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  1. D

    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    Thanks Cap! It's really designed to only be hands-off if it runs the ascension from start to finish. If you're doing it piecemeal, then you may need to step in, as you found.
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    OldEnough: Given your concerns, I'd hold off and just use your meat for what you want to use it for, instead of buying a farming script with it. :)
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    Re: conservative, The goal of farm.ash is to try to maximize the meat you get from farming, and I'm giving you the perspective of the author of that script. There's a lot of uncertainty in these types of calculations. The economy changes. You don't have any sense of where it's "really" at...
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    Profit from Effects

    Yay! Thanks.
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    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    Can you provide a little more definition around the term "bork"?
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    I'm not sure I can reliably judge whether mana and hp are worth meat to you. Ex: you're a high level character with gobs of hp/mp. You can get all the MP you need from free sources like the PYEC, nuns, oscus, chocolates that you'd eat anyway, etc.
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    Actually, believe it or not, it has nothing to do with the CBS. The CBS's price is ignored because the drop frequency is negative (it's ultrarare). It's because Mafia is pricing dented harmonicas at 99,998.
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    May I suggest changing line 508 to: special.action = "ash //" + it + " can't or doesn't sell"; That way, if it's cli_execute'd, it won't throw an error.
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    The newest version of Ascend.ash is in the discussion thread; per that thread, it's awaiting feedback before being "promoted" to a new version.
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    Contest: Name my upcoming combat script!

    I do feel compelled to throw in that ZOMG should probably be "Zarqon's omniscient melee guru", since it's more all-knowing than all-powerful. And as long as I'm going there, I'd volunteer "Zarqon's optimal melee guru". Credit for these goes to halfvoid, though, for the original acronym - I'm...
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    Just a note - I'd still love a _conservative flag, settable any which way (as an argument, globally, whatever). As soon as that's around it'll go in to my queue to add to farm.ash. Until then - well, to make the most out of my box, it told me to buy wrapping paper and make a present. Expected...
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    Contest: Name my upcoming combat script!

    ZOMG I love zomg and ttt. Z - since the ascend.ash suite will no doubt wind up including this (or at least recommending it), may I "sponsor" the prize (of your choice)?
  13. D

    Sure, that would be quite easy for you to add. Pretty soon aqualectrix's script will be ready, though, and it will take care of all that optimization for you.
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    red: if you tell it to autosell, it will, regardless of other options. At some point in the future it may get smarter about the disposition of items. It does not purchase and equip stickers; they're generally not worth what you'd spend to acquire them on a meat-for-meat basis IIRC.
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Thanks Asturia. My local version's not stabilized yet so I didn't want to update until it's baked.
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    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    You may have another version of one of the component scripts in a subfolder or something - that's usually the cause of it. Try a clean install of mafia and see if that works.
  17. D

    Yeah, I'd need to see the output. Just put it in a text file and attach it.
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    Lots of reasons it could be, but for starters, try running it first thing in the morning - before eating, drinking, running out of adventures, etc.
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    Profit from Effects

    This seems really cool, but - could you explain for people with small tired minds like me what this does, again? :)
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    Abort: perhaps not the end of the world?

    One problem - exit() can't be used with the same syntax as abort(string). Can we get an exit(string) so it can be a drop-in replacement?