Recent content by Irrat

  1. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing Here we go. It could be improved and definitely could have the source tiles and whatnot included and compiled into said packed version.. But there's only so much effort its worth. I'm currently on like, 52 rares left to verify. But I just marked every...
  2. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    I still have 58 rares to verify, but I've updated with the % chances for beach outcomes from what I've logged. I've also updated it to include the distribution of tiles. I need to post a github page now
  3. I

    Bug - Fixed Mirror logging needs to write entity encoded characters
  4. I

    Feature Expose "locked" from api.php status as a mafia function

    The status exposes "locked" which has four fields that I've seen as far. "choice" false "fight" "cancelable-choice" In a way this already exists in mafia, via "currentRound" and "handlingChoice", but it is a series of checks and it doesn't actually tell you if the choice being handled can be...
  5. I

    Bug - Fixed Mirror logging needs to write entity encoded characters

    Small update is that this is a little more complicated than I thought. For starters, we don't differentiate between a html message and a plain text message. We pipe valid html and invalid html and plain text to the same end functions. And we don't expect to ever know if this is meant to be html...
  6. I

    Bug - Fixed Mirror logging needs to write entity encoded characters

    I actually anticipate that I'll be sorting this problem out myself at a later point, though anyone is welcome to jump ahead and fix this. The issue is as following * Mirror logging in mafia is written by writing gCLI to a file, the output is written as html * The html tags such as <font> <br>...
  7. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Funny. So 1001 rare tiles. We could have a false rare, but frankly it should've been found by now and I'm assuming you've have mentioned it if you found it. As Rinn said in discord, 1001 is similar enough to 11 Funny enough of a number, 1002 and 999 is just weird. I have 198 rares to verify...
  8. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Actually that's weird. My current rares file has 1000 rares in it, but 2065 is the only tile that I don't know that isn't in combo as a rare... Which is the one you've marked as a rare. On the other hand. { "minute": 9063, "row": 3, "column": 6 }, This is a rare. So that's 1001 rares...
  9. I

    Hide snowballs in player profiles

    This script is fairly simple, it hides snowballs in player profiles by removing a piece of code so that the relevant snowball code never runs. To install, just use git checkout libraryaddict/KolSnowballs hide The code itself is just a file in relay/showplayer.ash void main() { buffer...
  10. I

    Feature - Rejected Archive old sessions to reduce file size

    So someone brought up how big their sessions files were, which had me check my sessions folder. 5.5gb Granted, this is after a few years and with something like 3 accounts. Still an impressive size. Then I ran it with compression format of 7z and compression level of ultra which is not a real...
  11. I

    Feature Handle github's removal of SVN gracefully

    Yeah, I have to admit I probably jumped the gun a bit here. I think I've also missed a discussion about this too. That said, it'd probably be best to bank this until github actually sunsets SVN and the overall state of how things are affected is clear instead of my assuming.
  12. I

    Feature Handle github's removal of SVN gracefully For those of you that are unaware, SVN support in github will be removed on the 8th of Jan. This was discussed before here...
  13. I

    [Deprecated] Fixes snowballs making user profile links unclickable

    This script is no longer needed, a fix has been implemented by TPTB
  14. I

    [Deprecated] Fixes snowballs making user profile links unclickable

    This script is no longer needed, TPTB has fixed it. To be clear, this doesn't do anything but fix links, TPTB made a small typo in their snowball code which this relay script fixes. This does not hide the snowballs, it does not make any QoL changes. It just changes a small piece of code so...