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  1. philmasterplus

    Feature - Implemented Terminal color output

    I've just tried this patch and it is beautiful. The increase in JAR size is ~150 KiB (~1% of r20685) which is of little concern to me. I hope this gets integrated soon. Until then I'll be manually building color-enabled JARs just to enjoy the colors.
  2. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed HTTP request headers are case-insensitive

    Your patch works well; HTTP request headers are being parsed correctly. Good job!
  3. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed HTTP request headers are case-insensitive

    Since fredg1 has kindly provided a patch on my behalf, allow me to elaborate: KoLmafia's relay browser acts as a proxy between the browser and KoL's servers. It intercepts and parses HTTP requests (e.g. page visits), and depending on the resource being fetched, either passes it along to KoL or...
  4. philmasterplus

    Feature - Implemented Terminal color output

    Great! Could we have a per-user config flag to disable the CLI colors (and HTML processing) explicitly? If so, all would be golden for me :)
  5. philmasterplus

    Feature - Implemented Terminal color output

    In an ideal world, I would yearn for a dedicated HTML renderer for the CLI. Something that understands CSS, tables, and layout. Practically? I think your solution is fine. Let's ignore <span> and style="...".
  6. philmasterplus

    Feature - Implemented Terminal color output

    This is awesome. Though the regex needs some improvement. It could easily break if the user calls print_html() with a string containing multiple <font> tags or nested <font> tags. Edge cases I can think of: <font color="red">red text</font> default color <font color="blue">blue text</font>...
  7. philmasterplus

    OCD Inventory control

    You can svn delete the old OCD script. It won't affect your data files (e.g. data/OCDdata_<username>.txt), and OCD-Cleanup will pick them right up.
  8. philmasterplus

    OCD Inventory control

    The fork is called OCD-Cleanup (GitHub page). I didn't set up a separate thread yet because I'm still working on some things (refactoring, rewriting the Manager UI, etc.). Right now I don't feel confident enough to announce "this can reliably replace OCD Inventory Control" since many people use...
  9. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed [JavaScript] Importing ASH script fails if function name has leading underscore

    Another minor bug I discovered while investigating this issue: toCamelCase() discards any trailing underscores. foo_bar => fooBar foo_bar_ => fooBar foo_bar__ => fooBar foo_bar___ => fooBar This is due to how Java's String.split() works: It can be amended by using the two-parameter...
  10. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed [JavaScript] Importing ASH script fails if function name has leading underscore

    KoLmafia revision: r20672 Normally, JavaScript scripts can import ASH scripts using require() and call user-defined ASH functions in the top-level scope. However, the script fails if there exists an ASH function with a leading underscore. For example, given the following ASH script: void...
  11. philmasterplus

    Abandoned Scripts

    Moving projects under the LASS organization on GitHub seems like a decent solution to combat the social problem (i.e. developer burnout and abandonment). Since multiple users in LASS have commit or admin-level access to their projects, other people can step in even if a primary maintainer drops...
  12. philmasterplus

    Abandoned Scripts

    I agree with frono. It feels too elaborate. Using a single JSON file to dictate conflicts and replacements is difficult because KoLmafia scripts are not maintained by a single organization. Since everyone is publishing their own scripts, it would be hard to keep svnrepo.json up to date. For...
  13. philmasterplus

    Can't Get Mafia/Java to work together

    Some recent JDK installers don't add java.exe to the PATH environment by default. You might have missed some checkbox that reads "Add Java to PATH" or "Set JAVA_HOME" when installing the JDK or the JRE. If you don't want to reinstall the JDK/JRE, you can manually update the PATH and/or...
  14. philmasterplus

    KoLmafia won't run

    Does your GLOBAL_prefs have this line: innerTabColor=\#8ca9ff or this? innerTabColor= If so, delete this line and try running KoLmafia again. Also, what is your KoLmafia revision, OS and Java version?
  15. philmasterplus

    New Content - Implemented Item "macrame net" has been renamed to "hemp net"

    Thank you. I believed "New Content" was literally meant for new items, and that marking a single item name change as "new content" would be hyperbole. I promise not to make the same mistake again.
  16. philmasterplus

    New Content - Implemented Item "macrame net" has been renamed to "hemp net"

    Macrame nets were silently renamed to hemp nets. I discovered it on January 29th but the actual change may have been made earlier. I'm marking this as a bug because it prevents me searching for hemp nets in the mall in the mafia UI.
  17. philmasterplus

    Bug - Not A Bug Relay browser doesn't load images inside relay/ dir

    Update: History tells me that the status quo is as it should be. ...and the cache clear command was implemented in r12657. TL;DR: I can put my custom images under images/relayimages/ and it will be completely safe from cache clear.
  18. philmasterplus

    Bug - Not A Bug Relay browser doesn't load images inside relay/ dir

    KoLmafia revision: r20662 My relay override UI script uses some custom images. Currently, my directory layout looks like this: kolmafia.jar relay/ relay_100familiars.js My relay script (executed by KoLmafia, works fine) 100familiars/ style.css CSS for the relay UI...
  19. philmasterplus


    NewLife2 is a fork of @Bale's newLife. GitHub repository: What is this? Whenever you ascend in Kingdom of Loathing, you need to perform a variety of common tasks. You will also want to reconfigure KoLmafia to pick the best...
  20. philmasterplus

    Does file_to_map() ever return false?

    You're welcome! Also, thank you for the insight. I love learning about past design decisions and other historical tidbits. I suppose it would be safe to declare that (1) the status quo is intentional, and (2) we should check both the return value and the count(), just in case.