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  1. G

    Nemesis quest script

    What do you feel about the suggestion from illarion to scrap the major releases entirely and simply refer to the daily builds at all times? Is there any great benefit in having the version control we do when it seems to confuse so many people?
  2. G

    Hands Free Hamster

    ############## Overview ############## This project is a series of scripts to automate the process of obtaining Hodgman's Imaginary Hamster. This is still a work in process, but I now believe the scripts are at a stage where they can be successfully used, providing the run goes smoothly with...
  3. G

    Command line options for starting Mafia?

    java -jar Kolmafia-latest.jar autoadv.txt --CLI
  4. G

    Feature - Implemented mall links

    If it is what I thought, I'm actually going to duck out of this request. I don't think mafia tracks the item number as needed by the ajax request (it's longer than the normal one...), and I don't think it's a good idea to introduce workaround code to make it work out the number from surrounding...
  5. G

    Feature - Implemented mall links

    May I ask for clarification? There is a set up currently where people can buy in one click. Some people choose to force mall users to do it in two. You would like mafia to ignore their preference and what -- add a buy link regardless? I'll have to see whether that would work, but that sounds...
  6. G

    New Content - Implemented Chat Change?

    Nope. That uses the same method we always have to parse methods and seems to work perfectly. My chatbotScript PM logger shows the message perfectly. Many thanks. Committed r9283
  7. G

    Kmail Plus

    That would be really cool!
  8. G

    Kmail Plus

    That sounds a nice idea. Currently, I'm just working with the defaults, since that's what people see when they first use it (and many won't consider fiddling). What I have noticed is that it is hard to switch to the "thread" view; I can do it if I "Mark as unread", which also changes the layout...
  9. G

    Kmail Plus

    I did think of that, and tried that blue first, but it is very pale. You use it in the dropdowns for predictive text, where the paleness is nice, but for text it just made it harder to read. It's your call, though.
  10. G

    Kmail Plus

    "Preferences >> Browser >> Enable user-scripted relay browser overrides" needs to be checked.
  11. G

    Kmail Plus

    fullw is 100% so margin shouldn't be there in the way it was -- width is calculated first, then the table is shunted 10px to the right; hence the scrollbar. I've changed margin to margin-top so useful behaviour is retained. Also added 20px padding to message text cells and made it so your...
  12. G

    Kmail Plus

    To be honest, I am not sufficiently well versed in these boards to remember these things. I fairly quickly made it have its own line when I noticed my mistake, but it's been a while since I've posted an attachment and I forgot that clicking "Done" is sufficient without clicking the "Insert...
  13. G

    Kmail Plus

    I really like this. It's a nice concept. I have spent about 20 minutes tonight playing with some of the CSS and changed a couple of things. Firstly, I think a table for the navigation in the left frame isn't quite right since it's not really tabular data being presented, so I made "Compose" a...
  14. G

    Feature When a chat message contains"/w", do not discard the beginning of the message

    Only problem with that is it ignores all the other things people could do, like include "/whisper" or "/msg" in the middle of a message. It might solve your own problem, but it wouldn't make the solution elegant. startsWith requires a string argument, so can't use a matcher there and lots of OR...
  15. G

    Bug - Fixed "quoted" link in Icepenguin express gives error message

    Merged Fred's thread with jwylot's. It's also happening to me too.
  16. G

    Bug - Waiting for Info chatbotScript locks mafia

    This is why MrEdge's method of catching messages and outputting them to a file seems to work well. Means the chatbot script is active for a tiny amount of the time and another (non-chatbot) script can handle them.
  17. G

    Ascension counts

    Not going to do it for you, but the following gives you a nice framework to build ascension summaries from. The matcher (+ documentation beneath) are the main things to note, but I include an example of how to build a summary similar to the one you produce above. int [string] classCount...
  18. G

    Feature - Implemented Let Main window remember last size when launched

    Nice work! I'm already using it :-) Just so no-one gets confused, if mafia is already running, editing your user_prefs.txt file may not have a lasting effect. Instead, enter into the CLI: set rememberDesktopSize=true
  19. G

    division problem

    Actually, it depends on who we are targetting. My feeling is that for the most part ASH is better documented than many languages, and for a lot of users, is the first language they actually write in. If that is our aim (and since the language is designed to help people play a stick figure game...