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  1. G

    New Content - Implemented New Challenge Path - Avatar of Boris

    I thought you were referring to the usual skeleton of skills and effects that get added. Nevermind then.
  2. G

    New Content - Implemented New Challenge Path - Avatar of Boris

    Well you'll probably have to wait on the higher level songs and effects to be honest. Boris's Gate in the Dungeoneer's Association is the skill trainer. You should be able to see all the skills and get the MP costs and/or passive abilities from there. The other 2 skills are the trivial skills...
  3. G

    New Content - Implemented New Challenge Path - Avatar of Boris

    Initial skills support. Pep talk is a bit weird, I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but the wiki notes seem to make it out to be some sort of triggerable intrinsic effect. Not entirely sure about Song Duration quite yet. However Good Singing Voice does double the duration of those songs...
  4. G

    New Content - Implemented New Challenge Path - Avatar of Boris

    Regarding the new summon item skill - Demand Sandwich. According to reports on the forums, it works like a sack lunch and gives better food as your level increases. So it really shouldn't get tagged as a breakfast option. It's running off of Moxie. I'm presuming that however Mafia determines...
  5. G

    New Content - Implemented New Challenge Path - Avatar of Boris

    Oh yeah did I mention that there's an entirely new class and that its kind of breaking all sorts of Mafia tracking functionality? Because there is. And it is.
  6. G

    New Content - Implemented New Challenge Path - Avatar of Boris

    Bunch of new skills to parse through at the time being. The liver limit for this path is only 5. Not 15. (if you can fix this please strike the request from the topic) No mystical bookshelf access. No familiars, 100% familiar run checker is kind of messed up.
  7. G

    New Content - Implemented February 2012 IOTM - Can of Rain-Doh

    lcd pretty much nailed what I was getting at. I figured I was probably over complicating what I was talking about, so I tried stripping it down to something that shares similar behavior. You can only consume 1 can of Rain-Doh in a given run, any attempts to go beyond that end in a failure. I...
  8. G

    Feature - Implemented Drop type not affected by +item

    No. 100% drops will always drop. Try putting on a makeshift turban and fighting any boss. (Really, if it were possible to not get a 100% guaranteed drop, you would be unable to complete the level 11 quest)
  9. G

    Feature - Implemented Drop type not affected by +item

    Should add in any 100% drop with this flag, item drop rate modifiers don't effect them.
  10. G

    Bug - Fixed Learning a skill sometimes 'learns' twice

    I had it happen to me w/ Liver just the other day. Using a skillbook doesn't seem to trigger it, so I can't reproduce it until I ascend.
  11. G

    New Content - Implemented February 2012 IOTM - Can of Rain-Doh

    Well, how do you handle adding already-extant books to the magical bookshelf.
  12. G

    New Content - Implemented February 2012 IOTM - Can of Rain-Doh

    Miscellaenous usage note - Using a can of raindoh consumes it, and results in an empty can & all the equipment/combat items. Trying to use more than 1 can in a run is verboten and will not use up the can. In short for inventory purposes, only subtract a can of rain-doh when an empty rain-doh...
  13. G

    New Content - Implemented February 2012 IOTM - Can of Rain-Doh

    Unknown item found: can of Rain-Doh (5553, 572522502) -------------------- 5553 can of Rain-Doh usable all 0 5553 572522502 raindoh.gif can of Rain-Doh # can of Rain-Doh -------------------- When used, I get: Unknown item found: empty Rain-Doh can (5554, 817677410) -------------------- 5554...
  14. G

    Bug - Fixed Salsa de las Epocas creation method

    Salsa de las Epocas SAUCE scrumptious reagent marzipan skull Despite it using a reagent, Salsa de las Epocas actually is not a sauce. As an amazing idea, it can be cooked regardless of a character's knowledge of saucecrafting...say like my Bad Moon Pastamancer (who can then make spaghetti con...
  15. G

    Bug Arena Flyer issue I had started doing the Arena quest as a frat boy, but ended up completing it as a hippy. (some in-run BM management shenanigans) The in-Mafia counter counts both rock band and jam band flyers as the same thing. The game obviously doesn't. Is there any chance to...
  16. G

    New Content - Implemented Compare passive effects to new display

    I wouldn't mind seeing scraping, but none of the passive skills revealed so far are any different then what's listed in modifiers.txt. There's also the case that not everything is totally accurate, there's at least 2 missing enchantments I know of. (MOTSF doesn't list the bonus hit chance, Eye...
  17. G

    New Content - Implemented Changes to HP & MP modifiers

    According to JLE, it's basically what I just posted. For HP: Flat Modifiers + (1+R+C+H+G)*(buffed muscle+3) For MP: Flat Modifiers + (1+W+C+H+G)*(buffed myst) This means that for the modifier maximizer, that HP/MP and Muscle/Myst are no longer 1:1. Rather, 1 point of Myst may now be worth...
  18. G

    New Content - Implemented Changes to HP & MP modifiers

    I'm going to guess that the new formula is something like: For HP: Flat Modifiers + (1+R+C+H+G)*(max(buffed muscle, unbuffed muscle)+3) (R is 0.25 for spirit of ravioli, C is muscle class bonus of 0.5, H is hodg skill of 0.1, G is gnome skill of 0.05) For MP: Flat Modifiers +...
  19. G

    New Content - Implemented Changes to HP & MP modifiers

    Also: Skin of the Leatherback is now Damage Reduction: ceiling((L)/2))
  20. G

    New Content - Implemented Changes to HP & MP modifiers

    Instead of being calculated by (Slimy Bonus) + (% modifiers)*(Base MP + flat MP modifiers), its now (Slimy Bonus + flat MP modifiers) + (% modifiers)*(Base MP). It's the same for HP, and slimy bonus are the slime tube skill bonuses. Also it looks like they've changed how the % modifier is...