Recent content by PeKaJe

  1. P

    Bug - Fixed Enqueueing food/booze/spleen in the Item Manager suggests more than you can consume

    Hmm, while there's a lot of overlap between the "Usable" and "Creatable" sections, I think most people in day-to-day would be using the "Usable" section for immediate consumption, even though it can be used to just create stuff (and with a more detailed interface than the "Creatable" section)...
  2. P

    Bug - Fixed Enqueueing food/booze/spleen in the Item Manager suggests more than you can consume

    When selecting a consumable and clicking "enqueue", mafia opens a popup to enter amount. The suggested amount used to be what you had space remaining for (without overdrinking, if liver space remained). Now it appears to be the maximum possible amount you can create, which is very unexpected...
  3. P

    Bug December 2024 changes in KoL break lots of stuff

    Looks like parsing and/or showing of new events is also broken. Used to get a list of PvP/kmail related events when I logged on, and it's still present outside of mafia.
  4. P

    Bug - Fixed "banishes" CLI command shows HTML code rather than table

    Seems like "textui/command/" wasn't updated to use RequestLogger.printHtml when r27835 changed the behavior. Haven't confirmed if this will fix it, but seems pretty likely. I think "taleofdread" might also be affected, as it displays the text with <p> for paragraph breaks...
  5. P

    Bug Rock, and how to sell it?

    The cause of the problem is that there are two items in the game called "rock", one with ID 2108 (the one you want to sell) and one with ID 8042 (a quest item from Spelunky). The bug is that for some reason, the mall interface isn't looking at IDs when repricing, instead translating the names...
  6. P

    Bug Wrong choice number for choice adventure 1243

    In the Spacegate choice adventure "Interstellar Trade", I wanted to always select "Don't buy the thing". With "choice" I see that buying is 1 and not buying is 2, so I set it permanently with "choice 2 always". Since then I've been getting this error on the command line: Invalid setting 2 for...
  7. P

    Bug - Fixed Can't adventure in PirateRealm Island

    Fixed it for me as well
  8. P

    Bug - Fixed Can't adventure in PirateRealm Island

    This used to work, I think a recent change to split up the island names broke this. However, as PirateRealm Island is the in-game canonical name for the zone, it should still exist.
  9. P

    Bug - Fixed Rest Free Daily Deed

    Well, I've not finished a run in quite a while and the last couple days I get one free rest and then it thinks they're all spent. Something changed recently but I haven't zeroed in on what.
  10. P

    Bug - Fixed Spacegate adventuring broken on some planets

    I noticed recently on some planets mafia would abort auto-adventuring and say "You are currently in a choice.", even though I wasn't. A few lines up I see it says "Unknown item found: exo-server leg braces". This looks like a typo for "exo-servo leg braces", and seems to be the cause of the...
  11. P

    Bug - Not A Bug r26560 - Scripts menu missing user scripts

    So about those gCLI Toolbar Buttons ... uh, where in the mafia GUI do they show up? Because I've never seen them other than in the relay browser which I liked very much, but which has now been removed for some reason. I mostly stay in the relay browser, and it was very convenient to be able to...
  12. P

    Feature Some tabs moved to the bottom of the interface

    Yeah, I didn't expect a fix through settings, more it's a matter of how the panels are built. Clearly it should be possible to not have the tabs at the bottom, as the adventure tab has its sub-tabs laid out differently. Unfortunately, Java GUI stuff isn't my strong point.
  13. P

    Feature Some tabs moved to the bottom of the interface

    Not sure if I should mark this as a bug, but after a recent change, I think r26267, the tabs on panels for e.g. store manager have moved to the bottom of the interface. They show up on the top if I have it as a standalone window. The ergonomics of this change are ... not good. On the...
  14. P

    r26251 - More daily free fights by @midgleyc in

    This breaks glitch monster fight tracking, as it makes _glitchMonsterFights boolean when opening the daily deeds panel, while the rest of the code has it as integer. Boolean is probably more correct, since only one fight is allowed, but presumably that wasn't known at the time the tracking was...
  15. P

    Bug - Fixed Relay browser has a broken combat action bar.

    Bumping this thread because the mine decoration is still broken.