroom: the perfect mushroom-growing script

    That is odd though, plantingDate and plantingDay are reset after ascension I thought. I'd appreciate any help figuring that out. I should be ascending soon and will make sure to double-check. The only think I can think is maybe if you ascend and then buy a plot that same day?
  7. R

    auto_mushroom: the perfect mushroom-growing script

    If it's still doing this, can you show the CLI output?
  8. R

    Enhanced Inventory Spoilers

    I will add this in the next version
  9. R

    Feature - Implemented better scripts menu

    Oh cool. Didn't know about that.
  10. R

    Feature - Implemented better scripts menu

    My scripts menu is getting really full in mafia. Is there a way to make it multi-column (i.e., like this) or have some way to hide scripts or make a "favorites" list?
  11. R

    Tell you what you got in the fax machine 1.0

    It could if it's a world event or you want to fax something that's not in mafia's database yet.
  12. R

    Scripts on SVN

  13. R

    Scripts on SVN

    Please add the following to the list: name type desc svn thread auto_mushroom ...other? Automatically farms mushrooms from Degrassi Knoll svn checkout Superhuman...
  14. R

    Bounty Hunter Helper

    Fixed, thanks for reminding me!
  15. R

    Improved Guild Trainer

    Well, since we are among a brand new revamp, I'm getting tired of trying to figure out what all these new skills do. I've made a relay override to help at the trainer. You can use it too if you type this into your CLI: svn checkout...
  16. R

    Feature - Implemented "planting" not a valid folder for SVN projects

    I'm moving all of my scripts to SVN to take advantage of the awesome new KoLmafia capability. However, my most popular script is auto_mushroom which uses the planting folder. However when I run svn checkout It blocks the...
  17. R

    Trick-Or-Treating script

    I'm getting an error: You need a costume to trick-or-treat! My outfit "treat" is Animelf Apparel... Edit: doh, "trick" needs to be a different outfit.
  18. R

    Modular Choice Override

    No kidding. It seems like more and more things are being hacked together lately. Some familiars (like the Reanimator) even call main.php?reanimator=something to do their stuff now. It's very odd and hard to work around. EDIT: The Tales of Dread thing has been fixed.
  19. R

    Character Info Toolbox

    Thanks, clearing the cache fixed the issue.