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  1. jasonharper

    Using both a combat filter and a ccs?

    Combat filters force your CCS to be executed a line at a time, rather than being macrofied and submitted to the server all at once. They therefore cannot support "if"/"endif" and other macro-only commands.
  2. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented maximize() that returns suggested items, skills, etc

    I haven't had a chance to look at this in detail, but the effect field may need a bit of work - a boost can consist of removal of an effect. There is also the future possibility of boosts that involve removing one effect and gaining another (switching from one pressurized potion to another, for...
  3. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented maximize() that returns suggested items, skills, etc

    Right, the grouping of multiple sources of the same effect is currently relying on the assumption that they'll all have the same score, and therefore the sort will keep them together, in the same order. That's something that really should change, to allow multiple sources of different...
  4. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented maximize() that returns suggested items, skills, etc

    Well, the scores aren't necessarily integers, and those aren't the actual command strings that could be executed to obtain the boost, and you've lost all information as to which of the boosts are alternate sources of the same effect and therefore can't usefully be stacked...
  5. jasonharper

    Bug - Not A Bug multiple synergistic maximization (performance)

    Those are permutations, not combinations. The maximizer considers only distinct combinations, of course (I couldn't afford to ignore a 6X speedup), the problem is that the number to be considered is an exponential function of the size of the shortlists.
  6. jasonharper

    Bug - Not A Bug multiple synergistic maximization (performance)

    This is simply combinatorics in action. And given that this person seems to have a computer about 10x faster than mine, I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for a mere 2-minute maximization. As a reminder, if you think the maximizer has found something good enough, you can hit ESC to interrupt...
  7. jasonharper

    Bug New maximizer apparently doesn't always force requirements

    With item drop being given 100 times the weight of stench resistance, there is basically no chance for anything that gives stench resistance alone to make it into any of the shortlists. The only way to make this work correctly would be to generate separate shortlists for each individual...
  8. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed r11688 - Maximizer issues with hot dmg vs. item

    r11690 should fix this. Hopefully it didn't break anything else in the process.
  9. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed r11688 - Maximizer issues with hot dmg vs. item

    The "N" you're referring to comes from Evaluator.maxUseful(). The value varies by slot, and by the presence of skills or familiars that let you equip certain kinds of items in slots they wouldn't otherwise hold. Having the failed flag set for an item doesn't filter it out completely, however...
  10. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed r11688 - Maximizer issues with hot dmg vs. item

    'dump' DOES print out the shortlist - but the current item in each slot will generally be in the shortlist (unless it's actively harmful), to minimize unnecessary equipment changes. There's definitely something not quite right here - the 'min 1' shouldn't be requiring that every item in the...
  11. jasonharper

    Quick question on Custom Combat

    Using "consult" prevents macrofication of your CCS, and the "if"/"endif" commands you're using exist only in KoL's combat macro language - they're simply ignored, otherwise.
  12. jasonharper

    Feature - Rejected Exact outfits

    To make a custom outfit that requires being unarmed, give it a name ending in c=unequip weapon; unequip offhand. There might be an error message that breaks automation if one of those slots is empty already, I'm not in a position to test at the moment.
  13. jasonharper

    Maximizing and Simulating

    "buffed moxie" is the modifier name you want to use. It includes +Moxie, +Moxie%, equalizer potions, and anything else that might modify this stat.
  14. jasonharper

    first-time-run wizard

    Rather than a stripped-down Preferences, might I suggest a simple list of presets? "Logger", "Spoiler", and "Automator" should cover the basic mafia use-cases.
  15. jasonharper

    Help with relay_-script buliding

    You're giving all of your fields exactly the same name. They have to have unique names in order to tell which one is which. As for: ... pressing the button IS rerunning the script.
  16. jasonharper

    Newbie Notify Help

    Changing the behavior at this point would result in resent notifications for every single script in existence that uses the 'script' directive.
  17. jasonharper

    Newbie Notify Help

    Put identical 'script' directives at the top of both files, and they should be considered identical for notification purposes: script "My Script"; notify "Me";
  18. jasonharper

    Has maximize-min changed?

    min/max have never worked on compound modifiers like "elemental damage". That's really just a shortcut for specifying the five individual elemental damage types, all with the same weight.
  19. jasonharper

    how does sort work?

    That wouldn't actually work at all. The values would be int[item] maps, which aren't comparable. You could sort it by an expression like value[$item[seal tooth]], but it's hard to imagine that producing meaningful results.
  20. jasonharper

    Map literals in ASH (potential feature)

    Most of those examples are from dynamically-typed languages; they're completely unsuitable for a language like ASH that requires every expression to have a definite type at compile time. (And if you want to suggest deriving the type from the types of the supplied keys and values, keep in mind...