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  1. dapanda


    Can't wish for "infernal seal spawn" Is there a better place to put these? I don't want to edit the doc file unless that is the recommended option.
  2. dapanda

    Feature Genie wish to notify on failure

    Hi, Currently when you wish to fight a monster from the CLI and the monster isn't available, nothing happens. Would it be possible for KoLMafia to print that it can not fight a monster or to return an error? Thanks!
  3. dapanda


    Is there anyway to get a complete list of what is possible for wishing? Is it just creatures that are able to be copied? If that is the case does mafia track that?
  4. dapanda

    Wishing for Monsters for Factoids

    Here is the base code to fight a single monster, if you don't want to get the full copying script from the SVN int wishnumber = 0; cli_execute("checkmanuel"); boolean copyformm() { foreach monstermanuel in $monsters[] { if (can_faxbot(monstermanuel) &&...
  5. dapanda

    Advice on consult-script

    I updated the script to include all the new coping options (I just added the new skills/items for people that have trouble with code). I didn't have a chance to test it today boolean funk = have_skill( $skill[ Ambidextrous Funkslinging ] ); boolean putty = item_amount( $item[ Spooky Putty...
  6. dapanda

    Wishing for Monsters for Factoids

    I made a rough script for finding missing factoids with a Genie Wish. It will fight one monster and use any copying abilities you have to get the rest of the factoids. It can run a bit slow as it has to check the manuel after every combat to make sure it doesn't have 3 factoids yet. Things...
  7. dapanda


    ugggh, I missed that. Thank you! I will test it after rollover.
  8. dapanda


    I am having an issue with a specific wish to work in command line of KolMafia (CLI). I am able to make the wish through the relay browser without issue. In the browser I type: "to be always be collecting" and it casts properly and I get 20 turns of the effect. If I run this in the command...
  9. dapanda


    As always you come through. Thanks!
  10. dapanda

    ValhallaDecorator personal checks

    That was perfect!
  11. dapanda

    Request for help scripting combat in batfellow

    I am just trying to burn through the runs to get my weekly comic and beat the bosses for the trophy. When I want the jokester stuff I will play it by hand
  12. dapanda

    Request for help scripting combat in batfellow

    Hi ungawa, I am still getting the "twiddle your thumbs" response. Would you mind posting your script for the combat? Thanks!
  13. dapanda

    ValhallaDecorator personal checks

    Hi! Is there a way to add personal checks to the ValhallaDecorator, "The Astral Gash" page that comes up once you click on the portal? Or is that something that would have to be done VIA a relay script. I want to create my own single use, get items once per ascension, also remind me of...
  14. dapanda

    ckb Standard Ascension

    Has anyone had luck using the script without having the Slimeling? I am getting the rest of the skills now but the Slimeling would be at least 2 months out (I have no gear for slime-hates-it).
  15. dapanda

    Making a Clan Buffbot, could use some help

    Hi everyone, I have been working on a Clan BuffBot for a while and now it is finally ready to be released. I a full plan for its scripting but I am not sure how to make KoLmafia do what I want. Besides using the "wait()" command and the topic listed below, is there any way to have commands run...
  16. dapanda

    Sharpen Your Saw & Become a New You

    You could try this and see if that fixes it:
  17. dapanda

    Sharpen Your Saw & Become a New You

    Thank you for the script! Where are you getting the variables for the monster and the skill to use? I was looking on how to personally add a "not the target" monster combat action. For instance if you are supposed to go after the "Punk Rock Giant" and you get the "Steam punk giant" it would...