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  1. F

    Winning the verbosity mini

    Ahhh yeh I was looking at it but just could not see the problem with it. =P Works like a charm now!
  2. F

    Winning the verbosity mini

    I keep getting an error as soon as I try to run this. Removing the empty row at the top of the script I get this (git it before as well =P ) > call F:\KoLMafia\scripts\PvP Verbosity.ash Variable 'null' cannot be indexed (PvP Verbosity.ash, line 29)
  3. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Ehhm wooops. I set that one to True a looong time ago during AoB because with Broadside I could handle mobs easily anyway =) I just assumed that since it mention basestat, that was what it went by.
  4. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I went into the script, searched for the +5 mp max, (or whatever it is that appear at the end of the maximizer list. Notice that +max mp regen appear twice. Once with +0.5 and at the end of the line with +5) and deleted the two +5 parts. For me it is because of the symbiosis with WHAM. With a...
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    Azazel.ash - Organ of Steel, Automated

    Tried it again, when this time trying to do the Friarsteel. Got the 1-adventure at a time again, tried "condition clear" and voila, working =)
  6. F

    OCD Inventory control

    I havent coded for 10 years, and even that was Visual Basic and a bit of Java =P I guess I still see things from a newbie user point of view and not so much from a programmers point of view =D Cheers for the help!
  7. F

    OCD Inventory control

    Well the script is from a year ago or something so no wonder it is a bit outdated =P I did the change to it and tried it again, by again uncategorizing Acid squirting flower and let PAtoOCD update it for me. With the change, the boxes stay ticked =) Seems, with some very minor testing, that the...
  8. F

    OCD Inventory control

    Well, what my PAtoOCD looks like // PAtoOCD.ash // by Zarqon // adds PA's recommended course to OCD for all items not currently in your OCD database // Like it? Send batbits! import <zlib.ash> import <priceadvisor.ash> int keepgear = 2; // keep equipment int keepother = 5...
  9. F

    OCD Inventory control

    Ok, opened up my IE for the first time in ages, just for you! Feel special ;-) Anyway, using IE 9. The only browser except Chrome that I have installed. I still cant get to the Crafting page without first loading an item, either from Add Item or Stock Items tabs. First time going in to...
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    OCD Inventory control

    I am =( Well, right now I ticked all the boxes in the Crafting and clicked Save. I then tried some things: * Go to another sub-category and then back: Still ticked. * Go to another main category, then back to Crafting subcategory: Still ticked. * Go to my inventory (in the webbrowser ofc) and...
  11. F

    Feature choice adventure selection options for The Hidden Heart of the Hidden Temple

    Ahh, so they are different? I thougtht it would simply always go to the sun gate and when reaching the sun gate always take the calendar frag, but there are adventures that lead up to the sun gate that behave differently in Mafia? Well in that case, a feature request to see if there is an...
  12. F

    Feature choice adventure selection options for The Hidden Heart of the Hidden Temple

    Ahh, well honestly I have no idea how Mafia do that. For me it is just an utter maze, this new Hidden Temple =S All I know is that there is a choice adv selection available, and that it don't seem to work properly (as in it dont accomplish what the text in the selection say it will try to do)...
  13. F

    OCD Inventory control

    Hmm, maybe more of a question or a feature-request but, if I tick the boxs in the Crafting list, to only use what I already have and not buy stuff, the ticked boxes seem to stay ticked for a while. But after a while they resturn back to not-ticked. Are they still "purchase protected" in the list...
  14. F

    Feature choice adventure selection options for The Hidden Heart of the Hidden Temple

    Hidden Temple unsupported choice adcenture #580 Request 3 of 38 (Woods: Hidden Temple) in progress... [92007] Hidden Temple Encounter: The Hidden Heart of the Hidden Temple Unsupported choice adventure #580 Click here to continue in the relay browser. choice 1: Go through the door choice 2...
  15. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Just squeezing in a quick SoftCore AoB run to ghrind to lvl30 while waiting for the new Path to come out. I set it to do SC as if it was HC; but something that "annoy" me is the lack of maximizer commands =( I know I am ment to sort an outfit on my own but I really liked all the different...
  16. F

    Azazel.ash - Organ of Steel, Automated

    Hmm, problem is that I have had this thing happen each time I use it, with weeks or months between. Of course, it could still be a coincidence that I each of those times have stopped Mafia at a bad time and had a lingering goal, but the times I use this is when BCAscend dont want to go there...
  17. F

    Azazel.ash - Organ of Steel, Automated

    Something I have had trouble with lately with this script, even after I remembered to get the latest version fro this thread today, is that it only do one adventure at a time. > call scripts\Azazel.ash Starting the Quest Gathering rockstar items Calling Universal Recovery for type=HP...
  18. F

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    The script abort because it want me to go grab materials for a NG for the tower monsters. The thing is though, I already have both a lowercase N and an original G. Do the script want me to require an extra N because it want to have one for the Wand later, or is it a glitch somewhere? Since I'm...
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    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    I'm having a problem with the Pirates and some other mobs, but that is because sometimes WHAM try to enqueue a Double-Ice shard, which I do have one of, but.. [558] Giant's Castle Encounter: Procrastination Giant Strategy: D:\Bengt\KoLMafia\ccs\Sauceror.ccs [default] Round 0: ferdawoon wins...
  20. F

    OCD Inventory control

    Yup, this do work for me as well. I checked if the Edit Database subcategrories worked just now, and it sent me back to Information. I clicked the Add tab and tried again, still sent me to Information. I then did what stmccull said and clicked the Items to Stock-tab and let it load the images...