Search results

  1. Veracity

    Feature Familiar attributes

    Here is a line from familiars.txt: Emberiza Aureola emberbird.gif combat1 ember egg tiny ember 0 1 2 3 sentient,organic,haseyes,hasbones,hasclaws,haswings,flies,hot,hasbeak,animal Interesting. I have questions. 1) I assume these are KoL "attributes". 1a) Do we know...
  2. Veracity

    My personal Meat farming script

    Well... this is an aftercore script. It assumes that you are willing to buy from the mall - and npcs and coinmasters. The consumption calculations are done by "vcon", which, based on your "meat per adventure" setting (which starts out low, but improves the longer you run VMF, based on your...
  3. Veracity

    Bug lastEncounter parses monsters with certain articles inconsistently

    I think that since KoL now actually tells us the "article" associated with a monster, perhaps we could do something else entirely - especially since Fight pages now give us the actual monster id and we shouldn't have to parse the monster name at all, in fights at least. Which is to say, for...
  4. Veracity

    r28349 - What's Changed fix: change fact order for myst / moxie stats by @midgleyc in #2734 Full Changelog: r28348...r28349

    This is good. There are still errors, however. You're fighting The Frattlesnake HP: 227, Atk: 212, Def: 212, Type: beast Drops: The Lacrosse Stick of Lacoronado (100 no pp) Just the Facts: Sweet and Red (10) yields: This type of monster is immune to every sexually-transmitted disease but...
  5. Veracity

    New Content Spring Challenge Path: Z is for Zootomist

    Click on the "refresh status" button at the bottom of the compact side pane.
  6. Veracity

    New Content Spring Challenge Path: Z is for Zootomist

    Actually, I see that I am wrong about that. I was thinking about "refresh status", which is what you get when you click the button at the bottom of the side pain in the GUI. If the familiar equipment really does go back into inventory, I can't understand why it doesn't appear when we ask KoL to...
  7. Veracity

    New Content Spring Challenge Path: Z is for Zootomist

    “refresh all” does not include “refresh inventory”.
  8. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Checking sell_price of cyburger results in a NPE

    I fixed this by having sell_price of cyburger return 0, since that function only works for Coinmasters that have a single currency used for any particular item, and cyburger requires two currencies to buy it.
  9. Veracity

    Bug Mafia seems to spend meat but not buy an item

    This a working example from your log: mallsearch "drive-by shooting" buy 1 drive-by shooting for 22870 each from shop #1937905 on 20250209 Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 62 to 63 mallsearch "Newark" buy 1 Newark for 27986 each from shop #2417576 on 20250209 Preference...
  10. Veracity

    Bug Mafia seems to spend meat but not buy an item

    I've been looking at this. I tried it three ways: In the Relay Browser: I entered the mall and searched for "drive-by-shooting" I entered the store I made the purchase. In the DEBUG log: mallstore.php?pwd&whichstore=1937905&buying=Yep.&whichitem=9396.24200&quantity=1 ... response...
  11. Veracity

    Feature shop.php support

    Well - that is the Dedigitizer - a coinmaster which deals in 0's, 1's, and multiple dedigitizer schematics. The Dedigitizer ROW1566 cyburger 1 (32) dedigitizer schematic: cyburger What is the sell price? 32? How about this one? The Dedigitizer ROW1563 zero-trust tanktop...
  12. Veracity

    Feature shop.php support

    Checking sells_item first is correct - even for shops that DO sell the item you are looking for. Look at the Crimbo24Cafe Crimbo24 Cafe ROW1527 chocolate ostrich egg Spirit of Easter (15) Crimbo24 Cafe ROW1528 candied beef and cabbage Spirit of St. Patrick's Day (15) Crimbo24...
  13. Veracity

    Multitool - An implementation and feature discussion.

    On the Mac, the "home" directory for KoLmafia is ~/Library/Application Support/KoLmafia. That is where DEBUG files go. Subdirectories of that are data/, sessions/, /relay, and all the others. That has literally nothing to do with where the .jar file is run from. The user can put it wherever...
  14. Veracity

    Bug Mafia seems to spend meat but not buy an item

    KoLmafia doesn’t automatically do a mall search before making a purchase. It does timestamp each mall search and if the latest search is more than 30? seconds ago (no computer, so can’t check right now), I think it will refresh. It attempts buy at that price, and there is old old code to defend...
  15. Veracity

    Feature shop.php support

    I’m at Boskone until Sunday afternoon with no computer. I looked at the DEBUG log and it seems to be in sell_price() in RuntimeLibrary. I changed a getBuyPrice to itemBuyPrice - which seems like it should be correct, but apparently the latter can return a null? Perhaps somebody else could...
  16. Veracity

    Feature requests?

    Make a Feature Request in the Bug Report forums. This one is easy, however, since it is already part of breakfast: go to Preferences/Automation and you can configure breakfast using In Ronin and After Ronin. Check “get hermit clovers” and it will do exactly what you asked for.
  17. Veracity

    Feature shop.php support

    Thank you! I added those two test fixtures to my open PR which has the test fixture for the flower exchange. Seems like a new kind of coinmaster - trade currency for skills. I'll leave that alone, for now. At the moment, more refactoring. I don't see why CoinmastersDatabase needs a map from...
  18. Veracity

    Feature shop.php support

    There are two shops I know about that we don't support. 1) When "using" a rose, white-tulip, red tulip, blue tulip: The Central Loathing Floral Mercantile Exchange whichshop=flowertradein The issue was that the price of tulips changed every half hour. I'm curious about the row#, but...
  19. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed is_coinmaster_item no longer returning true for Wrecked Generator

    And, I have done so. I have a PR out for review that tests a purchase from the Sept-Ember Censer and from Mr. Store 2002 and verifies that the property for the currency changes exactly once in each case.