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  1. jasonharper

    Feature - Rejected NaN support in ASH

    The problem with raising actual errors from modifier expressions is that they're being evaluated all the time - every time the character state changes in any way. Should a botched Candy Drop or some such expression be allowed to render the entire program unusable?
  2. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Comparison method exception in textui.parsetree.SortBy (Java 7)

    r11264 fixes the ACTUAL problem here, which is that Value.compareTo() was violating the requirements for comparator methods.
  3. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented Soft Mood Triggers

    You should be able to do that already; just specify the mood action as something like: try; cast 1 whatever
  4. jasonharper

    Feature - Rejected (Big)Decimal DataType

    A higher-precision decimal format would be useful to reduce inaccuracies, but the only one that would be reasonable for ASH would be doubles, in order to exactly match the inaccuracies of the game's calculations. A longer integer format would be useful in the rare cases where huge values need...
  5. jasonharper

    Bug - Not A Bug Odd results for float to string

    Not a bug; there is no such thing as a float with a value that is exactly 1.2 or 1.3. There are an infinite quantity of numbers within the range that a float can represent, yet only a finite quantity (4 billion or so) of float values. The fact that you can find ANY exact float values is a...
  6. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Irregular handling of floats in modifier_eval

    The problems with floats that get output in scientific notation go far beyond modifier expressions; you wouldn't be able to store them in a map file, and you wouldn't be able to let the user edit them in a relay script, because NOTHING in mafia will accept a float in scientific notation...
  7. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Went a little TOO far on the Override annotations

    No, these are genuine errors in the code. JXTable.getFillsViewportHeight(), for example, does NOT actually override anything under Java 1.5, because that method wasn't added to JTable until 1.6.
  8. jasonharper

    Files and maps and arrays, oh my!

    So, with your desired array_to_file() you'd expect output like this? 1 <tab> 2 <tab> 3 4 <tab> 5 <tab> 6 7 <tab> 8 <tab> 9 * What would you expect it to do with an array of more than two dimensions? * What would you expect it to do if the array elements were themselves maps (or otherwise...
  9. jasonharper

    Files and maps and arrays, oh my!

    An ASH array is just a specialized form of map - better performance, less flexibility. map_to_file() should already work on arrays, file_to_map() would work except that you'd have to somehow know the exact number of elements in advance. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, anyway...
  10. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Irregular handling of floats in modifier_eval

    Modifier expressions don't handle scientific notation, solely because I was under the impression that mafia never output floats in that format - did that change at some point, or was I just mistaken? In any case, there's no possible ambiguity between 'E' in a float literal, and 'E' as an effect...
  11. jasonharper

    Intriguing Puzzle Box

    There are reports of people reaching a stage where all six choices reset the puzzle. Which seems more likely for TPTB to have done: * That they would release a puzzle that certain players could NEVER solve, no matter what they did, or * That they would release a puzzle that's a joke with no...
  12. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Fancypants Scarecrow and Mad Hatrack equip effects listed under "effect" modifier

    What the hell are you people talking about? Having the Familiar Effect modifier returned when the Effect modifier is requested is quite obviously a bug. And "parse Modifiers yourself" is absolutely horrible advice... The fix is to put "(?:^|, )" in front of the "Effect:" pattern, just as was...
  13. jasonharper

    modtrace adv is failing r10892 with DEBUG log

    Should be fixed in r10893; I don't have a Hand to test.
  14. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented Finish what you started - autostartGalaktikQuest

    r10865 returns true from galaktik_cures_discounted() as soon as you have all of the quest items, so all decisions concerning the Doc's prices should be up-to-date even without a server hit.
  15. jasonharper

    Feature - Rejected maximizer - alias max for maximize

    Nothing is keeping you from doing alias max => maximize right now. Adding it as a built-in alias at this point would likely cause problems for people who already have a 'max' alias that expands to more than just 'maximize'.
  16. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Modifier Maximiser suggests impossibilities in hardcore / ronin

    The Maximizer is mis-suggesting Trivia Master because it is unable to parse its extender command - no other effect has required the use of multiple items. A hard-coded special case for this effect would be the only practical fix.
  17. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed Mafia Randomly Freezes

    Will look at it this evening.
  18. jasonharper

    SmashLib: Expected results from smashing

    A "break" immediately after a "return" is unreachable.
  19. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed ASH function return value enforcement is buggy.

    r10727 fixes this (except that any truly broken boolean functions that were being allowed under the previous special exception are generating warnings for now, rather than errors).