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  1. Veracity

    New Content Generate Irony

    I paniced. I got no message, but, yes, Zoot doesn’t show permed skills. Thanks.
  2. Veracity

    New Content Generate Irony

    Does this work? I got the book. I used it and got the skill. The book neither gives me a "used" book nor says that I learned the skill and it was HC permed. I ascended, and I have no opportunity to perm the skill. I guess it is HC permed... I ascend into Zoot and I do not know the skill. Am I...
  3. Veracity

    New Content Rumpus Room change

    Turns out, that was a result of fixing the bug in recognizing we are still in a choice. Screwing Around in the swimming pool is a choice adventure. We didn't used to detect that correctly, and therefore leave handlingChoice at false. When I fixed the regexp that detected being in a choice, it...
  4. Veracity

    Bug Carnivorous Potted Plant kills not being recognized?

    You could turn on debug logging before forcing a page reload. You can force that by clicking on the “last adventure” link in the charpane.
  5. Veracity

    Bug Mafia seems to spend meat but not buy an item

    r28371 made us abort on purchasing if we didn't obtain the item for the price we expected. I make it write to the DEBUG log so we could understand what happened. Yesterday, I caught such a failure. <table><tr><td>This store doesn't have that item at that price. Perhaps someone beat you to it...
  6. Veracity

    New Content Rumpus Room change

    In Ronin: Visiting Infuriating Painting in clan rumpus room You gain 3 PvP Fights Visiting Collection of Sports Memorabilia in clan rumpus room You gain 5 PvP Fights Visiting Wrestling Mat in clan rumpus room You gain 1 PvP Fight
  7. Veracity

    New Content Rumpus Room change

    We already have breakfast settings - visitRumpusHardcore and visitRumpusSoftcore - and ClanRumpusRequest.getBreakfast() will visit the Klaw and then, if KoLCharacter.canInteract(), every other spot. Which is to say, as coded, it won't do it in hardcore or ronin. I visited my clan's rumpus room...
  8. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Leprecondo only parses when you visit the URL for the first time, not when you submit a choice. Also, doesn't report handlingChoice?

    Yeah, that is a bug. ChoiceManager.stllInChoice() has a regexp which does not handle this: <input type='hidden' name='whichchoice' value='1556' /> Heh. Sorry, I misspoke - and deleted my response, since it would not allow me to edit out that part. LeprecondoManager does parse the images but...
  9. Veracity

    r28411 - What's Changed Leprecondo Support by @gausie in #2792 Full Changelog: r28410...r28411

    Fixed - and merged - here:
  10. Veracity

    r28411 - What's Changed Leprecondo Support by @gausie in #2792 Full Changelog: r28410...r28411

    I was wondering about this myself. I found several pieces of furniture today, and nothing was logged. Here are all the messages that logged for me today: After Battle: Lucky Grrl does some chores around the house. After Battle: Lucky Grrl gains an experience point after having his need met...
  11. Veracity

    New Content Spring Challenge Path: Z is for Zootomist

    Every time I log on as a Zootomist, this appears in my session log: Initializing session for Veracity... You have free rests available but KoLmafia thought you had none. You have free rests available but KoLmafia thought you had none. WARNING: updated modifier not in modifiers.txt...
  12. Veracity

    Bug - Waiting for Info Is this a bug? Been seeing this for a day or 2. Using Yorick

    Perhaps you should report it wherever Yorick, whatever that is, accepts bug reports? KoLmafia does not choose what your “between battle actions” are. That is 100% up to user (or script) configuration.
  13. Veracity

    Bug Numberology with max stats

    I'll save a charpane from a character with no custom title and will adjust the regexp and add a test. :)
  14. Veracity

    New Content Spring Challenge Path: Z is for Zootomist

    Combat Rate modifiers are ignored for Mana Burning. That's done by setting preferences for them. For example, 236 Attract Snakes tinysnake.gif nc,self 50 10 237 Hide From Seekers darkvision.gif nc,self 50 10 are disabled by default (you can configure to allow...
  15. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Gaining level in Relay Browser doesn't update compact side pane

    CharPaneRequest didn't call setLevel in processResults - although it did call updateStatus. I have an open PR, complete with tests...
  16. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Gaining level in Relay Browser doesn't update compact side pane

    This happened again. I decided to see if there was anything I could do before rollover, and, hey - I have a Giant Black Monolith in my campground. I used it, popped to Level 13 - and the charpane showed it - but the side-pane said I was Level 12. Ryo said, in his commit that stopped calculating...
  17. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Gaining level in Relay Browser doesn't update compact side pane

    This is new - presumably resulting from the recent change in level parsing to support Zootimist. This is what I see in the center pane. This is what I see in the charpane. This is what I see in the compact side pane. If I hit the refresh status button - which calls api.php - the...
  18. Veracity

    Feature shop.php support

    Yeah. I was not addressing ASH support for specialized coinmasters, yet. You are exactly correct. I'll look into this, by and by - and your previous bug reports. Thanks!
  19. Veracity

    Feature shop.php support

    I recently improved the parsing+logging of new rows (and/or new shops). Here are a couple of examples, of how we'd log rows for existing shops: -------------------- 1411 crimbo23_elf_armory Elf Guard honor present Elf Army machine parts (200) 1412 crimbo23_elf_armory Elf Army...