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  1. G

    Help with chatbot buffing.

    It looks as though you are using both multiple values and multiple keys. Make sure you are clear in your mind what the difference is between them. Eg. int [string,skill] buffRecord; Value: int (could be the number of casts given for the entry). Keys: string (could be the persons name), skill...
  2. G

    Daily Deeds support

    I'm sorry things have become so aggressive. Some of your ideas are sensible, but it has felt as though you have been making a lot of your comments without taking the time to understand where the other side lies. Documentation is not really in place. It's been discussed, but someone needs to...
  3. G

    Daily Deeds support

    This is factually incorrect. We can get a response text from items that have preconditions applied to their usage that indicate a failure. Without mafia knowing what this text is, the presence of a response cannot necessarily indicate successful usage. I know it's a trivial example (but I really...
  4. G

    Help with chatbot buffing.

    If you've read Veracity's Data Structures page, it might be worth looking at the discussion page too. It explains in a LOT less detail the basics of map manipulation for those who are complete beginners. My advice when you are starting is to do lots of tests. Try out different ways of...
  5. G

    Daily Deeds support

    Unfortunately I think this is a difference in ethos. You think the preference is a counter for how often you have pressed a button. We think the preference is a counter for how often you have used the item. Since pressing the button tends to correlate nicely with using the item, you are happy...
  6. G

    Daily Deeds support

    Wow. I would have gone with "marginally more time consuming to implement" rather than almost useless. I think you're being a bit mean here. You've already been shown one solution for how you can implement your own incrementing counter. Once that script's in place, implementing it everywhere you...
  7. G

    Daily Deeds support

    I can. What if the condition for incrementing the counter wasn't met when you clicked the button?
  8. G

    headless/unattended operation

    I could be wrong, but I think what's being referred to is that the script can tell whether it needs to log you in or whether you have called it once you have logged in. Eg: boolean logIn = false; void main() { if( my_name() == "" ) { cli_execute( "login character" ); if( my_name != ""...
  9. G

    headless/unattended operation

    If you do decide to add it to the wiki, please don't use the word "headless". Headless has a specific meaning, which is not what you are talking about here (and probably why searching didn't come up with anything useful). Running a headless environment means you do not have a...
  10. G

    headless/unattended operation

    Okay. So, this thread title is slightly off. Headless is a specific property of java that mafia does support. For those future peeps (hi future peeps!) who come looking, the code you might be looking for (that I run) is this: /usr/bin/nohup java -DuseCWDasROOT -jar -Djava.awt.headless=true...
  11. G

    Not getting password mailed to me

    Why not just create a new account?
  12. G

    Bug - Fixed 10033 broken??

    Just had a quick look, but I think the problem is that we compile lib before src. The package doesn't exist as far as the compiler is concerned at the point of compiling the lib classes (hence the 13 errors there). When we then compile the src classes the 100 errors generated are a result of not...
  13. G

    Feature - Implemented ash my_clan()

    And if you want the id: int clan_id() { matcher mat = create_matcher( "whichclan\=(\\d+)" , visit_url( "showplayer.php?who=" + my_id().to_string() ) ); return ( ( find( mat ) ) ? to_int( group( mat , 1 ) ) : 0 ); }
  14. G

    raidlog override a la Dr. Evi1

    I also like a topmenu link to the logs. It's immensely useful during hamster runs. Here is a copy of my topmenu relay override. It also includes the code to make the inventory links split into three, and probably doesn't play nicely with the compact topmenu.
  15. G

    Bug - Fixed Outfit saving instead of putting on

    Thanks slyz. Works perfectly. r9925
  16. G

    Bug - Fixed Outfit saving instead of putting on

    Yesterday I saved an outfit as "save-20111022". KoL accepts this as an outfit name. Today I typed: outfit save-20111022 Mafia saved my current outfit as "-20111022". Is this worth solving, or should I just think of better names for my outfits? :rolleyes:
  17. G

    Bug - Fixed Event messages in relay browser persisting across sessions

    Logging out of a character and then back in with a new character doesn't clear the events that show up at the top of the page. I'm really sorry to be such a pest with these event things. I really like the concept of the feature, though!
  18. G

    Nemesis quest script

    When these mazes first came out I set up a script based on the six known layouts (lava.ash). I am still receiving notify messages (about once a week now) and have yet to hear of it failing. If the native functionality -- which often costs HP -- still fails, that script will be unlikely to. It's...
  19. G

    Feature - Implemented postPrismScript

    Not a problem. As I said, I should have phrased my question more clearly :-) I'll leave it for someone else to weigh in on. If there is a developer who thinks this deserves inclusion then I have no issue with it being included. My thinking is simply that there is a risk of over-complicating...
  20. G

    Feature - Implemented postPrismScript

    That's true, and responds to my question. I should have phrased it better. I understand what the differences in processing would be. Why wouldn't a relay override for lair6.php that checked for the prism-breaking text have the exact same result as far as the user is concerned (albeit via a...