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  1. F

    OCD Inventory control

    Something like that. As long as I have at least one item not classified, I can use the Edit Database subcategories. If they are all sorted, then they all send me to the Informaion tab. Also, you dont have to restart Mafia, just restart the relay script (I went to my character window in the...
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    OCD Inventory control

    Here is the one for my main. Sometimes I just delete the old one, and re-run PAtoOCD to see if any changes have been done to the market (and try to remember what items I wanted to keep!)
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Use BCC's BafH clan to get ice shards from the April shower, if your own clan don't have one. Once I get the Double-Ice Cap (and when the script is not in a zone where I need an outfit hat) I rarely dip in meat.
  4. F

    OCD Inventory control

    PAtoOCD is Zarqons invention. All that it do, if I understand it right, is to go through what an item can be created into and calculate what the most optimal use for each item is and then add them to the...
  5. F

    OCD Inventory control

    Using the new Relay script, if I go Edit Database and then Crafting, I end up back at the Information tab. Tried restarting the window in the webbrowser, tried restarting Mafia. Same problem. Further inspection show that none of the sub-categoies of Edit Database work, but all send me to the...
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Used to be during the Hidden Temple too, but now that it is changed I dont know (been doing AoB runs since the path was released so no other familiars available :D ) I thought it might be during the Lighthouse lvl12 sidequest but the script use Hound dog for extra +combat for me so dont know...
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    CounterChecker: Wormwood, Semi-rares, Dance Cards and more

    CounterChecker do not complain about there being a newer version so I assume I have the newest. Just got this. Visit to Island: Barrrney's Barrr in progress... WARNING: Unreachable code (CounterChecker.ash, line 334) Checking for updates (running CounterChecker ver. 1.49995)... Running...
  8. F

    Bug Booze-list showing duplicates after nightcap

    Still in Boriscore. The last 2-3 days (getting new Daily Build each time I start Mafia) I have had the list of the booze available for consumption in the Item manager -> Usable -> booze showing duplicates. It is not the whole time, only when I overdrink. Have not checked what happens on my...
  9. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia (or at least gCLI) seem to be a bit behind after some fights

    Huh, I could have sworn I had seen it behave in the old way, healing up, etc, after a combat just recently. Maybe I was just drunk then! Must have missed the "patchnotes", or whatever it is called with Mafia =) At least now I know it is intended! Cheers for the quick reply!
  10. F

    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia (or at least gCLI) seem to be a bit behind after some fights

    [1411] Sorceress Tower: Naughty Sorceress Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress Round 0: ferdawoon loses initiative! You lose 86 hit points Round 1: ferdawoon attacks! Round 2: the naughty sorceress takes 144 damage. You lose 88 hit points Round 2: ferdawoon attacks! Round 3: the naughty sorceress...
  11. F

    Universal Recovery Script

    Ahhh, will check that one tomorrow when I can adventure again =D
  12. F

    Universal Recovery Script

    Cant find a note about this, but it seems the Hot Tub is not marked as removing Beaten Up, which it do. Beaten Up cannot be removed with an available item or skill... Using soft green whatever... Beaten Up removed. Calling Universal Recovery for type=HP, amount=0 Restoring HP...
  13. F

    Bug - Fixed An empty line at the bottom of the inventory list

    I am not sure if this is reproducible, or if it is just my mafia doing wierd stuff that is resolved by me just looking menacingly at it and it never happen again, but here goes. I just beat the NS, smashed prism, went to Hagnks and got all my items out with that Get All button. I did an Inv...
  14. F

    Should I bother with a bug report in extreme cases?

    Right now, I had a debug log printed because I got completly tangled up and tried to do waay too many things at the same time (as in forgetting I was in the middle of combat and tried to toss things into my Mall store). Some other things happened and eventually it kinda seemed to resolve itself...
  15. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    A bug somewhere when leveling up to lvl12. BCC: levelMe(125, true) called. Need to Level up a bit to get at least 125 base Primestat BCC: Maximizing '' Maximizing... 48 combinations checked, best score 1183.732 Stealing ant pitchfork from Emilio the Tickle-Me Emilio... Putting on ant...
  16. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Sweet, wasnt sure if something so simple would have made the changelog, but it's great to know and not have to think about it =)
  17. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    If you go to where you have your KoLMafia file (.exe or .jab don't matter) then you wil see a few folders there: script, data, relay, etc. One of those is Sessions. In there you can find the sessionlogs of whatever you have done in Mafia. See if you can't find something in there. At least it is...
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Just got me the Bloovian Groose, and wondered, are the spleen familiars in some way hardcoded into the script, or is there some Mafia Feature it use to know what familiars can drop spleen items? Basicly, is it safe to assume that the script will grab my Bloovian Groose and get spleen items on...
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    To me it seems like SpamAttack fire, or at least start the macro'd attacks first after the scrolls should have been made. The only problem is that it did not make the 668 scroll first, wich ment that the other scroll did not get combined into anything.
  20. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Hmm... I made a post in the SourceFOrge about the Rampaging Adding Machines and making the scroll for the Roflmao quest. I just realized that somewhere between defeating a faxed in ASCII Art, and me realizing it the next day, my 30669 scroll had gone missing. Went through the Session log for...