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  1. G

    Away message & auto-bricking.

    I like that! As a small aside: switch (random(5)) { should be switch (random(6)) {
  2. G

    Bug - Not A Bug chat_private doesn't appear to work

    Since we haven't had a response, I'm marking this as Not a Bug and hoping that hola's new unrestricted chat_private fixes the problem (which also assumes that at the time of reporting it was intended behaviour).
  3. G

    Feature - Implemented Let Main window remember last size when launched

    I also agree with this. My home computer isn't a problem, but on my smaller laptop mafia is so big that both top and bottom disappears. This means to move/resize/etc I have to click on the toolbar icon, right click KoLmafia, click maximize, and then I can play the way I want to.
  4. G

    Bug - Not A Bug you know what, nevermind. Mall search: how does it work?

    So, apparently I was wrong. As things go, mafia does return everything it matches. However, the example used (lun) only matches 3 things, and they aren't the same as what KoL does: hyperinflated seal lung knob goblin lunchbox sack lunch Since sack lunch and seal lungs are untradable, mafia is...
  5. G

    Bug - Fixed Usage of Pumpkin Bomb not detected

    I'm in HC at the moment, so can't do anything quickly. However, I will have a look tomorrow and see if I can find anything.
  6. G

    First (real) attempt to make an ash script: Sewer.ash

    @me259259: The information you give is lovely, in that you try to identify the problem yourself and then tell us what you have worked out. However, I recommend posting the entire code up (or at least entire functions) if you want help from others. With your unparsable booleans... nothing is...
  7. G

    Sourceforge SVN Browser down?

    Super-ninja'd, I think... ;-)
  8. G

    Bug - Fixed Chat doesn't work cleanly in CLI or headless modes

    Sorry -- been away over the weekend, so only just read this. It's a good fix -- mafia now logs in. who_clan() still throws headless exceptions, but I can fix that elsewhere now the program can actually log in. Cheers! EDIT: I'm being dim. Set useContactsFrame to false and it's perfect. Fantastic!
  9. G

    svnversion problem

    Done. Could still get people cocking up (if they don't add relevant folders to their Path, but meh. Can only lead them so far and they could always check the forums.
  10. G

    svnversion problem

    I stand by my previous comments regarding SlikSVN. ;-) (I kid -- they all do the same thing!) Just as a side-point though, is it worth sticking this into the wiki page? Which page are you referring to, Winterbay?
  11. G

    Bug - Fixed mafia fails on login when it cannot open window in CLI mode

    V -- it is the same issue, as far as I'm aware. I just ran mine from my windows machine without a login script to grab a quick debug log to see what was failing. As far as I'm aware, the logout issue has always existed (as does starting chat) which is what I had worked around with the useGUI...
  12. G

    Feature - Implemented pull enchanted bean from closet

    Do we currently stop you adventuring there if you have the bean in your inventory? Honestly am curious -- I have never automated that particular portion, and certainly nothing stops me from going there by hand.
  13. G

    Bug - Fixed Chat doesn't work cleanly in CLI or headless modes

    Hola -- headless mode is actually broken. Windows doesn't seem to want to output the error log, so a summary: ChatManager [line 92] calls >> ContactListFrame [line 70] calls >> GenericFrame [line 125] >> calls JFrame. I assume since this looks like it's the trivia game that this isn't intentional?
  14. G

    Bug - Fixed Chat doesn't work cleanly in CLI or headless modes

    That would be good too. I run it headless on a linux server, but assumed the CLI was intended to mimic that. Whoops. If I replace all my KoLmafia.useGUI statements with System.getProperty( "java.awt.headless" ).equals( "true" ) would that cover everything that needs covering? I'm just trying to...
  15. G

    Bug - Fixed Chat doesn't work cleanly in CLI or headless modes

    This patch solves *my* issues, but I wonder if there's a nicer way of retaining info on CLI arguments. I don't want to commit this, but if someone could comment on whether they feel there is a better way to get similar functionality (or maybe this isn't functionality that's wanted in the first...
  16. G

    Bug - Fixed Chat doesn't work cleanly in CLI or headless modes

    This is sort of both a feature request and a bug report: Feature Request: Screenshot for illustration. With the new updates allowing us to parse chat using chatbot scripts, and receive maps of people present, I don't think it should still be essential to open these frames if we are running...
  17. G

    Feature - Implemented receive chat

    The problem I'm having at the moment is that running on a server, I have no means of producing a GUI, and mafia seems pretty dependent on its chat frames. This is producing a lot of errors and not allowing me to continue. I used to have a chunk of code that meant whenever something came into the...
  18. G

    Feature - Implemented receive chat

    Fantastic. My chatbots currently use a modified version of mafia to send communications between two clans. Now it can be done using purely native code. Cheers
  19. G

    Bug Creating Talisman o' Nam results in an error

    I did actually take a look at this, but since I'm in HC and am dragging my feet (since work is currently taking priority over finishing my ascension), I haven't tested my patch. The code I stuck in is a little dirty, and could probably be made more elegant, but I figured maybe simply preventing...
  20. G

    Bug Creating Talisman o' Nam results in an error This issue is already known, but maybe deserves a separate thread. The problem is that on acquiring the first snakehead, mafia tries to create the talisman. As part of this, it uses...