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  1. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Haven't done, will do. Maybe I should just make a note about the whole new Valhalla thingy though because I guess it is because of detecting which sign that now give access to Degrassi Knoll that this happen.
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    FOund a very bad case of infinite bug. When using BCCAscend v.23 it want me to do something in the degrassi knoll. I guess this is due to inability to sense that Degrassi Knoll is my moonsign area and not open to adventures, but the wierd part is that it refuse to stop. > ******************...
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Yeh KoL is pretty sluggish overall atm, but was not sure what caused it, but I'm going with the shotgun approach: If I report everything I encounter that might be a bug, maybe I will get some hits ;-) Just imagine what my assignments in basic rogramming must have been like :P
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I think the script is broken =S Just started it on my multi who is lvl12 and it did not seem to be able to sense what had been completed and what had not. Level 3 Starting BCC: We have completed the stage [guild2]. BCC: Getting the DB Epic Weapon and it just spent 2400meat on chewing gums...
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I guess having MP and restoration spells and items help with Beaten Up though, so a healthy HP / MP Management should solve that part. It is still the issue with the familiars then though. And gear =S Guess I will do the Bee-path next ascension instead =)
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    A quick question, is the script Bees Hate You-proof? Mostly thinking about how it choose its familiars and if that is flexible enough to realize that it sense when something cannot be used and go to pick something else instead. I assume that no imortant quest items have a B in them so that...
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    Bug - Fixed Using items while in an adventure make mafia fiddle with it's database anyway.

    I did not think about it at the time but I was in the choice adventure helping to bash the yetis in the World Event atm, and wanted to use the packs of Alice Cards that I had forgot about. Mafia thought that it could use the packs anyway, where the Session Results showed that it counted...
  8. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia not sensing when Clan dungeon loot have been assigned.

    It was when I assigned myself the Caustic nodules from the Slime Tube, and I wanted to craft the Slime Hate gear that I noticed that the items I wanted to make did not appear in the Craftable list and searching for the item in the general inventory did not show the Caustics. Dunno about other...
  9. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia not sensing when Clan dungeon loot have been assigned.

    Searching for Loot in the Bug forum did not yield something that looked like it could be what I want to mention. Having done the Slimetube recently to get Nodules, I found that when assigning loot to myself, Mafia don't seem to sense new items being added to my inventory. I tried to refresh...
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    I closed Mafia and restarting the session ofc let mafia know that I am 20/19 drunk. Did not check what the relay said, but 80+adv spent in the Drunken Stupor before I noticed would indicate that I am indeed overdrunk =S EDIT: 20/19, not 20/20..
  11. F

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    It say it is drinking to 19, yet it drink a 20th cup. Mafia show me as 19/19 as well. So, a lag bug? Some way to prevent overdrinking due to some lag thingy happening? Consuming up to 14 food, 19 booze, and 15 spleen 20: cup of primitive beer lev:12 gain:1.0 adv:3.5 musc:57.5 myst:0.0 mox:0.0...
  12. F

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Ehhm, what happened here? r9260 Just updated zlib, but other than that, no difference to yesterday when it worked. Mafia show me as 19/19 drunkeness. ****************************************** Now, to recap... ****************************************** Starting EatDrink.ash (version 3.1.3)...
  13. F

    OCD Inventory control

    Last I used it, it spent over 2.5mil getting BRICKO-bricks, booze and trying to craft loads of clown shields which it, for some reason, failed to do (I had adv left to spend crafting) and left me with loads of mats! There is a reason my entire Craft tab is empty atm =(
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    Feature Clear command queue

    I've had similar experiences, but not so much the way the OT describe it. I have had experiences more in the line of what Winterbay mention where a bad loop, ususally of the infinite kind, in a script somewhere make Mafia sad. I then press Stop Now but the loop still keep on going. Spamming Stop...
  15. F

    New Content - Implemented New Hangk's and Closet Interface

    The Hermit messing up my Breakfast r9246 Tried to log in today and found that for some reason the Hermit is giving me trouble with my breakfast.. Meat is not a problem so it is not because I ran out of Meat and cant buy more gums or hermit permits. Validating login server...
  16. F

    Sewer.ash - It gets you through the sewers!

    Just downloaded this script and got some bugs. After it complete the purchase of everything (btw, why not just buy 1 or 2 of everything and if an item is used for a test, just restock? That way you will not end up buying lots of extras from the Mall when materials will probablydrop while...
  17. F

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    I know I should have Updated to the new version before running EatDrnk, but hey. I'm bugreporting it anyway. Or, well, not really a bug report, more like "Not quite a feature-report. The version before this current one, the script bought me a new Milk of Magnesium after 10 fullness, even though...
  18. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I think that is because there is a non-combat choice adventure in the Ballroom that can be set to give Moxie substats. Not sure if it is more optimal, as that will result in more noncombats meaning fewer dancecards. Was about to say that it...
  19. F

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    I did not have any issues for a while either, but now all of a sudden my multi got the "Do you want to eat without Milk" while having 2 milk of Magnesium in the inventory. =S
  20. F

    Bug - Fixed Cannot view all familiars in mafia

    This is mostly about the menue that appear if you rightclick the familiaricon in Mafia. The varios categories are great and do not contain that many familiars. The Combat category though, have a lot.. My list start with A at the top of my screen and end a bit into R at the bottom. Sure there...