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  1. Theraze

    Run Summary

    Not without adding void main() { RunSummary(); }
  2. Theraze

    Feature - Implemented Space Jelly Jelly Collection

    Something like adding this to your login script? With an ashq at the front, if you don't have ASH invoked yet? if (have_familiar($familiar[space jellyfish]) && !get_properties("_seaJellyHarvested").to_boolean() && get_properties("questS01OldGuy") != "unstarted") <whatever harvests your jelly>
  3. Theraze

    OCD Inventory control

    setvar("BaleOCD_StockFile", my_name()); // The name of the file that holds OCD stocking data for this character. Have you looked into the stocking file?
  4. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Look just above your post, at posts 5332-5335?
  5. Theraze

    1) You farmed monsters that drop the jacket. 2) You didn't have any custom itemScript defined, so it did normal handling. 3) You didn't add the jacket to your donotsell list, so it considered it as a sellable item. 4) It was mallable, so it malled it. Best ways to avoid that would be to either...
  6. Theraze

    Sweet Synthesis

    If someone meat-cheats the system, buys a ton of stuff and reprices it at below-market prices, then it messes up the economy. If the items simply disappear forever, then it's functioned in a 'normal' way. As KoL is built around meatsinks, rather than trying to extend things...
  7. Theraze

    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    Marked Crimbo16 as always closed.
  8. Theraze

    Universal Recovery Script

    It doesn't. Or were you asking about New Life rather than Univerasl Recovery, where it buys it so you have a cheap turn-burn option?
  9. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Eh. If I had a proton pack, maybe. Without that, it'll probably function just like semirare adventures that break into other expected ones, and give the user the, uh, opportunity to take some actions.
  10. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    If you want it to be the #1 choice, 1. If you want it just above the baby gravy, 18, and slide BGF to 19 and the DL to 20.
  11. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Change the bcs_fam_items datafile?
  12. Theraze

    Daily Special

    Do you mean something like> ash daily_special().to_string() Returned: strawberry popsicleOr was there a different daily special? FYI, if you don't throw the .to_string() on there, it'll give it to you as an unambiguous $item[] record instead, but for short-quote sake, I turned it into a string.
  13. Theraze

    Writing to file?

    Well, let's see what ASH knows about... > ashref file boolean file_to_map( string, aggregate ) boolean file_to_map( string, aggregate, boolean ) boolean map_to_file( aggregate, string ) boolean map_to_file( aggregate, string, boolean )> ashref log void logprint( string ) int [int]...
  14. Theraze

    Revamping the KoLmafia Toolbar

    Nah, it's that it wants to put it into a tiny pane of the window, rather than just give it to you in Notepad or whatever your respective plaintext editor was. But then, I used the 16-bit MS-DOS Edit command as my preferred freehand coding tool from when it was released in MS-DOS 5, until it...
  15. Theraze

    Revamping the KoLmafia Toolbar

    It's true. But as the title of this thread is about revamping the toolbar, and we've wandered on to non-toolbar components of mafia to be removed, it seemed only polite to pretend that we were still fully in context. ;) That to say, I like and use the mini-browser. It still serves a purpose for...
  16. Theraze

    Revamping the KoLmafia Toolbar

    I've used the mini browser successfully to get choice automation urls in the past few months - whenever I last needed to add something to BCA. If removing it from the Toolbar and General menu makes mafia better, great. I'll deal. If we're just removing it because it's not a pleasant experience...
  17. Theraze

    Having trouble opening .jar or .exe Mafia on new computer

    So we want to move this to Community Support, as it appears to be an issue with the machines used by TAMT and TD doing... something?
  18. Theraze

    Bug - Not A Bug Breakfast ignoring Winter Garden/Daily Deeds changed

    If you were lucky enough to use Dropbox or another versioning system, roll back a few versions. If my computer goes BSoD while mafia is running, my preferences will usually be corrupt when it boots back up. The right file to return to is two before the file size bloats - when it's good, my...
  19. Theraze

    Having trouble opening .jar or .exe Mafia on new computer

    Try running in an explicit Administrative command prompt. Win-X, Command Prompt (Admin), cd "C:\Users\Dave!\Desktop\EVERYTHING GOES\kolmafia", java -jar KoLmafia-17632.jar. If that does work, which it probably will, I'd suggest switching from java to javaw to let you close the command prompt...
  20. Theraze

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    --------------- 1/5/2017 7:18:27 AM Checking for the latest version of KoLMafia... KoLmafia-17631.jar is the latest version Attempting to download Successfully downloaded...