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  1. Rinn

    My personal Meat farming script

    I got the script stuck today running the free adventures in the neverending party. Before I ran your script I had already run 9 free turns and managed to finish the quest, so no more adventuring is possible even though I have a free fight left. I expect nep_fights() needs to check if...
  2. Rinn

    New Content The Drip Institute

    I dislodged yesterday and didn't today and only was able to fight the 5 yesterday. I was using macrometorite yesterday to swap bats in from trees and after defeating 5 I started getting tumbleweeds, I'm not really sure of the mechanic yet, I thought it was just 5 bats per choice but maybe not.
  3. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Plus sign + being stripped from cli commands sent from relay gCLI

    Thanks, I've been using the relay browser almost exclusively right now, I've been running mafia in --CLI mode in a docker container with a relay server running and connecting to it remotely through a reverse proxy.
  4. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Plus sign + being stripped from cli commands sent from relay gCLI

    r19944 I'm seeing the plus sign + character being removed from any commands I send in the relay browser gCLI. This doesn't seem to affect the cli from the java interface. For example if I send the command print a+b in the relay browser I get the following output > print a b a b Sending the...
  5. Rinn

    Bug - Won't Fix mafia thinks that dying as a vampyre does not cost a turn

    They may have implemented losing a fight in vampyre as being a free turn because Torpor is what actually consumes the turn.
  6. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Ambiguous fire flower entries in data files

    The duplicate named fire flower equipment in plumber causes some old entries in the data files to be ambiguous and will probably cause issues because mafia appears to default to resolving to the higher numbered item. Here's a patch for the entries I expect need to have the the item number...
  7. Rinn

    Make your scripts automatically update their data files!

    Maybe you could use cloudflare as dns and use their proxy. It might be easier to convince your host to whitelist the cloudflare ip ranges that are in Europe if they're blocked I use cloudflare's free services for dns and to proxy all my server web traffic and I...
  8. Rinn

    New Content - Implemented Festival of Jarlsberg detection

    There's a cli command holiday that lets you force on holiday logic.
  9. Rinn

    My personal Meat farming script

    May want to check the current monster against _gallapagosMonster before casting Gallapagosian Mating Call, looks like your combat filter is casting it every fight on the olfaction target.
  10. Rinn

    New Content - Implemented Milk of Magnesium nerfed

    Looks like you can't wish for Got Milk.
  11. Rinn

    New Content - Implemented Milk of Magnesium nerfed

    Use success message: You swallow the liquid. You stomach immediately begins to churn, and all the wrinkles in your shirt smooth out from the heat radiating from your abdomen. Eat message: Satisfied, you let loose a nasty magnesium-flavored belch.
  12. Rinn

    visit_url doesn't seem to return any data when visiting Port Beginning

    You may need to send a POST request instead of GET, try passing true for the second parameter:
  13. Rinn

    New Content - Implemented Cannelloni Cocoon now only heals 1k hp per cast.

    Multi-cast should work now
  14. Rinn

    "Orphaned" Scripts

    IMO my ideal would be to put everything on git with a very permissive license, let people fork it and hopefully make reasonable pull requests that get merged back in to the original repo, and if the original author disappears then someone else's fork can become the primary version. Personally...
  15. Rinn

    New Content Dark Gyffte

    It appears api.php is returning non-zero for mp and maxmp so my_mp() & my_maxmp() is returning these values. I submitted a kol bug report, but you know!
  16. Rinn

    ckb Standard Ascension

    ckb-SCstd: Run complete! 2/468 Not bad. The only other trivial things I hit were: SCStart() checks breakfastCompleted==true but my breakfast had already run on login so the function didn't do anything, I just unset that prop and ran it again A few random combat aborts, all these combats ended...
  17. Rinn

    ckb Standard Ascension

    Cool that's what I figured, day 1 softcore AT went well and the script basically ran without any stops. Only thing I almost got hung up by was I didn't have some of the items it wanted to pull in my storage so I just had to abort buy and pull them manually before continuing.
  18. Rinn

    ckb Standard Ascension

    Is a knoll sign still recommended?
  19. Rinn

    Mercenary Mood -- choiceadv adjustment as you go, modifier maintenance, etc.

    MercMood seems to be setting The Neverending Party choices to a state that causes an abort, here's the snipped log from yesterday: [5634] The Neverending Party Took choice 1322/1: accept quest choice.php?whichchoice=1322&option=1&pwd > MM: Choice 1324: Go to the kitchen for food stuff. > MM...