Search results

  1. I

    Feature Replace pwd hashes in debug log with generic string

    After some mild investigation, the attack vector requires that the debug log is shared immediately after the requests is made, and that the user does not make another http request so that the AWS load balancer cookie remains unchanged. Obfuscation of the session id should invalidate that...
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    Feature Replace pwd hashes in debug log with generic string

    Every so often a naive user shares their log in discord, and someone has to tell them to relog. An hour ago was the last time.
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    Feature Replace pwd hashes in debug log with generic string

    All too often (Probably every other month) you see someone sharing their debug log without realizing they want to hide their pwd hashes. Only a few people would want said hash in their logs to be the real thing, and to date I don't recall a situation where I want the real hash in my logs. So...
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    Feature ASH location_accessible function.

    Ah just had a thought. Will this properly account for when a relay script tells you if you can adventure there or not? Quick example, say I have a script that tells me to go to this location for whatever reason, maybe its something I run in gCLI, something I run in a relay script. It has a...
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    Feature - Implemented Prevent multiple instances of kolmafia from accessing the same account

    Just to clarify because I think there's some confusion going on. I'm not talking about raising or lowering the instance limit. Just a sanity check to prevent one account being logged into with multiple instances. So the instances are not fighting over who is logged in.
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    Feature ASH location_accessible function.

    Haunted bedroom is still incorrect, reported that I could adventure there immediately after I received the necklace from writing desk. Obviously, I couldn't. I still needed to deliver my necklace, then talk to them on the second floor. js canAdventure(Location.get("The Haunted Bedroom"))...
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    Feature - Implemented Prevent multiple instances of kolmafia from accessing the same account

    Sometimes in a fortnight I misclick and accidentally log into an account that's running turns on my second instance of mafia. This obviously does not go well. We have a session lock, I'm not sure if its possible to make another session lock for a username. So when you have an account selected...
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    Bug - Won't Fix Second floor is not available, when canAdventure says it is

    This test and a few others, appear to be wrong. This also looks wrong. For starters, as soon as the 5th writing desk is defeated. Second floor does not become available. We still need to talk to the ghost. After talking to the ghost, our spookyraven necklace disappears. Second floor can now be...
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    Bug - Fixed Price calculation incorrect for gift shop purchases

    I see a 5% discount which reduces "All-Purpose Flower" from 2k to 1.9k But when using CLI to buy a "All-Purpose Flower" it'll grab the sweatpants, claim it's buying at 1.8k. Spend 1.9k and restore my pants. Equipping my pants and going there manually shoes it is at 1.9k. Using a holiday coupon...
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    Feature - Implemented Hide uy] from relay mall search if the store is in forbiddenStores
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    Feature - Implemented Hide uy] from relay mall search if the store is in forbiddenStores

    How about this? Just a red background, and a title attribute. Having the whole line red is a bit obtrusive.
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    Feature - Implemented Hide uy] from relay mall search if the store is in forbiddenStores

    Those are greyed out though, as you can see in the screenshot. I think removing the links would be more confusing there.
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    Feature - Implemented Hide uy] from relay mall search if the store is in forbiddenStores

    In this case the general use is to avoid buying from stores for various reasons. Such as for an example, a store that caters to newbies but you like buying that item. Or you have a mall bot that you don't want to buy from. My specific example is a multi I control for some functions with...
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    Feature - Implemented Hide uy] from relay mall search if the store is in forbiddenStores

    So I was thinking about making this a PR after accidentally using the wrong account to buy some items in relay. As shown in the below image, the [buy] buttons just disappear if the store is in your forbidden list. You can buy items inside the store as normal.
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    Bug Mafia does not gracefully handle calling a .js chatbotScript in the middle of an exceptional error

    To Reproduce 1. Create an empty javascript file in your scripts folder, then set the property chatbotScript to the path 2. Enter a choice adventure where your choice is set to 0 or an invalid option, I used unbreakable unbrella choice 3. Run ash adv1($location[The Tunnel of L.O.V.E.], 1, "") - I...
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    Feature - Rejected Mall search/buy results are ordered by quantity & name, ignores advertising budget completely.

    A serious question. Would you be opposed to a change where mafia still performs the same number of overall purchase requests, but respecting the mall order? For the mall search GUI, we leave that untouched. It still sorts by quantity. But the internals of mall purchases by mafia's API are...
  17. I

    Feature - Rejected Mall search/buy results are ordered by quantity & name, ignores advertising budget completely.

    When there are 50 shops all listing the same item for 100 meat. The shop with the most items purchasable will always be purchased from by mafia. I don't think this is intended behavior, as it effectively removes advertising budget from play. Checking mafia's internals, the PriceComparator is...
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    Feature Allow print_html to print output to the session log

    Implemented at To clarify, the implementation is opt-in for the script authors. Adds print_html(string, boolean) This doesn't change anything in the normal print_html function.
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    Feature Allow print_html to print output to the session log

    The session log is not related to the mirror thing in the manner you seem to believe. Calling print() explicitly logs to session log, the area which generally all gCLI logging is done is not connected to session log aside from having code in the same class. That is to say, there's no risk of...
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    Feature Log clan name/id to session log on login & clan switch

    Currently when you switch clans, or log into the game. Your session log does not inform you what clan you're in. That is, the only mention that we've switched clans is a few lines of output indicating we're checking rumpus room/vip. The reason I'm interested in this is because I wanted to...