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  1. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Also, if aborting with one Hedge Maze already in inv, the script might be getting stuck in some kind of loop where it say that it already have the goals met, but still adventure there until it get 1 hedge maze. I have 4 hedge mazes in my inv atm and it kept adventuring until I aborted...
  2. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Also, for me, the lvl13 quest in Beecore is a bit miffed. It Check that I have not done Lair2 and then that I have not done Lair1. The problem is, in Lair1, it dont make the Honeypot.. That seem to be in Lair2! Level 13 Starting BCC: We have not completed the stage [lair2]. BCC: We have not...
  3. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I just had a wierd bug. The script was working away in the Pyramid, in the Upper Chambers trying to find that wooden wheel for the Middle Chamber when I encountered a monster that my SmartStasis + SpamAttack consultscript CCS could not handle, and it aborted telling me to go to finish it...
  4. F

    OCD Inventory control

    Feature-request: Sometimes I find that I only want to do part of what the script do. That is, I want to do most things except to craft anything (because I dont have any chef or bartender, or whatever reason) but I dont really feel that I want to edit the datafile every time =S So, could we get...
  5. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I have both the +combat and the +non-combat buffs permed and it use them all when needed. It add Polka of Plenty as well when +meat is needed (such as the Nuns sidequest)
  6. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Had a chat with Winterbay about that the other day, the KGE outfit (from faxing in a KBE guard in my case) is from the runs where bees kinda like you. Then getting the KGE is apparently faster than doing the harem. In bee-core though, the harem is better. In short, KGE in Bee-core is a bad...
  7. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I dont do any .ash coding myself, but it have been said before here that the only, or at least the easiest, way to do moods is to wipe it and put things in when changing it. If BCC say that's the way it is, I take his word for it ^^
  8. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    *sigh* I really need to stop posting on these forums.. At least I was the first to post anything with "Guild" in the title on the Sourceforge! I Page-searched!
  9. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    *cough* new guildchallenges! Dunno if the script use Mafia's own "Open Guild" feature or if the script do it on its own. If it use Mafia's, make sure that the changes dont break anything, and if the script do it itself, implement all the places you need to adventure to get the items needed...
  10. F

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    I planned to run dj_d's farm script (or rather, a modified version of it) to burn my remaining adv before going Ascending again. I knew it would probably spend time in the Thugnderdome because that is where my multi have been going pretty much every time the last week. I ran a simulation...
  11. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    For me, who tend to do HC runs (which is what the script was first intended for), getting the Hippy store opened pretty early on is great for getting cheap food and booze, which I guess is why it go to get the hippy outfit as soon as it can adventure there safely. Still, I too get out of meat...
  12. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Using Anti-anti-antidotes automaticly cause a debuglog

    Could be an old version. Just curious as I have never had that issue before and gone with old versions before. Oh well, as ususal it is Me and scripts messing about instead of Mafia. One would think I should have learned my lesson by now, but oh no..
  13. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Using Anti-anti-antidotes automaticly cause a debuglog

    Ran in DoD with Poisoncleansing to fire at Hardly Poisoned at all. Checking Mafias Inventorylist it say I have an Anti-(x3)dote left. After being Beaten Up it cleanse the poison without problem and heal me up. Did not get poisoned again before Mimic but I can try to run there again to see if I...
  14. F

    Java refuse to let Mafia start even though I could use Mafia mere moments ago.

    Yup, KoLmafia-9585 is just 1,121Mb. Gonna go to the list and get a previous version and try agian. EDIT: Yup 9583 is working fine so far. At least it managed to launch which is better than 9585 =D
  15. F

    Java refuse to let Mafia start even though I could use Mafia mere moments ago.

    Ok, Im using KoLMafiaUpdater as my basic way to start Mafia ( I was playing just fine on my Main when I went to log on to my Multi instead. As I seen people mention that I should exit Mafia completly because...
  16. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    If you have Pumpkins, making a Bomb and fax in a 1000ML Butt and nuke it from orbit with a bomb give you quite a bit of stats. Not tried it post-Valhalla revamp as I have been in Beecore, where Pumpkin bombs are not usable, but with a Moonsign and a piece of Astral gear giving extra stats, I...
  17. F

    Bug - Not A Bug "use * pack of alice's army cards" does nothing

    Had the same thing hapen to me. Realized afterwards that I apparently still was in a combat adv where a script had aborted for some reason. KoLMafia seem to sometimes not notice that I am in a combat adventure and tries to use stuff, which ofc will not actually happen, but it will still tinker...
  18. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Or go to Preferences -> General and somewhere down there is "Take items from the closet whenever needed"
  19. F

    The Karma given when ascending

    In his defense, as I might have made him seem more of a bad guy than he might be, I feel I should add that he did tell me to bug report it to KoL just to be sure, and to ask them if I did indeed get the right ammount of Karma, so he did not go all out and blame it on Mafia.
  20. F

    The Karma given when ascending

    Ahhh didnt even know Mafia printed that! Ususally I am too focused on the webbrowser and to try to decide what moonsign to take to remember to check the gCLI outputs! Time to read Session log =D And doing that, I'm a happy camper. I got the same (sorta) message: Which is the ammount of Karma...