Search results

  1. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed retrieve_item appears to be searching the mall multiple times per ingredient

    I did the second because that seems more in line with how mall searches generally work everywhere else, and I couldn't find any other instances where 0 was hardcoded being passed into getMallPrice().
  2. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed retrieve_item appears to be searching the mall multiple times per ingredient

    I believe I tracked this down to InventoryManager.priceToAcquire(), specifically this line, if exact is true then 0.0f is passed in to StoreManager.getMallPrice() as the age and that causes the session mall cache to get flushed every call. My thought is that for exactt requests this should...
  3. Rinn

    Feature - Implemented Increase visibility of coverage deltas on GitHub

    I had tried to add a gihub action that posted a comment with the code coverage \ specific unit testing results in a PR but it was a giant pain because the normal action workflow for PRs isn't allowed to comment because it's a security concern, and using the correct workflow was more arduous than...
  4. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Intrinsic Spiciness only applies bonus spell damage to sauce spells This is minor but it does cause miscounting for the community service spell damage test so I may try handling this later.
  5. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed retrieve_item appears to be searching the mall multiple times per ingredient

    All these mall searches are from a single call to retrieve_item for a single entendre: Searching for "bottle of tequila"... Search complete. Searching for "fermenting powder"... Search complete. Searching for "cactus fruit"... Search complete. Searching for "double entendre"... Search complete...
  6. Rinn

    New Content - Implemented 2022 New Year Changes

    It's not complete but here's a wip spading sheet about the clover adventures
  7. Rinn

    New Content - Implemented 2022 New Year Changes

    31337 scrolls don't drop a hermit script anymore on first use and they as expected still give ten-leaf clovers on subsequent uses.
  8. Rinn

    Bug Consult script + CCS that gets optimised out to nothing leads to "Invalid macro" abort

    I think the macrofier needs to trim extra whitespace from the macro string, because currently it's checking if the length is not empty before sending it to kol, and since yours resolves to three newlines it's not empty but invalid.
  9. Rinn

    Bug Maximizer bug

    Could this be because the first run never reaches the combination with all the +equip requirements before hitting your maximizer limit?
  10. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Timespinning a Knob Goblin Embezzler resets the semirare counter

    This is where this happens:
  11. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Relay browser has a broken combat action bar.

    I'd be concerned the the subdomain in that cloudflare url isn't stable. Also all the images seem to still be using the aws url if you log in normally. Maybe this is something that should be parsed from the page source the first time it's needed.
  12. Rinn

    Feature Automatically update PRs before running checks

    Imo rebasing and force pushing a development branch for a PR is completely fine and I do it all the time to update the branch against the main branch rather than dealing with merge commits.
  13. Rinn

    Java 11 now required for KoLmafia, Java 17 recommended

    Older releases are available on GitHub Here's the revision from right before the java 9 change
  14. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Revision number does not display at the top of mafia anymore

    This being a Java 8 issue doesn't surprise me but that's still weird it wasn't able to read the manifest. Maybe this is a non-issue since we're planning on moving up the minimum version pretty soon anyway.
  15. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Revision number does not display at the top of mafia anymore

    I cracked open that jar and the manifest looks fine: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLmafia Build-Revision: 25709 Build-Branch: HEAD Build-Commit: 203da09183f1d00c2f9b2e6392fa252a90870dc8 Build-Jdk: 16.0.1 (AdoptOpenJDK 16.0.1+9) Build-OS: Linux amd64 5.11.0-37-generic
  16. Rinn

    Feature Update checking & downloading

    This is for my own tracking, but it's trivial to get the latest release from the GitHub api, so I should be able to add an auto update check on mafia startup like the point releases were doing. I was thinking probably be best to put this behind a global property, but it would also be cool if...
  17. Rinn

    Bug Build number no longer included with information on Jenkins page

    @fewyn is working on the rss feed to get the revision number in there.
  18. Rinn

    Prune old jars when building with gradle (#40)

    hm, okay maybe it's a window thing I was testing on unix. I'll look at it again after work.
  19. Rinn

    We're moving from SourceForge to GitHub!

    Ah yeah if you clone on windows git will use \r\n and shell scripts won't work. I can fix that with .gitattributes so it will be correct regardless of host OS, I'll do that as well tonight.
  20. Rinn

    We're moving from SourceForge to GitHub!

    Yes use the wrapper. Yes, we actually encountered a build issue with the newest version of gradle but I don't remember the details, so the repo uses a slightly older version.. No it doesn't need to be installed. I'll update the gradle build to clean old jars after work today.