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  1. dangerpin

    Maximize.ash, maximize equipment in one command.

    The = needs to be changed to ==. I believe it should read. if (needs.shirt == $item[none])
  2. dangerpin

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Minor adjustments are going to need to be made to take out about 4 cases of = instead of ==. I had the line numbers set aside but accidently closed my notepad and it had scrolled off my CLI before I noticed.
  3. dangerpin

    macguffin.ash (a script in progress)

    It looks like loading the macguffin.ash fails as it runs into an error with hidden city.ash on line 170 if (i = 30) return false; I assume the problem is because of the most recent changes where "=" should be changed to "==", I did this and it allowed me to continue.
  4. dangerpin

    Building from the SVN?

    It only creates one jar file, I just use.... move *.jar... to my mafia directory. Or maybe you have something different going on. /me zips mouth and stops trying to troubleshoot.
  5. dangerpin

    Building from the SVN?

    "Ant daily" as opposed to just "ant"
  6. dangerpin

    Building from the SVN?

    Thanks for mentioning Slik Subversion, I was having some issues with my subversion being out of date and was tired of dealing with all the different options and the varying things they did or did not support. Slik fixed this all up and was even nice enough to insert itself into my Environment...
  7. dangerpin

    Building from the SVN?

    Thanks for the info Bale, must be a setting on my side. Looks like time to update everything and clean it all up.
  8. dangerpin

    Building from the SVN?

    I'm having problems building 7161. I did update TortoiseSVN, which has caused problems in the past, but I had several good builds since then. Is it just me or is 7161 different in some way?
  9. dangerpin


    First off, good work, I don't want to minimize what you have accomplished. My belief that anything you can think of can be done with Mafia is really bearing out. I do think that we, as a community, have a responsibility to make sure that Mafia isn't easily and widely misused. My fear is that...
  10. dangerpin


    It definitely sounds like it could be useful in this instance, one of you should put in a Feature request. NICE workaround, Zarqon.
  11. dangerpin


    Mafia has its own, internal "online validator" to check if a Buffbot is online, but I don't see anything that makes this available for scripting. Basically it does a whois and parses for "online" within chat. My understanding is that most things relating to chat are not available for scripting...
  12. dangerpin

    Building from the SVN?

    I use Tortoise SVN to get the format of the changelog, which is what Asturia also uses, last I checked. Tortoise has a lot of nice features that I appreciate and I think the log looks much cleaner. Though if you, or anyone else, feels the desire to post an update I think the differences are...
  13. dangerpin

    Sending 1 item to another member through script

    I'm sure there is a better way to do it, my code-fu is nearly non-existant but if you want it in a script I'm pretty sure just doing it like this would work. cli_execute("send 1 tiny plastic grue, 1 meat stack to Dangerpin || Grues Rule");
  14. dangerpin

    Sending 1 item to another member through script

    Hey Des, long time no see. Assuming Dangerpin wasn't in hardcore "send 1 tiny plastic grue, 1 meat stack to Dangerpin || Grues Rule" (without the quotes) would send a tiny plastic grue and a meat stack to me with the message "Grues Rule."
  15. dangerpin

    Problem Getting Ode from Kolabuff

    Which is probably why the clan left the non-philanthropic buff listed in the xml, while removing it from the bot setup. So as far as mafia is concerned there is a non-philanthropic buff to use and have fail. If this was simply a matter of the clan changing the buff price to 51 meat, I would...
  16. dangerpin

    Problem Getting Ode from Kolabuff

    Great, another resource lost because someone abused it. Sad.
  17. dangerpin

    Problem Getting Ode from Kolabuff

    If they have an alternate price for Ode that is non-philanthropic and will work for the buffbot, it is a pretty easy deal to make up your own buffbot data file with the path pointing towards a local xml file. Then download the xml file from the website and change the prices you want. Save it to...
  18. dangerpin

    topmenu.php override -- split your inventory link into pages

    I downloaded this on something of a lark, thinking I wanted to look at it but not really thinking I would use it. Now I don't think I can live without it, I absolutely LOVE it! Thank you for your work on this and for decreasing the clicks in my life.
  19. dangerpin

    Problem Getting Ode from Kolabuff

    It always helps to have a voice on the inside, thank you Muhandes.
  20. dangerpin

    Problem Getting Ode from Kolabuff

    Either way the problem would seem to be on their end. If they have changed the price they need to update the website and the file that mafia looks at. If they haven't changed the price, the fault is still with their buffbot as mafia was sending the right amount, and to the right place. Have...