Recent content by mjd1066

  1. M

    If command in the CLI

    after a quick test found that: if wasabi sinuses < 230; buy 23 knob goblin nasal spray; use 23 knob goblin nasal spray did exactly what I wanted. Cheers
  2. M

    If command in the CLI

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I will try each method to see which works the best. I was looking for method to purchase automatically rather than having the stuff in storage to avoid running out, but I suppose I could add a section to buy x amount at the end of the script to resupply storage...
  3. M

    If command in the CLI

    All my scripts have been written for the CLI command line, I will eventually turn them into ASH (when more proficient) but was trying to keep things simple to start off, as not had a lot of experience scripting. condref command shows uses, but no actual examples
  4. M

    If command in the CLI

    Thanks, but I have already looked here, but still can't make what I want to do work.
  5. M

    If command in the CLI

    Can any one supply an example of using the if command within the CLI (not via an ASH script). I have tried various combinations but as yet I have been unsucessful. I know this is probably simple request, but I can't find any relevant example to help me out. Once I see how the command is laid...
  6. M

    Rumble on breaks my scripts....

    Thanks, did not know about these daily build :)
  7. M

    Rumble on breaks my scripts....

    Has anyone got a fix for the new rumble on adventure that breaks KOLmafia scripts? I use cli based txt scripts, tried modifying CC script to see if that will bypass it but does not seem to work? Any ideas, or is this jiks way of annoying the bot community :(
  8. M

    Rumpus Room Jukebox buff

    That was where I was looking next. Took me a while to figure out how to run a script at start up. Got it working eventually. Thanks for the help anyway.
  9. M

    Rumpus Room Jukebox buff

    and then depression sets in :(
  10. M

    Rumpus Room Jukebox buff

    Thanks, got that sorted now. Will do a full test run tomorrow on the full script. I've added a timer on it as well as I am going away for a few days and don't want to waste adventures. Lets see if it will farm automaticaly over the next few days. Fingers crossed.
  11. M

    Rumpus Room Jukebox buff

    I have just found the wonders of scripting in KOL. I am in the process of writing my own script to run daily meat farming. I know there are scripts already out there to do this, but what will I learn using other peoples scripts ;D I will be using simple txt document (CLI commands) not an ASH...