Search results

  1. I

    Feature - Rejected Archive old sessions to reduce file size

    So someone brought up how big their sessions files were, which had me check my sessions folder. 5.5gb Granted, this is after a few years and with something like 3 accounts. Still an impressive size. Then I ran it with compression format of 7z and compression level of ultra which is not a real...
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    Feature Handle github's removal of SVN gracefully

    Yeah, I have to admit I probably jumped the gun a bit here. I think I've also missed a discussion about this too. That said, it'd probably be best to bank this until github actually sunsets SVN and the overall state of how things are affected is clear instead of my assuming.
  3. I

    Feature Handle github's removal of SVN gracefully For those of you that are unaware, SVN support in github will be removed on the 8th of Jan. This was discussed before here...
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    [Deprecated] Fixes snowballs making user profile links unclickable

    This script is no longer needed, a fix has been implemented by TPTB
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    [Deprecated] Fixes snowballs making user profile links unclickable

    This script is no longer needed, TPTB has fixed it. To be clear, this doesn't do anything but fix links, TPTB made a small typo in their snowball code which this relay script fixes. This does not hide the snowballs, it does not make any QoL changes. It just changes a small piece of code so...
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    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    For both those beaches, I have "combed" So yeah, that'd be the last two rares!
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    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    I've added the last rares to combo, which is a total of 998 rares. There's a chance the last 2 rares are just not available, having a castle or beach head on top of them. I think someone may have already spaded all rares too and said as such. Otherwise, there's 26 tiles on a rare beach that I...
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    Bug - Fixed Unable to craft staff of ed
  9. I

    Bug - Fixed Unable to craft staff of ed

    Earlier while running my turns I encountered an error where mafia no longer can craft me a staff of ed. Long story short, it looks like this change is at fault.
  10. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Sand: 949,500 Uncommon Sparkle: 48,864 Unknown tiles: 613 Combed: 594 Castle: 512 Rare Sparkle: 500 Mystery Sparkle: 19 Head: 11 Unknown tiles not on rare beach: 4 This is only data that was actually visited, so it's missing quite a bit of the known rares. I'm 99% sure that the "unknown tiles"...
  11. I

    Bug - Fixed Can't download onlyfax config file

    Sorted it out, turns out there was an issue in the software OnlyFax was using to serve http requests.
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    Bug - Fixed Wardrobe-o-matic prefs don't update when used
  13. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Huh, I missed the notifications. You're further ahead than me for the rare tiles funny enough. I've found only 335, and that's including the hoarded ones. Sand: 949,500 Uncommon Sparkle: 48,548 Unknown tiles: 1,094 Combed: 1,058 Castle: 512 Rare Sparkle: 335 Unknown tiles not on rare beach...
  14. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Hmm, comparing both datasets. We have 41 beaches that likely have a hoarded rare we're unaware of yet. Number reached by filtering out the minutes that contain a known rare, and the minute contains a combed or unknown sparkle as per my own dataset. I have about 900 beaches with unknown tiles...
  15. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    So I parsed your data and compared it to mine. Matched UNCOMMON_SPARKLE: 45874 Irrat has COMBED but Vera has UNCOMMON_SPARKLE: 1674 Irrat has UNCOMMON_SPARKLE but Vera has nothing: 1066 Irrat has COMBED but Vera has RARE_SPARKLE: 846 Irrat has MYSTERY_SPARKLE but Vera has UNCOMMON_SPARKLE: 86...
  16. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Ah yep. I think you're using terms that I don't fully understand myself. So I'll just post what my scraper outputted for today Rows hidden by waves: 2, rollover will expose a row Turns Spent: 599 Tiles combed: 75 Combs wasted: 524 Sand: 943,924 Uncommon Sparkle: 45,501 Unknown tiles: 10,004...
  17. I

    Bug - Fixed lastTrainsetConfiguration incorrectly reset during initialization

    Alright, looked into this briefly and I think its because a free fight can move the trainset, but its free which we didn't take into account. In my head, it goes 1. You reconfigure, mafia tracks that 2. You do a free fight, trainset moves. Mafia tracks that. 3. You visit the workshed, trainset...
  18. I

    Bug - Fixed lastTrainsetConfiguration incorrectly reset during initialization

    As the author of the trainset code, I feel like this is intentional. Unfortunately I am on my phone and apparently I wasn't speaking plain English in the description. Perhaps if you can prove that a test is wrong? It might just be that there's...
  19. I

    Feature - Implemented Relogging to improve ping

    Yeah, I am probably wrong. I think they may have changed the backend stuff again, my ping has been remarkably consistant. In discord, people were reporting login issues after rollover, being logged out after they had logged in. But I also noticed this problem on a non-mafia script which only...
  20. I

    Feature - Implemented Relogging to improve ping

    I'm not sure but it feels like we might need to actually log out now, instead of just doing a fresh login. I'm getting logged out errors whenever I time back in.