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  1. dangerpin

    Question on how to script

    Check out this thread.
  2. dangerpin

    Ascension Planner?

    Your alliterative lack of advance ascension ambition tends terribly towards an acrid, antagonistic aim.
  3. dangerpin

    Equipt - an item selection tool

    I was actually wondering this myself, because when I created the item maps it had two of them in all lowercase. Those two are "all" and "elemental damage". I wondered if the naming of the item map files corresponded to a need for these to be in lowercase when calling the script. Also, YAY for...
  4. dangerpin

    Ascension Planner?

    It is a great thought. From your lips to Dev's ears.
  5. dangerpin

    auto BHH and friends

    Change line 195 from if (count(argv) = 2) { to if (count(argv) == 2) { and you should be good to go. Or heck, I'm not shy about uploading. Here is a fixed copy. This is due to a very recent change in Mafia.
  6. dangerpin

    Strange and mysterious bugginess

    There'll be an executable there shortly.
  7. dangerpin

    Equipt - an item selection tool

    Before we get too far into the new thread I just want to give thanks to DerDrongo for this great script. It has deserved a thread of its very own for a while and I'm just happy to have something that can take the place of Maximize and help me get the most out of my outfits. Thanks!
  8. dangerpin

    Happy Birthday to yooooooooooooooooou!

    Happy Birthday to yooooooooooooooooou!
  9. dangerpin

    data files

    And by mallbot you mean it is a script that takes items out of inventory and puts them in the mall at a specified price, right? It looks like that is what the script does. When we talk about mallbots we often mean a bot set up to monitor the mall and buy items at a certain price or less. We...
  10. dangerpin

    Cooking and Mixing trophy helper sort of.

    If you have an item that it is going to try to make that you want to avoid you can just add it in under the unlist section of the code. I added in the time trappings and bow outfit items to keep my ingredients unused. // Unlist the items that don't appear in the discoveries pages...
  11. dangerpin

    Cooking and Mixing trophy helper sort of.

    This is an impressive leap over Jason's script, which credit due, got me most of the trophies. Thank you for sharing this with us!
  12. dangerpin

    Hardcore Checklist -- sequential required item getter/notifier

    The first thing you need to do is open the script with a text editor and go through the top section which defines how you want to use the script. You left it at defaults where it says... boolean info_only = true; // if true: only shows you your next step, //...
  13. dangerpin

    topmenu.php override -- split your inventory link into pages

    Excellent, glad you like it. I know this will never replace Mr. Script but if anyone else has a link they would like added we do still have a bit of space on that line. I would be interested in what links people think would be most useful.
  14. dangerpin

    Zapping test statement problems...

    Genius indeed, I will be modding this to zap all but grues! More recruits for my Grue legions!
  15. dangerpin

    topmenu.php override -- split your inventory link into pages

    Give this one a try and tell me if it is workable. It has now replaced the bug report link from the standard browser with individual links for Bean Manor Knob and Sea, all marked as such.
  16. dangerpin

    topmenu.php override -- split your inventory link into pages

    Good point, though if you do mouse over them it may tell you where it points to depending on your browser. For Firefox it says at the extreme bottom-left of the browser window. Let me poke at it and see what I can do.
  17. dangerpin

    topmenu.php override -- split your inventory link into pages

    I considered putting this into a seperate thread, but since this is a stone-cold rip off of Zarqon's work, I thought that would be presumptuous. This contains the original changes to Inventory by Z that I have found so useful, but also splits the current "Report Bug" link into four sections as...
  18. dangerpin

    Possible update to top menu (compact mode)?

    All the main map items ( I can think of) are listed as links in the relay browser top menu. The only time I start from the main map is when it is a holiday (accessible from the main map) or if my top menu has not yet properly added the link (sometimes happens with the lair, when just opened)...
  19. dangerpin

    KoLmafia Praise

    A nice little hardcore present.
  20. dangerpin

    Maximize.ash, maximize equipment in one command.

    First off, lets establish that I am the basest of hacks. Not in the hacker sense, but in the golfing sense. I can barely cobble together scripts from bits and pieces that others (with actual skill) have written. That said... Leaving it at the default string equipmentDataFile =...