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  1. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    Known things remaining: 1) The Half-Way choice has 4 different Encounters for each of the 5 Elements. I've only seen 3, for "hot". I'll add that, when I see it or it appears on the Wiki. r28302 2) If OVERCLOCK is fixed to no longer waste a free turn on a HalfWay choice - which is already free...
  2. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    r28292 added counting _cyberFreeFights if you have OVERCLOCK(10) - before CDM added FREEFREEFREE r28298 adjusted that, after CDM added FREEFREEFREE 29298 also adds support for all the CyberRealm combat skills. One - Throw Cyber Rock uses no RAM and requires no equipment or items, and is always...
  3. Veracity

    My personal Meat farming script

    I released new versions of vcon, VMF, and BeachComber with minor tweaks. vcon - adds TakerSpace consumables to "do not consider" list. VMF - Knob Goblin Embezzler cannot be faxed, so is no longer the default. I did not add a default. I've been using pumpkin spice wraith, for the .1% chance to...
  4. Veracity

    My personal Meat farming script

    You know, I was just hit by this. Yesterday, it drank a tankard of spiced Goldchschlepper (which I guess I had in inventory) and then made 5 more and did not drink them. I had 5 gaffled gold in my Takerspace and was going to buy the jolly roger tattoo kit when I got another one this morning...
  5. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    That should have been fixed in r28292. What version are you using?
  6. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Incorrect encounter label in Haiku Dungeon

    What does the DEBUG log say the HTML is wrapping the encounter name? I would bet this is change to the "b" tag, which caused many of the issues in the other Bug Report we have here.
  7. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Enqueueing food/booze/spleen in the Item Manager suggests more than you can consume

    I'm marking this fixed. I assume it meets your needs. :)
  8. Veracity

    Bug retrieve_item and acquire rely on bundles of firewood for campaway items

    I remember working on that a long time ago. acquire prefers to create from ingredients, unless it is cheaper to just buy it. the campfire is a coinmaster, and hence a mechanism to "create" a bundle of firewood, but going the other way, you can "create" a stick of firewood by "using" a bundle of...
  9. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    I see that there are a number of skills that can only be used in the Cyber Realm. They all have a "RAM Cost" - as opposed to MP or blue mana or HP or whatever other skill costs we have. 7542 Throw Cyber Rock RAM Cost: 0 7543 Brute Force Hammer RAM Cost: 3 brute force hammer equipped...
  10. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    The "vise" command to interact with the hashing vise is complete and released in r28289. > vise 2 beer, 2 burger (when I only had 1 beer schematic in inventory) logs in the session log like this: use 1 hashing vise vise dedigitizer schematic: cybeer You acquire 0 (5) You acquire 1 (11) vise...
  11. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    Did my first tests with OVERCLOCK (10). - There is nothing in the html of the fight result saying this was a free fight. No FREEFREEFREE - Nevertheless, the fight was free. - I went through the turn-10 "HALF-WAY" noncombat- and it took no turn, as always. - I took another fight and it took a...
  12. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    That's how I'm doing it. This is essentially coded - except I disabled the actual call to choice.php so I could debug the interaction between the command and the request class. From the PR: > vise [count] <item> [, <another>]... - use your hashing vise to smash schematics into bits. > vise...
  13. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    Yeah. That's a result of a chat I had with cannonfire40, who raised the issue in /dev. My KoLmafia settings came 4 days earlier - and allowed me to actually play the new content, as opposed to being literally unable to read it. :)
  14. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    Seems reasonable. The vise was not high on my list to get one of - the schematic won't come until Friday - but since you were kind enough to send me one, I guess I should work on this now? I certainly have excess schematics for the consumables, which I don't care about, to use as fuel.
  15. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    After a bunch of PRs, this all that I think is missing 1) Tracking free fights from OVERCLOCKED (10) skill. There was an open PR for this, but the author closed it. I'll get the digitizer schematic for it in two days and will buy the rom chip and get the skill. If nobody has submitted code to...
  16. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    Some observations on new mechanics: 1) The three different Half-Way choices can each have different Encounters, appropriate to the Elemental damage you will suffer if you collect 0s. There appear to my multiple possibilities for each element and they can appear on any of the choices. Here is an...
  17. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    I was just thinking that. I am also considering looking at the file drawer, although it’s not really breakfasty, because we do need to parse it once a day in order to set properties.
  18. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    Referring to the Encounter name. The issue seems to be that the name is within bold tags, but the name ends with a ctrl-M character, and we do not use DOTALL - or trim() - when extracting it.
  19. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    As of r28272, everything I noted is in, save for RAM tracking. user crAlways false user _crToday false Set when you get a server key, use a 3d printed key, or from api.php. Checked in the preadventure checking phase of canAdventure user cyberDatastickCollected false user...
  20. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    Regarding what the lower left drawer says: Apparently those are elemental colors - red, blue, green, purple, ... and black? The greyhat hacker is "spooky"