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  1. G

    Looking to condense a script a little.

    Sorry Theraze -- wasn't trying to steal credit for that. I had thought I'd made it clear from "You also have repeated checks that can be abstracted out to a function:" that it was the "void obtain" function that I was adding. @AlvitrValkyrie: Yes, it is a simple way of making something happen...
  2. G

    Who collects what?

    I don't really collect anything, and don't really submit enough code to be worthy of any gifts even if I did. Maybe when I have time to get back to coding I'll update chat and introduce a collection to this thread :)
  3. G

    Looking to condense a script a little.

    That is the correct expression. The way it works is that it iterates through the expression for each of the values of x. It just happens that you don't use x. for i from 1 to 3 { print( i ); } This will produce: 1 2 3 In your code, we use the fact that it will go through the expression 3...
  4. G

    Looking to condense a script a little.

    You also have repeated checks that can be abstracted out to a function: void obtain( item it, int num ) { if( item_amount( it ) < num ) buy( num - item_amount( it ), it ); } void main() { if( have_effect( $effect[Ode to Booze] ) < 1 ) cli_execute( "csend 1 meat to Testudinata" )...
  5. G

    eclipse setup, tricks, etc

    This is a really useful guide, roippi. I wish I had had something like this available when I started. Would you mind if I included parts of this in other projects I'm involved in? If that's okay, how would you like to be acknowledged?
  6. G

    Bug Lag in both relay browser and using the adventure tab...

    I'm afraid I don't have time to deal with this (still in my exams), but one possibility I would want to exclude is that this is related to Faxbot. If you use the mafia interface to request a FaxBot fax, while you have the relay chat open with the new chat system, I can imagine a situation where...
  7. G

    Bug - Fixed Debug log when Rollover comes

    Shouldn't have done. That doesn't use ChatPoller. I think it's more likely to what Slyz says about Hola's id check. Still working on updating chat, but having to fit it around revision. It'll be a while yet before tabbed chat is properly integrated outside of the relay browser.
  8. G

    Logging in a Bot

    I'm not surprised it doesn't pick up on them. My question is should it? If so, how should it?
  9. G

    Logging in a Bot

    Probably not, but you are welcome to test them. They aren't really chat messages (with a sender and content) in the same way as others. If you could come up with a sensible way of representing them, then I can look at integrating them, but conceptually it doesn't make a huge amount of sense to...
  10. G

    Logging in a Bot

    Depends on what green messages you are looking for. It will happily pick up on dungeon announcements, for example, which are green (I think?). In contrast, it won't pick up on response text from "/use <whatever", which is also green. /who is already integrated into ash.
  11. G

    New Content - Implemented KoLmafia doesn't fully support KoL's built-in tabbed chat

    Just had an interesting moment -- went in to Opera and experienced a similar issue to the one you were describing, Bale. I refreshed the browser and the problem disappeared. I assume therefore that my encounter with this was due to a cached script somewhere. Now it works fine as per usual...
  12. G

    Feature - Rejected Add wiki link to class in relay browser

    There's nothing to forgive. My question wasn't intended to be mean or stifle you. All I was curious about is what the benefits of this would be compared to the status quo, which is that a relay script can have the same effect. To contribute more meaningfully to the discussion, my inclination is...
  13. G

    New Content - Implemented KoLmafia doesn't fully support KoL's built-in tabbed chat

    Is this mafia-specific, or does it happen in vanilla KoL too? I'm kinda curious as to what is causing problems, but I am doubtful I will fix it for the time being if it is errors in the javascript KoL sends through (or something similar). At the moment that script seems to be changing slightly...
  14. G

    New Content - Implemented KoLmafia doesn't fully support KoL's built-in tabbed chat

    Hi folks, Just bumping this to a) Keep me on my toes; and b) Give you a quick update on where I'm at. Bale -- still can't replicate your issue and I have /hauntedhouse open and working just fine. I've been using it to test the /announce feature :-). However, that doesn't mean it's not an...
  15. G

    Feature - Rejected Add wiki link to class in relay browser

    Why should this be a native feature instead of something to be left for a relay override script?
  16. G

    New Content - Implemented KoLmafia doesn't fully support KoL's built-in tabbed chat

    Okay, I'm confused. It's open in Opera and working fine for me. I'm sorry, but I need more info from you - what's not working and is it unrelated to the known problem of having the mafia chat client open at the same time?
  17. G

    New Content - Implemented KoLmafia doesn't fully support KoL's built-in tabbed chat

    So, current issues that need fixing are: Test and fix for Opera (and maybe Chrome?) Integrate old and new chat systems in mafia chat. Using the new system in the relay browser shouldn't prohibit you using the old system at the same time. Build a parser to log chat under the new system. The...
  18. G

    New Content - Implemented KoLmafia doesn't fully support KoL's built-in tabbed chat

    Okay... I've tested this out a bit and I can at least assert that it's probably better than the current setup. The only thing that might be an issue is if you have the mafia chat open at the same time as the relay browser chat in tabbed chat mode. r10851
  19. G

    New Content - Implemented KoLmafia doesn't fully support KoL's built-in tabbed chat

    I think this new patch allows all the various interfaces to work and old-style chat (and the mafia chat client) will be parsed and logged properly. The next step is to set up the parser to handle the new formatting, but I may well not look at that until later this week (not necessarily tomorrow...
  20. G

    New Content - Implemented KoLmafia doesn't fully support KoL's built-in tabbed chat

    It's well past midnight and I can't spend long on this. I've got chat working in the new system, but it is filthy code. Literally just doing what was needed to make it work. THIS PATCH BREAKS OLD CHAT. It also breaks the Mafia chat client. This is because I currently hijack the old ChatRequest...