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  1. Bale

    Automatically unlock areas of Dreadsylvania

    I think you don't get the basic concept of foreach. All it does is allow you to run the same code while changing the variable. If the variable never changes, then foreach shouldn't be used. Here's an example from your script. string log = visit_url( "clan_raidlogs.php" ); foreach place...
  2. Bale

    looking at clan_raidlogs.php

    A very slow ninja by Theraze while I was testing. (And checking old clan raidlogs.) Our code is essentially similar, but I hope you won't think mine is as strange.
  3. Bale

    looking at clan_raidlogs.php

    While regexp are built into split_string it isn't necessary to know much about them. I think it is probably the simplest solution. It is relevant like this: void main() { string log = visit_url("clan_raidlogs.php"); string [int] drove; foreach place in $strings[some werewolves out of the...
  4. Bale

    looking at clan_raidlogs.php

    Gee. I usually try to NOT show regexp to beginners. It has been known for people's heads to explode when encountering regexps for the first time. Even zarqon still hasn't come to terms with them even though he cannot deny their versatility. Anyway, if someone is going to start studying the...
  5. Bale

    Bug - Fixed Breakfast infinite loop

    You committed the change in r17868. Does that mean we can mark the bug fixed?
  6. Bale

    Automatically unlock areas of Dreadsylvania

    In my Clan's raidlogs I find these lines <br>SKF (#1681024) unlocked the attic of the cabin (1 turn) <br>SKF (#1681024) unlocked the fire watchtower (1 turn) <br>SKF (#1681024) unlocked the schoolhouse (1 turn) <br>SKF (#1681024) unlocked the master suite (1 turn) <br>SKF (#1681024) unlocked...
  7. Bale

    Automatically unlock areas of Dreadsylvania

    It is not necessary for a repository to contain dependencies.txt so if you leave the file empty it would be better to not have it at all. You can add the checks by using contains_text() on visit_url( "clan_raidlogs.php" ). Though you might need to unlock the choice adventure once to see what...
  8. Bale

    How to access blue text of a skill?

    You'd probably want to use string_modifier(sk, "Evaluated Modifiers"). The "Modifiers" keyword will show you formulae for modifiers that are complex. "Evaluated Modifiers" will calculate those modifiers based on the characters current condition. It does require a bit of formatting to make the...
  9. Bale

    Feature - Implemented "Use Again/Another" post-combat link for fights triggered by lynyrd snares

    Since the snare only works 3 times a day, this feature would be even better if mafia also reported the value of _lynyrdSnareUses (2/3 lyrnrds fought today) and only give a link to use another snare if we're still under the legal limit.
  10. Bale

    My personal Meat farming script

    The category for scripts which spend turns is "adventure". I added it to the Script Manager.
  11. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Maintain data purity when setting item goals

    I've actually run into this specific example getting friendly warnings from my preAdventureScript before every adventure. It's rather a—awkward.
  12. Bale

    Noobsorb: A relay script to help track your absorptions.

    The eleven-foot pole is not discardable. The rules are these: boolean is_absorbable(item it) { if($items[interesting clod of dirt, dirty bottlecap, discarded button] contains it) return true; return ( || it.tradeable) && it.discardable; }
  13. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    At the moment KoLmafia only updates absorb information from the charpane. It doesn't even try to figure that out itself. This is behaving exactly as intended. (The information doesn't even exist in the api, so that is not an option.) If you don't think that this is the best way to do things...
  14. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    Yeah, the three starter items are an exception to the rules. boolean is_absorbable(item it) { if($items[interesting clod of dirt, dirty bottlecap, discarded button] contains it) return true; return ( || it.tradeable) && it.discardable; } Annoying that. I really wish he'd made those...
  15. Bale

    Reading basement logs

    I'm theoretically in charge of maintaining the raidlog parser, but I barely understand how it works. (Not a joke.) Fortunately I do understand how Dreadsylvania works and I can give advice based on that: The only thing that determines if an area of Dreadsylvania has been unlocked is how drunk...
  16. Bale

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    I don't mind if you copy/paste my code into your script without the import. If you're really nice you can attribute it to me in a comment at the top of the function, but I won't dislike you if you copy it without the attribution.
  17. Bale

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    newLife does not calculate the universe. I can help you figure out which script is running. Copy/paste the following two lines into your CLI: (capitalization is important) get betweenBattleScript get afterAdventureScript That will tell you the name of the scripts that are set to...
  18. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    AlbinoRhino, you attempted to fix the problem where the walls errerroneously overlap the bottom of the ceiling... Your fix has been utterly effective for me! There have even been a few times that I've seen the walls overlap my ceiling for a fraction of a second and then snap down a step to...
  19. Bale

    Bale's Relay Overrides

    And I didn't even realize that there was such an option. No wonder I was so confused by your problem. We both learned something today!
  20. Bale

    Bale's Relay Overrides

    I'm not 100% sure what you're saying. I think that you telling me that when checking the description of an item the name of the item and effect links to the standard wiki page for that item as it is supposed to do, but there is no additional information on the item's description saying what...