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  1. T

    Algebra in ASH?

    True, that would be a much better way to do it. I didn't know it was possible to do regex matching in ash, could you give an example of how to do that? thanks
  2. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    Ok so it's mostly a code clarity thing. well now I know, next time I edit it I'll try to remove some of the cli_executes And I'd say that one's debatable, considering that some of these functions seem to have non-intuitive return values. I'd almost rather avoid using the return vals unless i've...
  3. T

    Algebra in ASH?

    Oh yeah before I forget, the is_numeric function (currently looks like this) boolean is_numeric(string test) { if (test == "-") return false; string valid_numeric = "0123456789.-"; string [int] test_chars = split_string(test, ""); foreach i in test_chars { if (!contains_text(valid_numeric...
  4. T

    Algebra in ASH?

    Nice, I'm happy to see you were able to use my code as a nice starting point. I really like the eval_rpn_character function you added. I could see how this could actually be quite useful in some cases. I will definitely keep a copy of your improved version around in case I ever need it ;)
  5. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    Thanks guys, it's nice to finally get some feedback on my script :) Yeah, I know the initial configuring can be a bit crazy, that's why I wrote a rather lengthy readme to try to explain what everything does. the good thing is once you have everything set up how you want it, making small tweaks...
  6. T

    Algebra in ASH?

    Glad I could help :D I didn't include a max operator, but you could always add one and then it sounds like it would probably work for your needs
  7. T

    Algebra in ASH?

    Well I'm not sure how useful a feature like this is, but I do love a good programming challenge so here's what I came up with: It is possible if you use a different method of representing the equations. The problem with the traditional way is that it's ambiguous (as in you need parentheses to...
  8. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    yeah, except that the bad ones refer to something which is no longer true about my script.
  9. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    Can a mod please remove all of these comments related to my donation mechanism now that I've changed it? (or at least move them somewhere else) I feel like people are probably coming and reading the first page of negative comments and deciding not to try my script because of that
  10. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    Awesome, I'm glad you found it helpful :D
  11. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    I tried out eatdrink.ash, and while I would recommend it to people to help find an optimal diet (which they could then put into my script) I don't want to use it to automatically decide the diet because I didn't agree with some of it's decisions. I think maybe it wasn't taking into account that...
  12. T

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    ah ok, i didn't realize it was a mafia function i thought it was something he wrote
  13. T

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    I can't get it to run, it says: Undefined reference to function 'historical_age' (eatdrink.ash, line 875) I don't know if this is a problem with eatdrink or with zlib, or maybe something else entirely
  14. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    thanks for the tip about eatdrink.ash, i'll look into that. i'm glad everyone is happy with the donation solution now :)
  15. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    Thanks for the info Grotfang! I didn't know you could do the confirmation boxes like that. I put confirmation boxes before it donates which can be turned off if you find them annoying. Hopefully this will be satisfactory to everyone and then maybe I can get some feedback on the actual script...
  16. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    Oh, I don't think he's an asshole either, I just meant agrees that my way is better. What's this popup method you're talking about?
  17. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    Well I'm glad someone agrees with me, looks like he's banned now though...
  18. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    I don't want to password protect it and charge people. I don't like the idea of forcing people to pay for it (especially before it even does anything for them) I think my way is more fair. It only sends me a small cut after it already makes a profit for the user and it can be turned off if they...
  19. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    There we go, donations in farm.ash are now % based. (puttyfarm.ash is still just a static amount because the i expect most people to puttyfarm for items, not meat) and I'll say it again, the donations are easy to turn off, just change the FARM_DONATION or PUTTY_DONATION (depending on which file...
  20. T

    script of eXtreme farming

    Really? I usually get 200k/day by running this script (which would make 10k just 5%) I guess I didn't take into account that other people might not have as good of farming gear... (mine if you're interested is: ancient turtle shell helmet, poodle skirt, coily, natty blue ascot, wossname, pulled...