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  1. Veracity

    Feature - Implemented Track slime vials harvested/slime vial harvesting automation

    Everything in defaults.txt that starts with “_” resets every day.
  2. Veracity

    New Content Path Avant Guard

    Are there new monsters (factoids)?
  3. Veracity

    Bug Meat amount is not detected

    The refresh button calls api.php. The refresh command does not. I'd looked at ApiRequest and CharPaneRequest, but not CharSheetRequest. Good catch.
  4. Veracity

    Bug Meat amount is not detected

    We parse Meat as a "long" from api.php. Have you tried pressing the "refresh" button at the bottom of the Compact Side Pane?
  5. Veracity

    Clan Stashlog Data

    ~/Library/Application Support/KoLmafia/clan/CLANID/stashlog.htm
  6. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Does mafia consider flagellate flagon consumed on use?

    We need to mark it as reusable and also add a once per day setting for it.
  7. Veracity

    Bug - Not A Bug Knob Goblin Embezzler no longer copyable.

    VMF will attempt to fax in whatever you configure - Embezzler is default - but if it is unavailable in the fax network, it shrugs and carries on. I should remove it as the default (and replace it with what?), but that will have to wait until I get home from Scotland in about 10 days…
  8. Veracity

    New Content Inventory not sync'd after pull all

    Note that a 5xx is a server error. I.e. KoL screwed up.
  9. Veracity

    Bug Relay Browser navigation links missing

    I just completed my first (only) I Hate U run. Consumption in the Item Manager (worked great in this path, thank you) and adventuring in the Relay Browser. I noticed three KoLmafia features that no longer worked. 1) When I danced with Lady Spookyraven, KoLmafia is supposed to add some...
  10. Veracity

    Bug toJson fails for nullish values

    Don't do that.
  11. Veracity

    Bug Maximizer Unequips Main Hand Then Complains Nothing in Main Hand

    I have literally never seen a “desynch” between KoL’s and KoLmafia’s view of inventory. Every time I see that proposed as the cause of something, my immediate reaction is “fix the root cause of the desynch”.
  12. Veracity

    Bug - Not A Bug How to fix incorrect location name in adventure window

    The names of the adventure locations agree with KoL. The name of the zone that contains them does not, because I corrected KoL’s French. That was intentional in r12212 on 2013/06/12 Live with it.
  13. Veracity

    Feature Add "use Rusty Hedge Trimmers" to Twins Peak hotel choice adventure results, like with "stone wool" in hidden temple.

    Yeah. A “use another rusty hedge trimmers” if you have one would be like the A-Boo clue ad stone wool thing. I’ll come up with something, by and by. I won’t ascend (and test and maybe get some response text for tests) until the June IOTM comes out, though, just in case it will help me in my one...
  14. Veracity

    Feature Add "use Rusty Hedge Trimmers" to Twins Peak hotel choice adventure results, like with "stone wool" in hidden temple.

    My thought was to provide a Relay Warning before adventuring in Twin Peak if 1) you have rusty hedge trimmers and 2) you can successfully pass an NC. It is not to "protect against accidental hedge trimmer use", but to offer you a chance to use the hedge trimmers by clicking on the icon if there...
  15. Veracity

    Feature Add "use Rusty Hedge Trimmers" to Twins Peak hotel choice adventure results, like with "stone wool" in hidden temple.

    Hidden Temple gets a reminder to use a stone wool when you’ve passed an NC and have a stone wool. There is no downside to using the wool, since none of the available options will fail. Twin Peaks is different, since the various choices depend on Item Drop, Stench Resistance, jar of oil, or...
  16. Veracity

    New Content - Implemented 11 Things I Hate About U

    I tend to be a late adopter, so to speak, of new challenge paths. If they have "points" that make subsequent runs in the same path easier, I'll max them out in HC during the season. Otherwise, I'll do a single run to see what it's like and get the Thwaitgold reward. This path seems to be of the...
  17. Veracity

    Bug Max Drunkenness drops when equipping weapon/off-hand

    Some packages have global static variables which will persist across login if you don't exit the program and restart it. Ideally, those would be static data initialized from files, say, but, over the years, we've identified user-specific data which is kept in memory and needs to be re-calculated...
  18. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed backup camera out of Standard, but Item Manager and Maximizer want to pull it

    Yeah. The issue is that quote a few places have an AdventureResult and pull the name from it to check Standard restrictions - and that will not work for Modeables, like the backup camera, Jurassic Parka, or unbreakable umbrella. The last two are still in Standard, but are a bug waiting to...
  19. Veracity

    Bug r27908 Jick Jar use is mistaken as use of a Suspicious Jar, preventing Procedurally-Generated Skeleton Tower adventuring

    Preferences/General/Extra Debugging Include line breaks in logged HTML logReadableHTML I always do that because it’s, well, more readable.