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  1. I

    Feature - Implemented Add a "Pending change in required Java version" nag message.

    The largest reason I'm aware of to upgrade java is the GOAWAY http status issue, which I believe is properly handled by the library in 24. As for displaying a pop-up warning and refusing to start in older versions of Java, a thought occurs to me that maybe it could be possible to have a sub...
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    Proposal: Require Java 21

    Small suggestion for when we know the next Java version bump will be happening, have a warning label plastered on the mafia login screen about the upcoming update perhaps? Along with a red message in CLI after a player logs in, just incase they automated their login process. Heck, add it into...
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    Proposal: Require Java 21

    Is it possible that GOAWAY is being suppressed by mafia in some cases and its happening a lot more than we realize? Eg: Anyways, a few thoughts are...
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    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    Had to find this myself, but I personally don't think this will be documented as such, with the recommended approach being to use
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    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    I agree with Vera. There's no documentation on this, wiki remains un-updated. I want to use this, but it feels like I'm being told to reverse engineer the API and consequently start using it in a way that nature didn't intend.
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    Combat Locket - What monsters do you lack?

    Ugh. Completely misread the original question sorry. Thought the avent guard monsters thing was similar to the locket, and you were asking me to add support to parse those monsters into this script. But someone recently completed their locket and compared it against this script, and the...
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    Combat Locket - What monsters do you lack?

    Or was this a question if instead of checking locket, you can check the monsters selectable via "chat with burly bodyguard"
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    Combat Locket - What monsters do you lack?

    Are you sure that bodyguards will appear in your locket? Can you give me a picture of the locket dropdown that proves that this is a thing?
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    Bug "Blessing of your favorite bird" and I assume other modifiers, are untracked after breaking prism

    Build 28062, Starting in a You, Robot run, the modifier is correct up until I break the prism. > js numericModifier(Effect.get("Blessing of your favorite bird"), "Item Drop") Returned: 50 [393] Freeing King Ralph > js numericModifier(Effect.get("Blessing of your favorite bird")...
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    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing Here we go. It could be improved and definitely could have the source tiles and whatnot included and compiled into said packed version.. But there's only so much effort its worth. I'm currently on like, 52 rares left to verify. But I just marked every...
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    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    I still have 58 rares to verify, but I've updated with the % chances for beach outcomes from what I've logged. I've also updated it to include the distribution of tiles. I need to post a github page now
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    Bug - Fixed Mirror logging needs to write entity encoded characters
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    Feature Expose "locked" from api.php status as a mafia function

    The status exposes "locked" which has four fields that I've seen as far. "choice" false "fight" "cancelable-choice" In a way this already exists in mafia, via "currentRound" and "handlingChoice", but it is a series of checks and it doesn't actually tell you if the choice being handled can be...
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    Bug - Fixed Mirror logging needs to write entity encoded characters

    Small update is that this is a little more complicated than I thought. For starters, we don't differentiate between a html message and a plain text message. We pipe valid html and invalid html and plain text to the same end functions. And we don't expect to ever know if this is meant to be html...
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    Bug - Fixed Mirror logging needs to write entity encoded characters

    I actually anticipate that I'll be sorting this problem out myself at a later point, though anyone is welcome to jump ahead and fix this. The issue is as following * Mirror logging in mafia is written by writing gCLI to a file, the output is written as html * The html tags such as <font> <br>...
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    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Funny. So 1001 rare tiles. We could have a false rare, but frankly it should've been found by now and I'm assuming you've have mentioned it if you found it. As Rinn said in discord, 1001 is similar enough to 11 Funny enough of a number, 1002 and 999 is just weird. I have 198 rares to verify...
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    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Actually that's weird. My current rares file has 1000 rares in it, but 2065 is the only tile that I don't know that isn't in combo as a rare... Which is the one you've marked as a rare. On the other hand. { "minute": 9063, "row": 3, "column": 6 }, This is a rare. So that's 1001 rares...
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    Hide snowballs in player profiles

    This script is fairly simple, it hides snowballs in player profiles by removing a piece of code so that the relevant snowball code never runs. To install, just use git checkout libraryaddict/KolSnowballs hide The code itself is just a file in relay/showplayer.ash void main() { buffer...